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RFK Jr. Tells the NYT That He had a Parasitic Brain Worm and Mercury Poisoning

RFK Jr. Tells the NYT That He had a Parasitic Brain Worm and Mercury Poisoning

If the NYT thought these admissions would hurt Kennedy directly, then it has miscalculated (again).

The 2024 presidential election season certainly will be remembered for its historic twists and turns.

We have closely followed the court cases involving President Donald J. Trump at Legal Insurrection. The proceedings have been absolutely fascinating.

However, a recent announcement by independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has probably generated the most 2024 headline yet: RFK Jr. says worm ‘got into my brain and ate a portion of it.’

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. experienced a series of health issues in recent years, including an abnormality that he said was caused by a worm that entered his brain and then died, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

In 2010, Kennedy, now 70, experienced severe memory loss and mental fog, he said in a deposition two years later. According to the Times, he consulted top neurologists familiar with the medical history of his uncle, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, who had died of brain cancer in 2009.

A New York doctor, after reviewing a scan of his brain, told him that his health issues could be “caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Kennedy said in the 2012 deposition, which concerned a divorce from his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy. Robert Kennedy said at the time that his earning power had been negatively affected by the cognitive issues, the Times reported.

On top of the brain worm, Kennedy also shared that he experienced mercury poisoning during an interview with The New York Times.

According to The Times, during Kennedy’s 2012 deposition, he also reported having been diagnosed with mercury poisoning, which he said was the result of a diet heavy on tuna and other fish. He reportedly said, “I have cognitive problems, clearly. I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”

Memory loss is more commonly associated with mercury poisoning than with a parasitic worm, experts say.

Kennedy told the paper that he attributed his mercury poisoning diagnosis to his diet. He said medical tests showed his mercury levels were 10 times what the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe.

“I loved tuna fish sandwiches. I ate them all the time,” Kennedy said to The Times.

Why would the NYT be interested in featuring Kennedy and his illnesses? I believe it attempts to undermine the candidate’s claim to be much more robust and sharp than the paper’s preferred candidate.

Now an independent presidential candidate, the 70-year-old Mr. Kennedy has portrayed his athleticism and relative youth as an advantage over the two oldest people to ever seek the White House: President Biden, 81, and former President Donald J. Trump, 77. Mr. Kennedy has secured a place on the ballots in Utah, Michigan, Hawaii and, his campaign says, California and Delaware. His intensive efforts to gain access in more states could put him in a position to tip the election.

He has gone to lengths to appear hale, skiing with a professional snowboarder and with an Olympic gold medalist who called him a “ripper” as they raced down the mountain. A camera crew was at his side while he lifted weights, shirtless, at an outdoor gym in Venice Beach.

The article on RFK Jr. goes on to detail Kennedy’s experience with atrial fibrillation, which it notes “increases the risk of stroke or heart failure.” The NYT also reported that the candidate has not released his medical records to the publication (neither have Biden nor Trump have done so either).

If the NYT thought these admissions would directly hurt Kennedy, then it has miscalculated (again). RFK Jr. has taken the “happy warrior” approach to the revelations.

There have been a lot of fun takes on brain worm story, none of which make Biden more appealing.

There have also been amusing Star Trek references.

In terms of the parasitic infection that Kennedy experienced, the condition is known as neurocysticercosis, and is linked to larvae from pork tapeworms. The parasitic brain infection hospitalizes roughly 1,000 to 2,000 people every year in the US. It is suspected the candidate picked up the infection during his extensive travels to Africa, South America, and Asia.

Interestingly, one study of mummies from ancient Egypt and the adjacent kingdom of Nubia showed that 65% of the population experienced parasitic worm infections. I am grateful for the advancement of medicine and sanitation, which has made such infections rarer.

One final thought: The media asserts that Kennedy’s presence in the race hurts Trump more than Biden in the polls. Given how prominently the elite media is spreading the brainworm story, I am not so certain that is true.

One last prediction: The 2o24 presidential campaign cycle will generate even crazier headlines as we get closer to November.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 9, 2024 at 3:24 pm

RFK Jr. Shares That He Had a Parasitic Brain Worm

That’s gross. RFK Jr. would have been better off saying that he had just contracted monkeypox … from a toilet seat.

People missing parts of their brains should not be running for the Presidency. Traitor Joe (who was a retard from the start of his useless, pathetic life) should have been dumped for having had his brain scooped out a couple of times. That should have been the failsafe for those who were too retarded themselves, or hated America too much, to reject Traitor Joe in any sort of a position of power over normal Americans.

RFK’s mercury poisoning with the tuna fish sounds pretty loony, too. Not a deal breaker … but a bit off. Of course, the fact that RFK is a commie, basically, would be the deal-breaker. I remember when he was shamelessly shilling for Hugo Chavez …

    As a country, we’ve cross the Rubicon. We ‘elected’ a literal mental retard in 2020.

    For reasons current science doesn’t really understand, Tuna is notoriously high in mercury (Methylmercury, specifically), not just canned Tuna but fresh Tuna as well. I don’t know how much you’d really have to consume to present with symptoms of actual mercury poisoning. But, dietary guidelines on tuna recommend it only eaten in ‘moderation’ specifically to avoid elevated inorganic mercury levels in your body.

      Sanddog in reply to TargaGTS. | May 9, 2024 at 6:46 pm

      You’d have to eat several cans per day, every day to reach the level of toxicity.

      Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | May 9, 2024 at 9:31 pm

      As is usual with such things, the recommendations are extremely risk-averse, and can be safely ignored so long as you don’t go crazy. Even for pregnant women, the amount of mercury that they’d have to ingest in order to have any effect on the baby is far higher than one could get from any normal level of fish consumption. As I understand it, the only case of mercury in pregnant women harming their babies comes from a single incident in Japan, where a large amount of mercury spilled into a small bay, and the women ate almost nothing but fish caught in that bay. Nowadays fishing in that bay would be banned for a few years, and fish from the ocean would be brought in.

      So there’s no way he got mercury poisoning from a few tuna sandwiches a day. If he did indeed have it (which I’m not assuming is true) he must have got it from something else.

      In general I take anything he says with a generous helping of salt, because he’s a nut case. So maybe he did have this worm, and maybe he didn’t. And the same for the mercury.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to TargaGTS. | May 10, 2024 at 9:56 am

      A friend of mine used to bring tuna for lunch every day because no kosher food was available at the prison where she worked. She was diagnosed with mercury poisoning and had to undergo chelation at regular intervals. I don’t recall how long it took for the poisoning to develop.

    People missing parts of their brains should not be running for the Presidency.

    I don’t know. Fetterman’s stroke seems to have improved his brain’s functionality.

A calcification in the brain of a person with a Hispanic name is automatically neurocysticercosis until proved otherwise. Not rare in SoCal Big whoop. Ho hum. When the Jimmy Dean pork suppliers were fast and loose plenty of people wound up with trichinosis. Then there are tapeworms and ascaris (barium GI study turned out to also be a GI study of the gut of that worm (cool). Welcome to the Third World – US Version.

Wait, don’t all Dems have parasistic brain worms? 🪱

Better to talk about his commie facist beliefs

Take away your guns
Your appliances and
Put climate deniers in prison

Amd then there is his heroin use of over a decade, his diary that he wrote he needed 100’s of women, while married and rated them for
Sometimes 3 in a day

What a guy

Is this his dog shooting moment? could this and his 100% support of abortion to birth be the end of his campaign?

    gonzotx in reply to geronl. | May 9, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    How some

    I forgot about his death to babies till birth

    Wonder if he’s in the “I’ll make a decision if the baby can stay alive AFTER it’s born camp”

    Special people

At age 78, I’m still being surprised.

I remember Goldwater and the Daisy Girl, the ‘68 convention, the abdication of LBJ, the Nixon resignation, the blue dress, the Florida recount, and all the more recent shenanigans.

But this election takes the cake.

He is a Kennedy after all.

Had a patient with neurocysticercosis. Never though we would have a presidential candidate with similar, and that he would not be the worst candidate. Fun turning to my old Neurology textbook to look up the newest pathology of a president, and a presidential candidate.

Several years ago a brain-eating worm managed to get inside of Joe Biden’s head but it died because it couldn’t find anything to eat.

A bottom feeding lawyer and a parasitic brain worm.

Symbiotic relationship?

The_Mew_Cat | May 9, 2024 at 7:19 pm

Which brain is more rotten – the one that had an actual worm, or the one rotted out from senility and aneurysms?

Be a real shame if Jr. were to “expire” while giving head behind a dumpster in some Hollywood hotel with a sushi bar.

Lucifer Morningstar | May 10, 2024 at 9:45 am

>> I am grateful for the advancement of medicine and sanitation, which has made such infections rarer.<<

Which is rapidly being reversed in the United States as the Biden regime allows millions of illegal aliens from around the world free access to cross the southern border into the U.S. with absolutely no regard to their health status or diseases they may carry into the country,

Just a question: Is he explaining or excusing?

SeiteiSouther | May 10, 2024 at 2:08 pm

No wonder why he is crazy.