Students of ‘Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee’ Renounce Protests in Favor of ‘Open Intifada’

Students who are part of the anti-Israel ‘Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee’ are now eschewing protests and calling for ‘open intifada’ in ‘every capital and city.

Remember when Democrats and the media called the Tea Party a terrorist organization? Where are they now? These student radicals are getting a pass because they’re part of the Democrat voter base.

In a curious twist, Harvard supposedly suspended this group back in April.

The Harvard Crimson reported:

Harvard Suspends Palestine Solidarity Committee Amid Wave of Protests on College CampusesHarvard College suspended the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and ordered the group to “cease all organizational activities for the remainder of the Spring 2024 term” or risk permanent expulsion, according to an email obtained by The Crimson.The suspension comes amid a wave of pro-Palestine student demonstrations across the country, with students staging occupations at universities including Columbia and Yale Universities. Though there have not been occupations at Harvard this semester, the University restricted access to Harvard Yard on Sunday in anticipation of student protests.The PSC was one of several student organizations, including some unrecognized student organizations, to stage a rally in Harvard Yard on Friday in solidarity with student activists at Columbia, more than 100 of whom were arrested on Thursday by the New York City Police Department…The group also found itself at the center of controversy in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, when the PSC published a statement co-signed by more than 30 other student groups that stated it held “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” from Hamas’ attack.

After the suspension, sympathizers invaded Harvard Yard to set up an encampment.

Early in April, Professor Jacobson pointed out that these campus protesters were getting frustrated because no matter how loud they scream … it’s really not getting them anywhere:

The anti-Israel groups are really ramping up. We see it at Cornell also, the administration is struggling to prevent them from marching through buildings with bullhorns disrupting students who are studying.So I think there’s a real frustration growing among the anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream, no matter how nasty they become, no matter how many die-ins they do, it’s really not getting them anywhere. And I think it’s going to get a lot worse. And unfortunately, the Jewish students, but not just Jewish students, but students who support the United States, pro-American students, pro-Israel students, pro-Western civilization students are the ones who are the targets.

Now they’re calling for escalation and open intifada.

The longer this is allowed to fester, the worse it will get.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Harvard, Israel, Terrorism