Israel Security Minister: Only Response to Hamas’s ‘Tricks’ is to ‘Crush Hamas Until it is Utterly Defeated’
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Israel Security Minister: Only Response to Hamas’s ‘Tricks’ is to ‘Crush Hamas Until it is Utterly Defeated’

Israel Security Minister: Only Response to Hamas’s ‘Tricks’ is to ‘Crush Hamas Until it is Utterly Defeated’

“An Israeli official tells Reuters that the Hamas announcement appears to be a ruse designed to cast Israel as the side refusing a deal.”

***I will update this post as information comes out!

Israel Security Minister Ben-Gvir has a great response to the tricks:

“There is only one response to Hamas’s tricks and games — an immediate order to conquer Rafah, increase military pressure, and continue to crush Hamas until it is utterly defeated.”

Hamas reportedly accepted an Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal.

The deal is completely one-sided and likely not the one backed by America and Israel.

Also, does anyone believe Hamas would accept any ceasefire agreement that doesn’t include the extermination of Israel and Jews?

It does sound like a trick, especially since Israel has started evacuating civilians from parts of Rafah.

One official told Reuters that Hamas wants to portray “Israel as the side refusing a deal.”

This is incredibly important due to Israel evacuating those in Rafeh.

It seems the ceasefire proposal is not one Israel approved. If it’s the one everyone is thinking of, it’s the one “made unilaterally by Egypt:”

The proposal has not been published, but reportedly provides, in the first phase, for 33 living hostages — women, children, the elderly and the sick — to be freed during a 40-day truce, in return for hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners.

As per the reported text of the offer, indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas would begin anew on the 16th day of the truce, to set out an arrangement to restore sustainable calm to Gaza over the second and third stages of the deal.

In the second phase, all remaining living prisoners would be released during a further 42-day truce, in return for hundreds more security prisoners, and the IDF would withdraw from Gaza.

The third and final stage of the deal would again last 42 days and Hamas would reportedly be required to hand over the bodies of those who were killed on October 7 or died in captivity, in exchange for bodies of Palestinian security prisoners who died in Israeli custody.


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Hamas is in serious trouble, and its supporters like Blinken and Biden will do anything to save it.

    Ghostrider in reply to puhiawa. | May 7, 2024 at 12:40 am

    Israel should rapidly pursue the war to a successful conclusion, killing all Hamas fighters who do not surrender and imprisoning those who do.

    The challenge in Gaza is it’s hard to tell who is a fighter and who is a civilian.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to Ghostrider. | May 7, 2024 at 4:31 am

      Israel needs a death penalty for terrorists who commit or abet murder. Otherwise they just become bait for future exchanges.

      Capitalist-Dad in reply to Ghostrider. | May 7, 2024 at 10:05 am

      A Gaza civilian is someone who ran out of ammo for his AK-47. That’s why it’s better not to spend time hand-wringing about civilians instead of offing terrorists until unconditional surrender is achieve. That is, be like Gen. Nathan Bedford Forest, don’t be like Gen. Mark Milley.

      Ironclaw in reply to Ghostrider. | May 7, 2024 at 2:26 pm

      To hell with that, no prisoners.

Israel needs to ensure Hamas is not even an entity to bargain with. As they promised.

More crap to swallow and regurgitate by the usual players.

Hamas would prefer not to be wiped out. The plan though is to wipe them out and then try reopening trade with Gaza absent anybody shooting it down or blowing it up, and that requires a wipeout.

Make it so.

You can’t negotiate with a snake.

What you can do is chop it’s head off.

What’s the new Hamas Ceasefire Proposal?

Israel quits fighting in exchange for Hamas doing nothing.

Maybe a silly question, but isn’t the answer to terrorists always to eliminate them?

Quit talking, and get on with it, Israel!
Take them out and down.

Israel releasing terrorist prisoners has worked so well in the past.

destroycommunism | May 6, 2024 at 4:28 pm


thats the difference between love of your country ( ben-givr….trump)

and the obamafjbomar newwww american government

destroycommunism | May 6, 2024 at 4:29 pm

the same exact blmplo terrrrrrorists wiped out the israeli olympic team

fjb x1000000000

Crush the murderers into the ground
And God help us if the Sundowner/Barky administration imports 10,000 terrorists

JackinSilverSpring | May 6, 2024 at 5:12 pm

The problem is that Israel can destroy Hamas in Gaza, but it cannot destroy the Hamas in the Gazans. To do so would involve a several generation occupation of Gaza by Israel and a radical change in what is taught in Gaza’s schools. I doubt Israel has the stomach to do any of that.

    FJB will happily take all of the Gazans here, which would solve Israel’s problem. By the way, it would probably also take a several generation occupation of Columbia and other schools to effect lasting change.

The only cease-fire agreement Hamas will honor is one with a “cease-to-exist” clause for Israel.

BierceAmbrose | May 6, 2024 at 9:37 pm


“Well, nothing surprising that Hamas “agrees” with their own proposal — even they aren’t confused enough for that.

“However whatever they said it isn’t what we proposed — no need to make their own proposal if they’re just agreeing. Seems like this is just distraction, delay, or both.

“Whether they’ll keep any agreement is another question. There was a “cease fire” in place last Oct 7, for example.

“Hamas can stop our attacks immediately at any time: return all the hostages and surrender. Every “negotiation” other than that is about keeping some of the hostages, continuing to attack our country, or both.

“Meanwhile, we’re going to get on with the unfortunate business left to us here. Our civilian evacuation plans are HERE. Our rules of engagement and protocols to minimize casualties are HERE. We’re not publishing our operational plans for Rafah. You’ll learn the details when they do.”

Unfortunately, Israel’s security minister has absolutely no influence on the government, Netanyahu hates him and has frozen him out of all decision making and wishes he could get rid of him altogether, so what he says is only his own policy, not the government’s. Which is a pity, since he is often the only member of the government talking anything like sense. He’s an “extremist”, which means he’s serious about Jewish Lives Mattering, and thinks Israel exists solely for the purpose of defending all Jewish lives from being murdered, rather than for the purpose of looking good to Western liberals.

I don’t care if Israel finishes off every last palasstinian on earth.
Matter of fact once they do finish them off they can come over here and swing by the liberal universities for all I care.

    Milhouse in reply to 4fun. | May 7, 2024 at 2:02 am

    Unfortunately they care, and they won’t do it. The world would be a better place if they did.

Sailorcurt | May 7, 2024 at 6:59 am

“Hamas agrees to accept Israel’s surrender. If Israel refuses to surrender, then any further conflict is the responsibility of Israel.”

Capitalist-Dad | May 7, 2024 at 10:16 am

The West has become morally vacuous. Our feckless leaders have lost sight of the fact that step one with evil filth like Hamas (and their supporters) is to terminate their evil —not to discuss their “issues.” If issue discussion is warranted it can come after unconditional surrender.

inspectorudy | May 7, 2024 at 12:22 pm

One of the things that I never really understood was why thousands of Jews being unloaded at death camps did not riot immediately when they arrived. The Nazi guards were small in number and could have been overwhelmed quickly. I now realize that the Jews did not know their fate at the time and therefore did not realize their lives were at stake. Now, however, they do know and they must destroy Hamas with or without America’s help. They know that a wounded animal is more dangerous than a whole one and they cannot allow Hamas to survive. The world be damned! “Never Again”!

destroycommunism | May 7, 2024 at 12:59 pm


this is actually hamas surrendering

so why wont they call it that??

when you ask/demand a cease-fire that is a surrender

so , again,, why wont they call it that?

we allll know why

israel is being FORCED to continue to hunt down the terrorists allll b/c the left wont call this what it is

hamas surrenders giving israel control and the UN can go

f itself