Rewarding Criminal Behavior Week in Education
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Rewarding Criminal Behavior Week in Education

Rewarding Criminal Behavior Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

Campus radicals have now stepped over the line repeatedly and they’re becoming more aggressive.

Maybe now isn’t the best time for the Biden administration to be passing out rewards.

What we need is more real consequences.

Colleges should not be coddling these people.

Many of these students are children of privilege.

Legal Insurrection is making a difference.

Of course they do.

Professor Jacobson is right about this.

Indoctrination, plain and simple.



A voice of reason.


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E Howard Hunt | May 25, 2024 at 8:14 am

It’s all cosplay.

Campus radicals have now stepped over the line repeatedly and they’re becoming more aggressive.

The line is being erased and redrawn. American Jews are starting to find out what conservatives, Christians, and heterosexual males have known for some time: they are not considered human by the genocidal maniacs running “elite” universities.

destroycommunism | May 25, 2024 at 11:18 am

it all revolves around the strength of the welfare state

the government allows the chaos but also has THEIR solution

just let the gov takeover and we will feed clothe and protect you

and we all see just how great a job they do


but they will support the carnage