This Is How It’s Done: Frat Boys Challenge Antifa To A Push-Up Contest

I so did not have ‘Frat Boys Save America’ on my 2024 bingo card, but these guys are good. Even great. From staunchly defending our great nation’s flag to drowning out pro-Hamas baby-beheader supporters with a rousing rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” frat boys across these United States are doing what police and university admin cannot do: deflating the ridiculous (and pre-planned) astroturfed anti-America, anti-Israel hordes. And it is glorious.

The most recent hilarity (mockery really is effective) occurred at the University of Washington in Seattle. Black bloc Antifa pukes showed up on campus (because that’s what they do for a living), and instead of confronting these non-student interlopers with threats or violence, a group of frat boys mocked them into next week by challenging them to a push-up contest.

The Daily Caller reports:

A group of fraternity boys at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle were caught on video Tuesday throwing down an unexpected challenge to Antifa members seen on campus — a push up contest.Video footage recorded by journalist Jonathan Choe was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) showing the showdown between a group of reported fraternity boys and a handful of Antifa members. As one Antifa member could be heard mumbling into a megaphone, two boys were seen talking to the members as Choe is heard saying, “They’re challenging Antifa to a push up contest.”“Let’s do some push ups!” a crowd member could be heard yelling and clapping.“Where are you going to do pull-ups at? Go do pull-ups on that tent. Right now, if you do more pull-ups than me — you go first,” the Antifa member teases.One reported frat member could be seen continuing to challenge the Antifa member, gesturing out his hand to the activist while two other members on his side held out umbrellas. Choe could be heard commenting behind the camera as he walked around the group saying, “I never thought I’d see this. Antifa is being challenged by frat boys to do push-ups.”“You think this is about strength. It’s about ideas,” he continued before explaining that he’s “built” like a circle and the student is built like a vertical line.“I don’t know brother. My ideas are strong. I bench 225, you bench — I don’t know —,” the student responded before the crowd began to cheer.

Seriously, is there anything better than that? Alinsky doesn’t have a rule for radicals who are not allowed to playact victimhood in the face of reasonable and necessary police force that they’ve willfully instigated.

Being challenged to a push-up contest by college frat boys leaves them with no upside at all. These weakling antifa pukes can’t win against these obviously buff frat boys, but more importantly, they immediately lose the optics battle that’s long been key to Alinsky’s Rules’ success.

Most importantly, though, they aren’t getting the ACAB police violence they desire (and need, per Alinsky, to shift public condemnation from the instigators to police or other authority). These frat boys have no authority, and they aren’t being violent. They are simply mocking and shaming the big bad black bloc into submission . . . and it’s beautiful.

Tags: Antifa, Protest, Washington State