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Protests Planned in Norfolk, MA Against Turning Former Prison Into Illegal Immigrant Shelter

Protests Planned in Norfolk, MA Against Turning Former Prison Into Illegal Immigrant Shelter

“Norfolk has a population of about 11,500 and voted heavily in favor of President Joe Biden in 2020”

People in the small Massachusetts town of Norfolk recently found out that the prison in their town, which closed in 2015, is going to be used to house hundreds of illegal immigrants.

Many residents are unhappy about this, claiming that it will strain the schools and other resources, but the state owns the property and doesn’t seem to care what the people of Norfolk think about the idea.

FOX News reports:

Democratic town furious over migrant shelter opening in neighborhood

Residents in a New England town are fuming that they have not been consulted on plans to convert a former state prison into a tax-payer-funded migrant shelter for hundreds of people.

The state is refurbishing Norfolk, Massachusetts’ Bay State Correctional Center, a former minimum-security dorm-like facility, to accommodate migrants and homeless individuals who are currently holed up at Boston’s Logan International Airport and are on the waitlist for an emergency shelter program. The facility is located on the grounds of Massachusetts Correctional Institution (MCI), a medium-security prison.

Norfolk has a population of about 11,500 and voted heavily in favor of President Joe Biden in 2020…

Residents said they want answers about the impact on schools, police and emergency services, pointing out that municipal budgets are already stretched thin.

“Let’s face it, we don’t want it here. We don’t,” resident John Semas said, according to GBH.

“And, it doesn’t make us bad people, it doesn’t make me not compassionate, it doesn’t make me a bad father.” Semas was among a small group of people donning shirts and placards that read “Save Norfolk: No Shelter,” the publication reports.

Most of the people in Norfolk may have voted for Biden in 2020, but now they sound an awful lot like Trump supporters.

Here’s more from FOX 25 in Boston:

“We’ve got a lot of work to do, we’ve got to work with our police chief, fire chief, all of our school superintendents, make sure we have a plan,” said Jim Lehan, Norfolk Select board member. “But there’s no point in putting a plan together until we know what it is we’re planning for.”

Gov. Maura Healey’s office says the former state prison will become an emergency shelter that will be able to house 140 families – or up to 450 people.

Many of them are migrants who have been sleeping at Logan Airport.

“You do the math, you figure 150 families, you’ve got two per family, plus kids, so that could be anywhere from 100 to 150 kids,” said Lehan. “I don’t know the age, we don’t know any of this, we don’t know whether it’s elementary or high school.”

Parents are also concerned since they say this regional school district is already at capacity.

“There’s so many kids now and then this on top of it, it’s going to be tough – and like where are they putting them? There’s no place for them to go,” said Eric Franz, a Norfolk parent.

The former prison is in a rural area with no sidewalks for the nearly two mile walk to town.

“And when they get here, there are no stores other than the Walgreens,” said Lehan.

The closest grocery store is about four to five miles away in surrounding towns like Foxboro, Millis, Walpole and Medfield.

I’m looking forward to seeing how Norfolk votes in November.

Featured image via YouTube.


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The problem of illegal immigrant kids draining the resources of taxpayer supported public schools is everywhere. Why are they special?

Democrats just know how to complain, and the press amplified their complaints. Nobody cares if Republicans face these problems, or the press just mocks them and says they’re greedy or selfish or racist.

Why don’t these racist Norfolk MA people just shut up and love the strength that diversity will bring their community?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to artichoke. | May 20, 2024 at 10:00 am

    Fûck them. Texas border counties have been putting up with illegal military ages invaders for many decades.

    Norfolk. You voted for Biden.

    He didn’t ask any of us if we thought his decisions were good for us or our neighbor.

    Why do you clowns in Norfolk, who voted for Biden, believe you have any say in his decisions.

    Your governor is a Marxist. You voted for her. What makes you think she would t do what she is doing.

    Be happy she didn’t house illegal military ages invaders in your homes.

“Norfolk has a population of about 11,500 and voted heavily in favor of President Joe Biden”

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

— H. L. Mencken, A Little Book in C major (1916).

When you let in so many millions, they eventually will be coming “to a neighborhood near you”. However, in NY City, expelling the UN and turning it into a migrant shelter might be an improvement.

    gonzotx in reply to jb4. | May 19, 2024 at 10:29 am

    Apparently the illegals, not migrants, not new comers, are great swimmers in NY

    I hear they are going to be the future lifeguards

SeymourButz | May 19, 2024 at 10:32 am

Well they certainly belong in prison. so…

Lucifer Morningstar | May 19, 2024 at 10:38 am

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . . snicker . . . . snort . . .


Elections have consequences! No amount of NIMBY! is going to change the situation. So you’d better figure out what the heck you’re going to do because the illegals are coming and there’s nothing you can do to stop the Feds from shoving hundreds if not thousands of them into your community.


    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | May 19, 2024 at 10:58 am

    I remember all those Baahston parents demonstrating and near-rioting over busing of negro children to their schools.

    Yet, who did they overwhelmingly vote for? The folks who brought them busing and quotas and set-aside and affirmative action in the first place.

    Nuts to them.

We should encourage states to set up mass housing for illegals. It will make rounding them up easier.

Maybe it’s just me, but the first thing that went through my mind when reading this headline was ‘WTF are we closing prisons for in the first place?”.

Since when has our criminal population decreased?

caseoftheblues | May 19, 2024 at 11:42 am

No way it’s just going to be hundreds… it will be thousands and the Feds planning it know that right now. Every Democrat in Norfolk voted for this.., slo Joe was very open about telling illegals to flood the border if he got elected. The clapping seals in Norfolk cheered for what they are about to get good and hard.

A community around a prison is used to having it nearby. Some poor communities are happy when a prison is planned, because it comes with jobs, as employees inside like guards, and some outside support businesses. This is a community of former prison guards.

Now they’re complaining about poor poor refugee children, homeless through no fault of their own, looking for some help they desperately need (see, I can write that sh*t too) joining their community!

I’d complain too by the way. The prison brought jobs. This will mainly bring destruction of academic standards and much higher school taxes.

    artichoke in reply to artichoke. | May 19, 2024 at 12:16 pm

    Oh yes another thing likely to happen. Selective colleges in the area (and there are a few of them like Harvard and MIT) may have a quota they admit from that high school every year, to serve the local area.

    If they get a bunch of illegal alien children, those quota spots are likely to go to them. It’s happened in my local high school. We noticed one illegal at graduation with “Yale” written on her mortarboard. Needless to say she was nowhere in any of the academic awards or even in the most accelerated classes. This was at least 5 years ago.

Subotai Bahadur | May 19, 2024 at 1:28 pm

The people of the Leftist North East deliberately voted for rule by those who encouraged the unlimited waves of hostile foreign invaders to our country. As someone who opposes the invasion it is Schadenfreude-istic to watch those who supported the invasion have to deal with some of the consequences of their choices instead of dumping the consequences on others.

Subotai Bahadur

destroycommunism | May 19, 2024 at 7:22 pm


run by blmplo

George_Kaplan | May 19, 2024 at 9:31 pm

Could local government dig up the roads around the prison for ‘repairs’ or ‘pipelaying’ then leave it that way for however many years it takes to find additional funding or decide what they want to do?

Having a 4% increase in population – all illegals, isn’t going to be easy.

“The state of Massachusetts announced a gigantic new shelter for illegals in the tiny conservative town of Norfolk.”

“Norfolk has a population of about 11,500 and voted heavily in favor of President Joe Biden in 2020…”

So which is it….tiny and conservative or heavily favored Biden?

    henrybowman in reply to herm2416. | May 20, 2024 at 1:14 am

    Where are you getting the “conservative” quote? Was it here and somebody removed it?

      henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | May 20, 2024 at 2:43 am

      OK, I found it. Apparently my browser’s search function doesn’t find words in embedded tweets. It counts them in the total, it just won’t show them to you.

BierceAmbrose | May 19, 2024 at 11:04 pm

Such protests. How dare they put those innocent, victimized migrants in crappy lodgings like a prison. Uncomfortable, and what’s the message to these deserving newcomers?

Of course they are protesting in BrandonTown.

Wait, what’s that? The people in this town went full Martha’s Vineyard?


William Downey | May 20, 2024 at 8:39 am

Norfolk, you are to quote a movie titled “Reap the Wild Wind.”

I guess Gov Smirky Lesbo’s insane idea of having all the illegals housed by the public isn’t going over that great.