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Profs Claim Asian Women Like White Men Because of ‘Internalized Racism’

Profs Claim Asian Women Like White Men Because of ‘Internalized Racism’

“Our study underscores the robust psychological factors that may affect Asian American women’s dating preferences at the intersection of racial power, privilege, and oppression”

It’s hard to know where to even begin with this. Isn’t the premise itself racist?

The College Fix reports:

Professors: Asian women like white men due to ‘internalized racism’

“Internalized racism” may explain the preference some Asian women have for white men, according to a study in the journal, Sex Roles.

“Path analyses showed that internalized racism was associated with stronger dating preference toward White men and weaker dating preference and physical attraction to Asian men,” Bryn Mawr College Professor Thomas Le wrote with co-author Lydia Ahn. The latter teaches at Arizona State University.

The paper hypothesized “the implicit exclusion of Black and Latino men may stem from anti-Black messaging that some Asian Americans hear from their parents.”

The study relied on survey data collected through several online websites Asian Americans frequent. The survey asked questions relating to racism, dating preferences, and physical attractiveness.

“Overall, our findings highlight how Asian American women’s romantic and intimate desires may be shaped by internalized racism, resistance and empowerment, and desire for social status,” the authors wrote in their conclusion. “Asian American women face gendered racial microaggressions and model minority stereotypes that produce internalized racism.”

“Our study underscores the robust psychological factors that may affect Asian American women’s dating preferences at the intersection of racial power, privilege, and oppression,” the authors wrote.

Le did not respond to three emailed requests for comments and two phone calls in the past month and a half. The College Fix asked him for a further explanation of how internalized racism is defined. The Fix also asked about the counter argument that it could be a positive step against racism if Asian women were interested in marriage outside their own race.

Le’s research interests include “liberation psychology,” according to his faculty bio.

He and co-author Ahn defined “internalized racism,” using a scale that included “Sample items [such as] ‘Lighter skin is generally more attractive than darker skin’ and ‘I sometimes wish I weren’t Asian.’

The authors “hypothesized that internalized racism would be positively associated with a dating preference to White men…and negatively associated for Asian men.”

The authors suggested Asian women want “proxy privilege,” by being close to “whiteness and privilege.”


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A lot of East Asian women these days marry Jewish men.

Does that make them tools of the International Zionist Conspiracy?

    What would their father say?

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Thane_Eichenauer. | May 28, 2024 at 10:08 am

      What do the mothers of the Jewish men say? My educated and experiential* guess would be, “You mean my grandchildren will be goyim?!?!? Oy, gevalt!”

      * The reaction of my mother, and the mothers of several friends (Jewish) who dared to even date outside the faith.

This is nonsense. Setting your tinder search radius for 5000 miles is kind of sketch for research data.

destroycommunism | May 27, 2024 at 12:26 pm

note to allllll asian women

the left is once again hurting the culture alllll the while PRETENDING to be pro asian

they areeee notttttttt!!!!

destroycommunism | May 27, 2024 at 12:27 pm

they attack blackmales who date non blackwomen in the same way

henrybowman | May 27, 2024 at 3:56 pm

Now they tell me.

The basic (& unstated) premise is that all groups should have similar preferences and that any differences are evidence of racism. There is no evidence for this premise. It is my experience that once two people meet, the various shallow assumptions about them fall away and the relationship is built on something more substantial. Lets allow people to lead their individual life.

Dean Robinson | May 28, 2024 at 9:19 am

Once upon a time, learned Catholic academics debated how many angels could stand on the end of a pin. The Reformation followed. Many current academics seem similarly preoccupied. Wonder what will follow this time around?

drsamherman | May 28, 2024 at 2:39 pm

Heaven forfend that people of different races, religions, etc fall in love and get married. The black community were the ones who kept pushing the Loving vs Virginia case, and yet now it’s “internalized racism” ( a bullshit construct if there ever was one!) if a “POC” wants to marry a White person. Besides, weren’t we just told by the race hustlers that Asians were “white” for college admissions and professional licensing purposes?

Asian women like white men because of penis size. Asian men have the smallest average penis size of any race. This has been well known for decades.