West Virginia Male Athlete Defeated Females Over 700 Times in Track Events

The West Virginia male athlete at the center of the state’s Protect Women’s Sports Act defeated females in track events over 700 times, according to a new court filing.

Becky Pepper-Jackson became national news after five female athletes refused to compete against him in the shot put.

The court filing is connected to the case to stop President Joe Biden’s administration from changing Title IX to protect males in female sports.

The Education Department’s reinterpretation of Title IX equates sex and gender, allowing males to participate in female sports, locker rooms, showers, bathrooms, etc.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) asked the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to block the new interpretation of Title IX from going into effect on August 1.

Over 20 states have joined the lawsuit against the administration.

“While the administration claims this change won’t affect sports, it has already made its position clear that men who identify as women should compete in women’s sports under Title IX,” stated ADF Legal Counsel Rachel Rouleau. “In fact, the administration has supported a male student’s efforts to compete against our client and other girls in women’s sports in West Virginia.”

The West Virginia school barred the five female athletes from future competitions after they boycotted the shot put event.

Four of them filed a lawsuit, claiming the school violated their First Amendment rights.

“The Biden administration’s radical redefinition of sex will upend the equal opportunities that women and girls have enjoyed for 50 years under Title IX and will threaten their safety and privacy at every level,” said Rouleau.

Tags: Biden Administration, Education, LGBT, Sports, Transgender, West Virginia