Hunter Gun Trial: FBI Agent Confirms No One Tampered With Hunter’s Laptop
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Hunter Gun Trial: FBI Agent Confirms No One Tampered With Hunter’s Laptop

Hunter Gun Trial: FBI Agent Confirms No One Tampered With Hunter’s Laptop

The prosecution entered the laptop as evidence to show Hunter was on drugs at the time of the gun purchase.

FBI agent Erika Jensen confirmed no one tampered with Hunter Biden’s laptop during the third day of his gun trial.

The FBI connected the laptop to Hunter via its serial number and other Apple records.

As Ashe Schow pointed out, it’s important to legitimize the laptop because of the content stored on it.

Hunter faces charges of making false statements on a gun purchase in 2018 when he did not admit he was a drug addict on the form.

The prosecution entered the laptop as evidence to show Hunter was on drugs at the time of the gun purchase.

The New York Post reported on the laptop in October 2020. Twitter and Faceboook quickly suppressed any information about the report due to the FBI claiming it was part of a Russian propaganda scheme.

The information showed Hunter involving his father in Ukrainian and Chinese dealings. One included introducing then-VP Biden to a Ukrainian businessman a year after Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor who investigated the man’s business fired. It also happened after Burisma hired Hunter to sit on its board.


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Yes, we know. It was authenticated a long time ago. The dishonest media simply refused to report it

…hence the attempts to distract attention.

Relax everybody. Hunter’s trial is happening in Delaware, with a Delaware jury.

Evidence is irrelevant, since, at best, there is going to be a mistrial.

What should not be lost on anyone is BOB BARR’S DOJ had the laptop in its possession for more than a year before that Post story was published. In anticipation of a story like that going to print, high-ranking DoJ and FBI officials briefed a number of social media companies to ‘look out’ for ‘Russian disinformation’ about the First Family. This all happening while Trump is still president.

The reality is we’re in the 15th year of Obama’s tenure. To whatever extent Trump was in charge of the federal bureaucracy from 2017 to 2021, it was only superficially. Obama’s minions continued to control the most coercive levers of government throughout Trump’s tenure and almost certainly several years into Biden’s tenure. Unless Trump picks a VP who not only understands how to dismantle the bureaucracy, but has a proven track record of doing just that, nothing is going to change moving forward. Trump will be a lame duck on Inauguration Day. They will simply ignore him for four years…unless they fear what comes next. They don’t fear Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and most of the names that have leaked as candidates currently being vetted.

    herm2416 in reply to TargaGTS. | June 6, 2024 at 8:00 pm

    They might fear Mike Flynn.

      TargaGTS in reply to herm2416. | June 7, 2024 at 10:11 am

      Yeah, I think they might. They’d fear DeSantis, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and a handful of House members. But, none of those names are names that have been named as participating in the vetting process, which takes months. So, I’m not encouraged.

This all nice as he is clearly guilty of false statement on the 4473 but when is he going to be charged for violating FARA?

    herm2416 in reply to diver64. | June 6, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    He won’t be. They won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. The gun charges will be dropped to a misdemeanor or less.

E Howard Hunt | June 6, 2024 at 11:41 am

The argument seems to be that at the precise moment Hunter filled out the gun paperwork he was not an addict or user despite what might have been the case a moment before or after. Also, Hunter’s biography should not be taken literally because we all know famous artists like Hunter are given free rein in literary license in conveying the truthiness of their lived experience.

    diver64 in reply to E Howard Hunt. | June 6, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    The question on Form 4473 is:

    “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or another controlled substance?”

    It doesn’t matter if he was stoned at the moment, the question is clear.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | June 6, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    “at the precise moment Hunter filled out the gun paperwork he was not an addict or user despite what might have been the case a moment before or after.”

    Also, he was an Indian woman named Desiree,

Did anyone tamper with Hunter’s adult laptop? No.

Did anyone tamper with his dad’s adult diaper? Depends.

I wonder why, on cross-examination, Hunter’s counsel did not ask the Special Agent:
a. “Is that the SAME laptop that the FBI previously claimed didn’t exist?”


b. “Who was in possession of the laptop during the period when it didn’t exist?”

stevewhitemd | June 6, 2024 at 2:15 pm

The fifty-odd intel people who swore in October, 2020, that the laptop was part of a misinformation campaign need to lose their security clearances. And the reporters who quoted them without investigating or analyzing further need to be shunned.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to stevewhitemd. | June 6, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    They committed fraud to interfere with an election.

    According to recent events, that’s a felony.

    DaveGinOly in reply to stevewhitemd. | June 6, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    The letter, and the signatures thereon, were instigated and solicited by Anthony Blinken, in his capacity as a Biden campaign advisor. Considering its source, purpose, and value (to the campaign) of the signatures on the letter, did the campaign record the signatures as campaign contributions? Wasn’t the letter meant to “influence the election”? (This makes at least as much sense as “hush-money” as a campaign contribution.)

Capitalist-Dad | June 7, 2024 at 9:29 am

The Blue Cheka (fka FBI) not only didn’t tamper with Biden’s laptop, but did its best to bury it and also mounted a propaganda campaign to suggest it was Russian disinformation. Every time the FBI’s name is connected with law enforcement should be met with raucous laughter.