After Trump Verdict, Megyn Kelly Urges Republicans to Give Democrats “a Taste of Their Own Medicine”

The Trump guilty verdict has got many people on the right very angry and for good reasons. Some prominent voices are even calling for payback.

Now that Democrats believe this tactic is working, they will keep using it until it doesn’t work anymore. One of the only ways to make them understand why this is a bad thing, is to make it hurt for them.

Megyn Kelly understands this. She recently spoke about it on her podcast.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MEGYN KELLY: This whole scheme, and here it is the proper word is corrupt. It’s a before and after moment for America. What just happened today is a line we can’t uncross, and these Democrats will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate.I’m not talking about violence; I’m talking about tit for tat. You just wait, and it won’t be Hunter Biden next time; it’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are on the various crimes they surely committed.We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies, or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time. That’s what may be in the interest of justice, just like they did for E.J. Carroll with the New York State law that was passed so that she could sue him. That’s what happened.Turnabout is fair play. And John Yoo, an amazing lawyer who worked in the Bush administration Department of Justice, has a great piece out today talking about how that’s the only way they’ll learn.The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine. That’s it. That’s it. They tasted blood today. They’re the wolves with the bloody piece of meat in their mouths. That doesn’t stop the wolf from coming back for more. The only thing that will stop him is if he loses a limb of his own.

Watch the clip below:

Sean Davis, the CEO of The Federalist, says it’s time for Republicans to start making lists of Democrats to prosecute and put in prison.

Mediaite reported:

The Federalist CEO Calls For Republicans to Draw Up Lists of Democrats to ‘Put in Prison’ After Trump VerdictSean Davis, the CEO and co-founder of the the right-wing website The Federalist, called on Republicans to draw up lists of Democrats to “put in prison” in a social media post reacting to Donald Trump’s conviction on Thursday evening.“In 2016, the presidential race was decided based on candidates releasing lists of potential Supreme Court nominees,” wrote Davis. “In 2024, I want to see lists of which Democrat officials are going to be put in prison.”“This is what happens when you cross the Rubicon,” he added.

Even John Hinderaker over at Powerline is talking this way:

What to do now? First, it is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president. The Democrats cannot be allowed to get away with this effort to turn America into a banana republic.Second, the Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power. Therefore, Republican attorneys general and district attorneys should bring criminal charges against Democratic officeholders wherever possible. No Democratic officeholder should be allowed to retire, in any jurisdiction with Republican law enforcement, without facing criminal charges. There can’t be a single Democratic official in America against whom a criminal case can’t be brought that is better than this case against Trump. It should be open season on Democrats in the criminal courts.Third, the criminal prosecutions should begin with Joe Biden. Unlike Trump, Biden is actually a criminal. He is already known to be guilty under the federal bribery statute, to the tune of at least $20 million. If Trump wins in November, his Department of Justice should immediately indict Biden, and Biden should be hounded until the day he dies or goes to prison, whichever happens first.

We are no longer in the realm of William F. Buckley and intellectual discussions.

The Democrats have crossed a line, and they will not stop until they are forced to do so.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Conservatives, Democrats, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, Republicans, Trump Manhattan Indictment