Israel Security Minister: Only Response to Hamas’s ‘Tricks’ is to ‘Crush Hamas Until it is Utterly Defeated’

***I will update this post as information comes out!

Israel Security Minister Ben-Gvir has a great response to the tricks:

“There is only one response to Hamas’s tricks and games — an immediate order to conquer Rafah, increase military pressure, and continue to crush Hamas until it is utterly defeated.”

Hamas reportedly accepted an Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal.

The deal is completely one-sided and likely not the one backed by America and Israel.

Also, does anyone believe Hamas would accept any ceasefire agreement that doesn’t include the extermination of Israel and Jews?

It does sound like a trick, especially since Israel has started evacuating civilians from parts of Rafah.

One official told Reuters that Hamas wants to portray “Israel as the side refusing a deal.”

This is incredibly important due to Israel evacuating those in Rafeh.

It seems the ceasefire proposal is not one Israel approved. If it’s the one everyone is thinking of, it’s the one “made unilaterally by Egypt:”

The proposal has not been published, but reportedly provides, in the first phase, for 33 living hostages — women, children, the elderly and the sick — to be freed during a 40-day truce, in return for hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners.As per the reported text of the offer, indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas would begin anew on the 16th day of the truce, to set out an arrangement to restore sustainable calm to Gaza over the second and third stages of the deal.In the second phase, all remaining living prisoners would be released during a further 42-day truce, in return for hundreds more security prisoners, and the IDF would withdraw from Gaza.The third and final stage of the deal would again last 42 days and Hamas would reportedly be required to hand over the bodies of those who were killed on October 7 or died in captivity, in exchange for bodies of Palestinian security prisoners who died in Israeli custody.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel