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West Virginia Male Athlete Defeated Females Over 700 Times in Track Events

West Virginia Male Athlete Defeated Females Over 700 Times in Track Events


The West Virginia male athlete at the center of the state’s Protect Women’s Sports Act defeated females in track events over 700 times, according to a new court filing.

Becky Pepper-Jackson became national news after five female athletes refused to compete against him in the shot put.

The court filing is connected to the case to stop President Joe Biden’s administration from changing Title IX to protect males in female sports.

The Education Department’s reinterpretation of Title IX equates sex and gender, allowing males to participate in female sports, locker rooms, showers, bathrooms, etc.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) asked the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to block the new interpretation of Title IX from going into effect on August 1.

Over 20 states have joined the lawsuit against the administration.

“While the administration claims this change won’t affect sports, it has already made its position clear that men who identify as women should compete in women’s sports under Title IX,” stated ADF Legal Counsel Rachel Rouleau. “In fact, the administration has supported a male student’s efforts to compete against our client and other girls in women’s sports in West Virginia.”

The West Virginia school barred the five female athletes from future competitions after they boycotted the shot put event.

Four of them filed a lawsuit, claiming the school violated their First Amendment rights.

“The Biden administration’s radical redefinition of sex will upend the equal opportunities that women and girls have enjoyed for 50 years under Title IX and will threaten their safety and privacy at every level,” said Rouleau.


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The only issue feminists care about are abortion, more abortion, and still more abortion. They simply do not care when mentally-ill DIDs (Dudes In Dresses) leer at little girls in the locker rooms or take away women’s opportunities in sports.

A nihilistic worship of abortion is why feminists are nowhere to be found when women try to fight back against this barbarism (too busy with their The Handmaid’s Tale cosplay).

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Recovering Lutheran. | May 22, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Because (literally) sacrificing children for “””career””” is how Progressive women materially demonstrate their commitment to their secular religion. It’s like baptism for Christians or circumcision for Jews.

      Kepha H in reply to thalesofmiletus. | May 23, 2024 at 8:25 pm

      thalesofmiletus–It’s a return to the old Canaanite religion. We know what God thought about that, and how he didn’t spare the Israelites themselves when they followed the Canaanite way.

    It’s just another facet of the Democrat war against children: abortion, sex trafficking, drugs, lousy schools, and gender “affirming” care (read it: butchery).

      Kepha H in reply to Dimsdale. | May 23, 2024 at 8:26 pm

      They want to be sure that the Terry Beans and other Democrat pervs have their fresh supplies of little brown playthings.

Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet, Man. No Lie

The five female athletes did the right thing and I hope they win their lawsuit.

RepublicanRJL | May 22, 2024 at 6:22 pm

What BJP needs is an old fashioned military blanket party.

JustSomeInputFromArizona | May 22, 2024 at 7:50 pm

So sad for the girls, work out after school to make the team and a dude pretending to be a girl dominates the competition. Frankly surprised this is happening in West Virginia. I am old enough to remember all the controversies surrounding the old East German “women’s” Olympic Team in the 60’s & 70’s.

This dude likely could not even make the boy’s team.

The ideal scenario would be chromosome testing to participate in girls sports, but I can see that expense would be a burden on high school sports.

The reality is if this trend of males pretending to be “female” continues unabated in sports, true female sports will cease to exist.

This dudes Father must be so proud his “son” is dominating girls’ sports.

    I’m pretty sure most players pay at least some form of athletic fee to participate in their sport. No reason bulk testing for this can’t be added to that fee. It would run way less than retail for a 23andMe test because it’s literally just testing for the presence of an SRY (sex determining region Y) gene (which can sometimes even make a male when it gets accidentally translocated to an X chromosome…this is called De La Chappelle Syndrome).

destroycommunism | May 22, 2024 at 7:57 pm

congrats to her and alllllll the feminists who are able to stop the other 99% of people who dont approve but cant seem to get the laws changed like the blmplo squads can and do!!!

I guess it is true. Us men really are better at everything than women…and that includes being women!

E Howard Hunt | May 23, 2024 at 10:43 am

Great balls of fire!

stpaulchuck | May 23, 2024 at 11:57 am

he must be just so proud of himself [*spit*]