UCLA Pro-Israel Demonstrators Counterattack After Pro-Hamas Mob Beat Jewish Protester Unconcious
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UCLA Pro-Israel Demonstrators Counterattack After Pro-Hamas Mob Beat Jewish Protester Unconcious

UCLA Pro-Israel Demonstrators Counterattack After Pro-Hamas Mob Beat Jewish Protester Unconcious

Pro-Israel and Jewish students fought back after the school did nothing for days.

***I am filling this in as I go and find more information. Absolute chaos.

We know UCLA told its police department not to do anything regarding the anti-Israel encampment on campus, even after a video showed a Jewish girl unconscious after anti-Israel protesters beat her.

Well, chaos erupted overnight between anti-Israel people and pro-Israel protesters, leaving people bruised, maced, and bloody…as hired security sat on the sidelines.

The LAPD barely did anything when they arrived, too.

Barrier Line Drawn

Pro-Israel students showed up because UCLA wasn’t going to do a darn thing to protect its Jewish students and the rest who did not participate in the anti-Israel encampment:

Counter-protesters calling for the release of Israeli hostages taken captive on Oct. 7 by Hamas have used screens and speakers to blast images and stories of survivors just feet away from the encampment.

“I think this is blatant antisemitism,” one young man, who was not identified, told KTLA. “This is crazy what’s going on, what they’re letting go on. They’re chanting to kill us. They’re chanting ‘from the river to the sea,’ which is just blatantly to kill us all. I wanted to see what’s going on and it’s scary.”

They started showing up at 11 PM.

Barrier Line Broken, Explosions

It did not take long for tensions to boil over. Fights broke out. There were explosions.

Security Standing Down

Hired security doing absolutely nothing. We heard a phone call from a parent who confirmed the school told them not to intervene and to stand down.

In another video, we saw a security guard stand there

Fighting, Women Assaulted

The fighting didn’t stop. Fireworks kept blowing up.

People kept jumping over barricades to fight each other, too. There are reports that people used pipes and tasers on each other. Videos show students washing their eyes out due to pepper spray.

The violence lasted about two hours before the police even did anything.

Cops Show Up

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass finally called in the police: “The violence unfolding this evening at UCLA is absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. LAPD has arrived on campus.”

Deputy mayor of communications Zach Seidle confirmed UCLA chancellor Gene Block requested help: “The Mayor has spoken to Chancellor Block and Chief Choi. LAPD is responding immediately to Chancellor Block’s request for support on campus.”

Cops, Security Doing Nothing

Literally doing nothing. NOTHING. I know the school told them not to do anything but how do you stand there and do nothing?!


Cops Doing A Little Bit

They’re treating it like a preschool fight. Separating the two will work just fine, right?

Ended Early Morning Hours

So NOW the school will do something because no one saw the violence coming, right? Shame on UCLA:

Chancellor Gene D. Block said in addition to adding more law enforcement officers on campus, the barriers that protesters used to block access to buildings were removed.

“We have seen instances of violence completely at odds with our values as an institution dedicated to respect and mutual understanding,” Block confirmed in a statement. “In other cases, students on their way to class have been physically blocked from accessing parts of the campus.”

He also confirmed that the “student conduct process” was initiated, which could lead to disciplinary action including suspension and expulsion for certain students.


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Jews in America had better get themselves off the Democrat kibbutz pretty damn soon as nothing Democrats will do will be in their best interests.

Also the only way to make shit like attacks on Jews stop is by making these “activists” understand that there is personal jeapardt involved with attacking Jews.

As there is no personal risk then these attacks happen without consequence.

    Valerie in reply to mailman. | May 1, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    This is the 2nd Amendment.

    “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    I have family that are Jewish. They know for sure the Holocaust was real, because they lost a lot of known family members, between the Germans and the Russians. Nevertheless, they are Democrats and almost totally anti-gun.

    Meanwhile, other parts of my family immigrated legally before WWI, fought and bled in that war, as their sons did in WWII. My Daddy was too young, served in Korea after the Armistice.

    So, part of my family fought and bled because the other part of my family was too feckless to rein in the Krauts and the Commies in their own homelands. The part that fought is determined never to give up their guns, and the feckless part, that was pruned by their own governments, still trusts the government to protect them.

    The feckless part has been using those who fought as shelter and also has been vilifying them for being somehow lower class and potential Nazis, never mind that they fought the Nazis to save them.

    It is high time American Jews from the Democrat Party joined the rest of us, and took responsibility for their own safety. There is no energetic, new world power that will come to the rescue of any of us.

    My thanks to Prof. Jacobson and Ron Coleman in particular for all the heavy lifting on the legal end of this long-running battle. It is not lost on me that the Obama and Biden administrations have worked hard to intimidate, bankrupt, and jail lawyers representing their political opponents, merely for representing their opponents.

      CincyJan in reply to Valerie. | May 1, 2024 at 4:48 pm

      Beautifully stated. One of the real shocks to me, as a non-Jew who does not keep up with Israel, was that Israeli citizens did not have guns at hand to fight back on Octobver 7th. And yet they lived close to the Gaza border. They were expected to hide in their rocket safe rooms, hoping not to be found, while waiting for rescue from the authorities. Seven hours later, survivors were still waiting. The ground was littered with the dead. Many were women who had been raped and brutalized before being killed. (See the documentary “Screams then Silence” on You Tube.).

      American Jews are not the only segment of our society that refuses to acknowledge reality. and instead hides in the safe room of their ideology. But it may be most difficult to accept, given Jews’ turbulent history. Clinging to dreams of a leftist utopia won’t save them from savages like Hamas. A gun, on the other hand, can make it far more difficult to victimize you or your family. As America becomes more and more divided, keeping firearms at home for any of us seems more and more necessary.

        healthguyfsu in reply to CincyJan. | May 1, 2024 at 6:39 pm

        Israel does not allow its citizens a right to keep and bear arms.

          CincyJan in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 1, 2024 at 8:01 pm

          It used to. I remember a famous photo of a young elementary school teacher taking her class on a field trip, standing at the end of the line as they entered a building, with a rifle casually slung over her shoulder. Since there was universal army service, all Israelis knew how to shoot. (After rthe 1973 war?)

          Milhouse in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 2, 2024 at 2:55 am

          No, it never used to. Israel, like most countries in the world, doesn’t even recognize that such a right exists. Those who have arms only do so by permission of the government, which can be withdrawn at any time for no reason at all; and mostly their arms are issued by the government and can likewise be withdrawn. Yet another reason to be grateful for the US constitution, even though for decades the 2A was mostly ignored, and is still recovering from that.

    Steven Brizel in reply to mailman. | May 1, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    Many of us have left hat kibbutz years ago

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to mailman. | May 1, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Off the kibbutzim and into self-defense courses, and firearms training. Time to stop being handwringers and start being Israelis.

TrickyRicky | May 1, 2024 at 9:32 am

And the Biden administration wants to import more Palestinians to bolster the revolutionaries.

    MattMusson in reply to TrickyRicky. | May 1, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    Why are we surprised at Jew Hating Racism when the Democrats have imported millions of Jew Hating Racists from the Middle East? And, the “Ukraine Aid” bill has money to import another 2 million Gazans.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to TrickyRicky. | May 1, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    Wants? Or WILL?

But ilhan omar says they are mostly peaceful protestors??

    WTPuck in reply to smooth. | May 1, 2024 at 10:41 am


    TargaGTS in reply to smooth. | May 1, 2024 at 11:06 am

    She also says brothers make the best husbands, so….

      Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | May 2, 2024 at 3:01 am

      No, she doesn’t. She still denies that the person she “married” but never lived with, while still living with her real husband, is her brother.

    coyote in reply to smooth. | May 2, 2024 at 6:57 pm

    Yeah. That’s right. And most of the time, assassins aren’t killing people. They only do that a small fraction of the time. So the point here is…what exactly? They mostly aren’t murderers?

Riots and fights at pro-Hamas encampments.
Security and police do nothing.
Coming soon to a campus (and perhaps city) near you.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to steves59. | May 1, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    The police are just following orders. I am sure they have received, or will receive, orders to pursue all of the Jews and pro-Israel fighters at UCLA.

      steves59 in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | May 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm

      The security and police leadership should be ashamed of themselves. “Protect and Serve” my ass. The LAPD police chief should have disregarded any stand down orders and sent in his cops to stop the rioting.
      Where are all the leaders with guts?

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | May 2, 2024 at 3:27 am

      As the press likes to say about the Middle East, “everything was perfectly peaceful until the Jews fought back.“

Looks like the CIA or FBI is working their Color Revolution

They’ll just blame the pro-Israel students, and say they “provoked” the violence, you know by existing. Nothing is ever the Palestinians fault remember they are perfect as the driven snow. And hence forth their enablers and cheerleaders must also be seen as perfect righteous warriors, defending against the brutal Zionist apartheid regime ; AKA: Josh who was trying to get to class.

    Sanddog in reply to schmuul. | May 1, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    Yeah, the “peace loving, non violent, Hamas supporters” were shrieking about being attacked by the “violent and vicious Zionists” last night on twitter.

Camperfixer | May 1, 2024 at 10:31 am

Amazing how quickly the Democrats and their [paid agitator’s in tents] Demented ilk descend into chaos while [now] stating they are the victims. Round up all the rabble and let them sit in jail for a couple of weeks, might help rewire their tortured thinking. (altho highly doubtful as the brain rot is extensive…especially those who went to a “school of higher learning”)

Time for the adults to take control from the immature brats who [falsely] believe they are the arbiters of righteousness.

I’m going to sympathize with the LAPD and campus cops a bit here, so don’t get upset. No matter *what* the cops did to the pro-Gaza rioters, they would be prosecuted and persecuted for the rest of their lives. Criminal actions, civil actions, university discipline actions, none of which would be remotely fair. It takes all the links to make a chain, from arresting, to prosecuting, to convicting, to imprisoning., and every single one of those links is biased to the Left. Arrest some thug attacking a Jewish student and the prosecution will drop the case, and the thug will sue, and the university will settle with a nice big check. The Left’s chain works fine. And they’re more than happy to put that chain around our necks.

    Sanddog in reply to georgfelis. | May 1, 2024 at 1:05 pm

    I imagine the police weren’t exactly happy about being ordered to come in after the chancellor let this escalate to the point where people decided they had to take the trash out themselves since the university refused to protect Jewish students.

destroycommunism | May 1, 2024 at 12:05 pm

now that the pro freedom people are fighting back against the blmplo squad


cant have their little violent children who they give “room to destroy”

cant have them pinned

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | May 1, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    “Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass finally called in the police: “The violence unfolding this evening at UCLA is absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. LAPD has arrived on campus.”

    Translation: OMG, the victims are fighting back, we can’t have that!

destroycommunism | May 1, 2024 at 12:06 pm

wonder if gofme would allow the pro americans to have a donation site

like they do for their criminals

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to destroycommunism. | May 1, 2024 at 4:48 pm

    I doubt it. I think there is one that will. GiveSendGo or something like that.

      henrybowman in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | May 1, 2024 at 5:45 pm

      I got an announcement from Old Glory Bank yesterday that they are founding a crowdfunding site where campaigns will not be cancelled over political issues. While I’m a little concerned about any competitive effect this may have on GiveSendGo, which in my mind has been foing a perfect job, I hope it will have a net positive effect on our freedoms.

destroycommunism | May 1, 2024 at 12:08 pm

so now you have the communists in the dnc “fighting” the na zis in the dnc

and the gop is soooo filled with rinoism that they wont take the reins and maga

The cops were “just following orders” to allow law breaking. Insane. Whoever is giving those orders should be arrested.

The ugly face of the contemporary and vile Dhimmi-crat Party is goose-stepping, rabid Jew-hatred and genocidal Islamofascism. It’s plain as day.

Not a word of English in the pro-Hamas faction. Interesting.

Bravo, LA Jews! The only ones to stand up and fight back. America has becomne so civilized (perhaps so feminized) that punching someone in the nose to force them to stop is heavily frowned upon. We have trained these punks, participating at one leftist demonstration after the other, that they can indulge their most anarchist fantasies because there will be no penalty. Without penalties for bad behavior, there are no actual boundaries. Some people require an immediate response in order to register the message. The LA Jews who fought back deserve a hearty thanks from all of us. They were protecting their Jewish friends, but also standing up for the rules that make society possible. Bravo!

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to CincyJan. | May 1, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    I keep a can of HotShot (wasp and hornet spray) in my car, along with concealed carry.

    Hotshot is great as a defense spray because it can spray 25 to 30 feet. Perhaps the people who need to defend themselves from the Hamas Jew Haters should carry a can. A quick spray in their direction will get their attention.

    Just don’t spray into the wind.

Anonymous Bosh | May 2, 2024 at 3:44 am

I find it interesting—but not surprising—that the pro-Hamas element are already equipped with BLM tools from the summer of love: umbrellas, shields, skateboards, fireworks… One wonders whether their invisible suppliers have already prepositioned pallets of rocks and bricks.

Mark Cohen | May 2, 2024 at 5:56 am

In the day, 1970s and 80s, I watched Jewish Defense League members beat the living daylights out of trouble making anti-Semite hoodlums. With nunchucks and other martial arts weapons.

That’s a treatment the university leadership teams seem to be making necessary and, through cowardice, asking for, to keep their deviant students in line. That’s where this is heading… a revitalization of the Jewish Defense League or equivalent.

Even worse, the University leadership seem to be asking for a return to Kent State.

University leadership is grossly negligent and wantonly reckless. The much simpler approach is expulsion of a good number of their hooligan students. That’s an example they can set that would put an end to these anti-semitic pogroms peacefully. “Here’s a dime, call your mother to come pick you up, you’re no longer a student here.”

But no, University leadership is too stupid and noodle spined! for that. Dumb goyim.

    Stuytown in reply to Mark Cohen. | May 2, 2024 at 9:16 am

    Yes to everything you wrote except your comment that university leadership is too stupid. University leadership is getting what it wants, which is Jews out of the schools.

BierceAmbrose | May 2, 2024 at 5:27 pm

“Mostly peacefu” — hey, they only beat down that one guy — so what’s the big deal?

    coyote in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 2, 2024 at 7:06 pm

    Perhaps if we only make one or maybe a couple of the terrorists pay for those actions, it will still be “mostly peaceful and happy” ?

So, let me see if I have this right.

1). Big tsimmis at UCLA. Lots of antisemitism going around.
2). The arab-symp protesters are in violation of rules, regs, and laws.
3). They ‘re told to leave, but decide to, by their actions, tell the
administration to pound sand.
4). At some point, a Jewish gal replies to the “free speech” and, for her efforts,
gets beaten into unconsciousness.

4a). During all this time, state and local police as well as private (UC) security
guards are told to stand down and not to interfere. Which order they obey until…

5). Jews and our friends finally have had enough and start to fight back.
THEN we’re the bad guys and everyone comes in to sing kumbaya and/or gets arrested. It would be interesting to know who the woman was that got attacked and where she’s from. If–hopefully–she’s from a red state, perhaps having both criminal and civil charges brought against UCLA’s administration generally and the president specifically for the attack on a citizen of a different state. But that trial needs to be IN HER HOME STATE, where she’s likely to be heard.

Might get their attention.