This weekend, I noted that the anti-Israel hunger strike for Palestine at Princeton University didn’t seem to have an exit strategy. No one was paying attention to the students’ demands after they allegedly went without food for 8 days.
Now, they have basically thrown in the towel, but they came up with a way to keep things going, too. They brought in newer, less hungry strikers. You couldn’t make this up.
The Daily Princetonian reports:
Hunger strikers trade off with new participants after nine daysThe 13 students who have only consumed water since Friday, May 3 have ended their hunger strike, Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest (PIAD) announced on social media around 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 12. Seven other students have since begun hunger strikes in their place.Organizers have repeatedly cited the strikes as a source of leverage amidst negotiations over demands with the University, which reportedly broke down at the end of last week.After a meeting with University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 on Monday, May 6 — a discussion that members of the sit-in said was unproductive — the sit-in’s bargaining team met with administrators on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. At the first meeting on Wednesday, administrators initially seemed willing to negotiate, members of the bargaining team said.“The administration seems to be responding to the urgency of the hunger strike and also the encampment,” said Jessica Ng, a postdoctoral research associate on the bargaining team, at a town hall on Wednesday.The same day, one hunger striker was admitted to the hospital, according to information posted on PIAD social media accounts. According to the group’s Instagram, Princeton Medical Center strongly encouraged the admitted hunger striker to “resume drinking and eating immediately.” The after-visit summary noted that failure to eat and drink adequately was “detrimental to [the hunger striker’s] health” and “could result in complications.”
Why not just bring in a new round of hunger strikers every few hours? That way, no one will get very hungry.
This is all just theater. It’s pretty obvious now.