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This Is How It’s Done: Frat Boys Challenge Antifa To A Push-Up Contest

This Is How It’s Done: Frat Boys Challenge Antifa To A Push-Up Contest

“’I don’t know brother. My ideas are strong. I bench 225, you bench — I don’t know —,’ the student responded before the crowd began to cheer”

I so did not have ‘Frat Boys Save America’ on my 2024 bingo card, but these guys are good. Even great. From staunchly defending our great nation’s flag to drowning out pro-Hamas baby-beheader supporters with a rousing rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” frat boys across these United States are doing what police and university admin cannot do: deflating the ridiculous (and pre-planned) astroturfed anti-America, anti-Israel hordes. And it is glorious.

The most recent hilarity (mockery really is effective) occurred at the University of Washington in Seattle. Black bloc Antifa pukes showed up on campus (because that’s what they do for a living), and instead of confronting these non-student interlopers with threats or violence, a group of frat boys mocked them into next week by challenging them to a push-up contest.

The Daily Caller reports:

A group of fraternity boys at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle were caught on video Tuesday throwing down an unexpected challenge to Antifa members seen on campus — a push up contest.

Video footage recorded by journalist Jonathan Choe was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) showing the showdown between a group of reported fraternity boys and a handful of Antifa members. As one Antifa member could be heard mumbling into a megaphone, two boys were seen talking to the members as Choe is heard saying, “They’re challenging Antifa to a push up contest.”

“Let’s do some push ups!” a crowd member could be heard yelling and clapping.

“Where are you going to do pull-ups at? Go do pull-ups on that tent. Right now, if you do more pull-ups than me — you go first,” the Antifa member teases.

One reported frat member could be seen continuing to challenge the Antifa member, gesturing out his hand to the activist while two other members on his side held out umbrellas. Choe could be heard commenting behind the camera as he walked around the group saying, “I never thought I’d see this. Antifa is being challenged by frat boys to do push-ups.”

“You think this is about strength. It’s about ideas,” he continued before explaining that he’s “built” like a circle and the student is built like a vertical line.

“I don’t know brother. My ideas are strong. I bench 225, you bench — I don’t know —,” the student responded before the crowd began to cheer.

Seriously, is there anything better than that? Alinsky doesn’t have a rule for radicals who are not allowed to playact victimhood in the face of reasonable and necessary police force that they’ve willfully instigated.

Being challenged to a push-up contest by college frat boys leaves them with no upside at all. These weakling antifa pukes can’t win against these obviously buff frat boys, but more importantly, they immediately lose the optics battle that’s long been key to Alinsky’s Rules’ success.

Most importantly, though, they aren’t getting the ACAB police violence they desire (and need, per Alinsky, to shift public condemnation from the instigators to police or other authority). These frat boys have no authority, and they aren’t being violent. They are simply mocking and shaming the big bad black bloc into submission . . . and it’s beautiful.


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3 people cheering, with TPUSA pretend journo. Sure sure

    “Charlie Kirk’s ‘Live Free’ tour draws sold-out crowd less than half a mile from liberated zone”

    “During Kirk’s talk that drew a crowd of over 1,000 Tuesday night, the HUB Ballroom erupted with laughter, applause, with the occasional tense frown in the sea of faces.

    The 6:30 p.m. Q&A was hosted in the HUB Ballroom following an open debate tabling session Tuesday afternoon. Despite having 1,002 seats in the space filled with primarily students, hundreds were turned away at the doors to the building.

    The line to enter Kirk’s event reached from the side door of the HUB to as far back as the Allen library.”

    You got it WRONG!

    Thad Jarvis in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    I’m sure you’ll unknot those panties you’re wearing any day now, bub.

      You should not wear panties when you masturbate to Stormy Daniels videos. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course

        Thad Jarvis in reply to JR. | May 10, 2024 at 7:33 pm

        That’s probably your best material.

        steves59 in reply to JR. | May 10, 2024 at 7:54 pm

        Sounds like you have quite a bit of experience doing that, Junior.
        You’re sounding more and more like that pimply-faced teenager rather than the 70-year old senior citizen you’ve advertised yourself as.

        Gosport in reply to JR. | May 10, 2024 at 8:33 pm

        How disturbingly bizarre that you should say that, much less be inspired to think it.

        Get some help. Seriously.

        Evil Otto in reply to JR. | May 11, 2024 at 12:35 pm

        Well that was oddly specific.

    CommoChief in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    In the internet age everyone is a journalist, there isn’t some guild/union barrier to entry nor is there a set of professional ethics/standards. Those who want to claim that ‘real journalists are/do/behave in x manner while always refraining from Z’ should demand that legacy media adopt those transparent standards and immediately police their own members, beginning with legacy media members who have violated those precepts in the past.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to CommoChief. | May 10, 2024 at 8:31 pm

      “nor is there a set of professional ethics/standards”

      A long time ago there were standards, a steady decline in advertising revenue has turned most former journalists to act like PR people.

        CommoChief in reply to JohnSmith100. | May 11, 2024 at 9:23 am

        There were ‘standards’ but those were societal and internal/self standards. A journalist who wrote a factually incorrect article would issue a correction and an apology as soon as they became aware of the error (s) and retract any false conclusions drawn from the erroneous information. A journalist who was repeatedly wrong was shunned, fired and unable to work as journalist b/c they were deemed untrustworthy.

        Today our society doesn’t make use of shame to drive out liars and grifters nor do these liars and grifters possess any internal mechanism to self regulate. Instead they seem to be rewarded with promotion and awards, see the many awards for Covid stories and ‘Russia gate’ that have yet to be rescinded much less voluntarily returned.

      BartE in reply to CommoChief. | May 11, 2024 at 3:35 am

      This is a question of msm having meh standards vs turning point having dog shit standards. The point is to do better not worse

    Dimsdale in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    You must be thinking of a Biden rally! LOL!

    diver64 in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 7:38 pm

    Ok Troll. Sorry you have such a dismal life you have to sit in a basement and try to mock people doing something. Sad

    steves59 in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    Here’s Fart checking in with his daily dose of stupidity.

    jolanthe in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    In other words, a handful of ordinary boys makes antifa goons look like larping dorks.

      BartE in reply to jolanthe. | May 11, 2024 at 3:38 am

      Not really, tbh it was the frat boys that looked a bit silly. What kind of twat challenges someone to a push up contest, maybe a twat like you idk

        jolanthe in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 2:02 pm

        Mommmmeeee, jolaaanthe is looking at meeeee. BartE don’t make me come back there.

        steves59 in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 5:05 pm

        “What kind of twat challenges someone to a push up contest…”

        Well, certainly not a pimply-faced piss-soaked soy-boy Brit like you idk.

        Paddy M in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 10:11 pm

        Of course you think the normal college students look silly and not your fellow larping, communist dipshits holding umbrellas.

    healthguyfsu in reply to BartE. | May 10, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    Went viral on twitter. Try again, troll.

    txvet2 in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 1:23 am

    I don’t know what the DNC is paying you, but it’s too much.

      BartE in reply to txvet2. | May 11, 2024 at 3:39 am

      Lol why would the DNC pay people to mock right wing nonsense, that’s reward in itself

        steves59 in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 8:27 am

        You’re not “mocking” anything, dingus.
        Unless it’s self-mockery.
        All you’re doing is posting evidence of your own ignorance, daily.
        Not a good look, unless that’s really all you’ve got.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to BartE. | May 11, 2024 at 3:43 pm

        You appear to be marginally better than Crooked Joe Biden cognitively.

Novel approach. The lads deserve a round of applause for publicly outmaneuvering the democrat militia bullyboys.

Mockery does indeed influence public opinion – Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator comes to mind.

I wish it was all so simple – it will take overwhelming state-sponsored physical violence and long term prison sentences to defeat the blackshirted red guardsmen.

Let’s start in Portland.

Look at the cowardly Antifa thugs hiding behind huge umbrellas, while the healthy and hi-jinx frat boys ridicule them! Now who’s the better date between those two groups???

    diver64 in reply to CincyJan. | May 10, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    I have to wonder about those umbrella’s. Did they expect waves of police with tear gas to show up in the middle of the afternoon to push back a couple of soy boi’s? Larpers of the world, Unite!

      Gosport in reply to diver64. | May 10, 2024 at 8:42 pm

      I think the umbrellas are mainly a new tool in their effort to avoid repercussions by hiding their identities. They certainly have some value in defense and as offensive weapons as well of course.

      Forcing opponents to focus on your exposed knees and ankles will prove unwise.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CincyJan. | May 11, 2024 at 11:52 am

    It’s.. it’s…. The Brolly Boys!!!

I say let the Greeks haze the pantifa soy bois.

E Howard Hunt | May 10, 2024 at 6:38 pm

The Antifa warriors countered this gross display of toxic masculinity by challenging the frat boys to a game of soggy biscuit.

History is bloodyminded.

The Vandals defeated the Romans. And then the Bolsheviks, aided by anarchists, defeated the Whites. Mao’s Red Army defeated the KMT.

Except* Finland and the Baltics. How did Mannerheim do it? The White Finns dragged the Red Finns/Russians out of their bolt-holes and summarily shot them in the streets of Tampere, Helsinki and Viipuri.

*Chiang Kai-shek defeated the nascent 1927 CCP by murdering the Reds in the streets of Canton/Shanghai. He later lost China, but that’s another thing.

So, can anyone think of a way to defeat Antifa/Black Bloc?

    scooterjay in reply to Tiki. | May 10, 2024 at 8:25 pm

    When they attempt stupidity and are met with self-defense these sillies will fold like a house of cards.

    jolanthe in reply to Tiki. | May 10, 2024 at 9:19 pm

    Those are examples of revolutions. I find the current situation confusing. Does antifa represent a revolution against the establishment, or a revolution by the establishment ?

    Andy in reply to Tiki. | May 11, 2024 at 4:30 pm

    Biker gangs.

    Example: Gypsy Jokers in PDX.

    You don’t fight a mongrel by stooping to their level. You get another meaner mongrel who is less concerned about consequences to do it for you.

What are “things that didn’t happen in 2020,” for $100, Alex.

BierceAmbrose | May 10, 2024 at 11:01 pm

This is the kind of political theater we need more of.

destroycommunism | May 11, 2024 at 12:02 am


so now the frat boys are taking on women!!


Looks like Delta Tau Chi teamed up with the Alpha Betas and are getting revenge against the nerds.

I’d have been more impressed by someone using a helmet on antifa.

The sound in the vid is fantastic, this is what really needs to happen more often.