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Princeton Anti-Israel Hunger Strike At Day 8 With No Apparent Exit Strategy

Princeton Anti-Israel Hunger Strike At Day 8 With No Apparent Exit Strategy

“The university has failed to actually engage with our demands…it has failed to allow the Hunger Strikers to end their strike by meeting our very simple requests.”

When we first checked in on the ‘Hunger Strike for Palestine’ at Princeton University this week, the strikers were upset that no one at the school was monitoring their health.

Now they seem angry that they’re being ignored. Worse still, they don’t seem to have any identifiable exit strategy.

From the progressive site Democracy Now:

“We Feel Unheard”: Hunger-Striking Princeton Students Vow to Fast Until Divestment Demands Are Met

Over a dozen students at Princeton University have been on hunger strike for the past week as part of a Gaza solidarity encampment on campus protesting Israel’s war on Gaza and calling on the university to disclose and divest from companies with ties to Israel, among other demands. The hunger strikers are also calling for all charges to be dropped against a number of students arrested on campus in late April as part of the encampment.

Areeq Hasan, a graduating senior at Princeton who has not eaten for a week, tells Democracy Now! the hunger strike was a response to the university’s stonewalling. “We feel unheard at every step of the way, so therefore we resorted to a hunger strike,” says Hasan, noting the long history of hunger strikes as a means of protest. “It is in solidarity with the history of Palestinian political prisoners since 1968. … We’re tapping into this long-standing tradition with both Palestinian political prisoners and also in the Irish and Indian liberation movements.”

They want so badly to be taken seriously.

Some faculty members claim to support them but not for the long term.

The school is handling this correctly; it’s doing nothing.

Also, do we believe that these students have really gone 8 days with no food?

This report is from News 12 in Long Island:

Pro-Palestinian hunger strike at Princeton University marks 1 week

Pro-Palestinian protesters at Princeton University marked one week Saturday into a hunger strike.
It comes after 13 students were arrested for trespassing late last month during a protest.

The student-led hunger strike is in solidarity with Gaza after demonstrators said their demands were not met by university officials.

Twelve students committed to not eating in response to university administrators who barred a group of students from the university for participating in a sit-in that occurred in late April.

One student was sent to the hospital for malnutrition.

Demonstrators said they’ll continue to starve until their demands are met.

This is all happening during finals week and right before graduation for some demonstrators at one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

These young people have lost the plot and someone needs to ask them a simple question grounded in reality.

Is this what you went to Princeton for?

Featured image via Twitter video.


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Capitalist-Dad | May 12, 2024 at 10:08 am

The arrogance of these braying anti-American and antisemitic racketeers knows no bounds. In their twisted view the UNIVERSITY is starving the hunger strikers by not caving in to 100% of their demands. All normal Americans should laugh at this as they watch the Naziesque mob wither away.

    CommoChief in reply to Capitalist-Dad. | May 12, 2024 at 10:53 am

    Accountability and individual responsibility for poor decisions is kryptonite to the wokiesta leftists. Unfortunately this attitude is becoming more normal within our society. See feminists and their reaction to the ‘Single Mom Song’ or their recoil from proposed legislation requiring DNA testing at birth and to determine whether a particular Man is actually the biological Father of a child instead of continuing the current regime of
    mere presumption.

      alaskabob in reply to CommoChief. | May 13, 2024 at 2:45 pm

      Stats suggest that 10% of births are the result of some other guy. Only a mother knows who their child is.

    If they want to starve themselves, by all means let them. I doubt they have the will of Bobby Sands and regardless, this is entirely on them.

Teenagers throwing a tantrum, ignore them and they will eat or don’t eat, who cares?

Next will be holding their breath until they turn blue and stamping their feet until the mommy university pays attention and gives them what they want.

Most of us learn by age three that this approach isn’t very effective. Surprising that college educated adults can’t figure this out.. Or maybe not so surprising..

    amatuerwrangler in reply to vinnymeyer. | May 12, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    What most of us here know to be a “college education” is based on college teaching *how* to think, not *what*. This has not been dispensed by places like Princeton in recent years, thus these soon-to-be graduates find themselves in this position.

    When will we be treated to the video of the 24/7 observation of the strikers that shows people sneaking off in the dark on a grub run. I think back to the “breathairians” (who maintained that man can subsist on the nutrients in the air) and were found visiting MacDonald’s on late night runs (back when businesses dared to stay open after dark in SF). That fellow in the photo does not look like has missed any meals lately…

I wonder if they realize that Princeton isn’t their mom?

Hunger increases intelligence and ignoring them makes them erupt in a tantrum.

Let them pout until they get so hungry that they wise up and go home.

“One student was sent to the hospital for malnutrition.”

After perhaps a week of not eating? Horse hockey. They are lacking electrolytes at worst. If they are “malnourished” that quickly it’s either a BS publicity stunt or a pre-existing condition.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Gosport. | May 12, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    Regardless, drop them in the middle of nowhere, they would build some badly needed character.

    Olinser in reply to Gosport. | May 13, 2024 at 1:26 am

    Or they were vegan before the hunger strike, which is one of the unhealthiest diets in existence.

    The reason for the malnutrition would be the vegan diet, not the hunger strike.

DeweyEyedMoonCalf | May 12, 2024 at 10:56 am

Well, bless their hearts.

Oh lordy, lord they are desperate. Do what they say, do what they say!

You would think they would welcome a little malnutrition – sync them a little better with their brothers and sisters in Gaza. Maybe even go there over the summer and demonstrate against the invading Israeli hordes.


ChrisPeters | May 12, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Rather than ignore them, Princeton should fart in their general direction.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | May 12, 2024 at 12:33 pm


I don’t mean diversity, inclusion and equity. I mean, just DIE!

We have grown tired of pampered children who believe the world owes them anything. Your mommy told you could be anything you wanted to be. You have chosen to be a corpse.

Hurry the F up then.

Hunger strike? They don’t look like they’re hungry. I strongly suspect they’ve been cheating. It’s not like they’re a bunch of honest people getting together to rejoice in the truth.

JackinSilverSpring | May 12, 2024 at 12:42 pm

Some of these morons look like they could lose a little weight, so the hunger strike just might be a godsend way to do so.

I fell asleep in the middle of reading this article. A stack of 12 pancakes and bacon will do that to you.

Send them a truckload of Binky pacifiers.

CaliforniaJimbo | May 12, 2024 at 1:49 pm

This is the perfect time for the school to host a food truck festival. Place the trucks upwind of the tantrum-throwing toddlers.

No exit strategy? I think by definition a hunger strike ultimately results in death by starvation.

“Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.” – Napoleon

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 12, 2024 at 2:08 pm

If these children were serious they would light themselves on fire. That would show us!! And the professors would hold lit matches in the air for solidarity.

henrybowman | May 12, 2024 at 2:23 pm

“Worse still, they don’t seem to have any identifiable exit strategy.”

1. Stop eating.
2. ?
3. Success!

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | May 13, 2024 at 5:57 am

    Is 2 “collect underwear”?

    Exit strategy:

    Start eating again
    Die of starvation

    one of the two will be the exit strategy

I recommend a pork BBQ contest right next to it. Ha Ha

Goes to show the Cultural Marxist Seminaries professors are on the rebellions side.

No exit strategy? The exit’s that way.

If we’re waiting for them to get to a healthy BMI it’s going to be a long, long time …

Chitragupta | May 12, 2024 at 8:07 pm

You do have to say it makes for a great ice breaker when the person from HR has one day to filter through a stack of 20 well qualified applications with just 15 minutes of face time with each person.

HR – It says here in your application for employment you attended Princeton University and under “Greatest Thing You Did While In College” you put “Hunger Strike” could you explain?

Applicant – Sooooo me and my LGBTQZXTYOPLSZD+ friends we like we blocked we I mean we and my friends like we kept like Jewish students from attending claaasssss and we me like my friends and me we like shouted “Death to America” and “All Jews must die” and other chaaaants. We I mean like we and my friends like stopped eating in support of Hamas and the people of Gaaazzzzzzaaaaaa. You know that saying, like “From the river to the sea Palestine must be free” me and my like friends we like said it a lot.

HR – Thank you for your time and we’ll be in touch.

destroycommunism | May 12, 2024 at 9:43 pm

when hate is your nutrition………

destroycommunism | May 12, 2024 at 9:44 pm

why would a good person care about the demise of their sworn enemies!!?!?!

starve yourselves!!!!

ChrisPeters | May 13, 2024 at 12:55 am


Cry me a river. The terrorist pictured could last for months, just burning excess fat.

Exit strategy? How ’bout a burger and fries?

Louis K. Bonham | May 13, 2024 at 8:07 am

“Is this what you went to Princeton for?”

Most of them will say “yes.”

The root problem is that in making admissions decisions, the Ivies view being woke and a social justice activist as more important than grades / test scores. (Case in point: Harvard admitted David Hogg (mediocre grades and scores) while rescinding the admission of his high school classmate (top of the class, spectacular test scores) who made an “unwoke” comment online.)

These schools are now shocked, SHOCKED, that you get this sort of behavior from the kind of people they selected for.

I suspect that at a lot of non-Ivy schools, the reaction to such a hunger strike would have been similar to what some of us did at UT in the early 1980’s, when one group of nutcases (either Palestinian or Iranian (pre-Shah removal) supporters that were on a “hunger strike” at their tables on the West Mall (i.e., they sat in a group with “on hunger strike” signs around their necks while others in their group hectored passerbys). A bunch of frat boys made it a point to gather directly across the sidewalk from them with signs around their necks saying “NOT on hunger strike” and chow down on pizza, hot dogs, etc. (At one point, I recall they planned to set up a gas grill and be cooking just upwind of the hunger strikers, but the UT powers that be said no to that.)

it has failed to allow the Hunger Strikers to end their strike

These people failed rhetoric, English, and logic!
This is identical to “She made me hit her!”

Come, we all understand that this ‘hunger strike’ is the ‘fasting’ that Muslims feign during Ramadan, right?

Where they eat and drink as much as they like between sundown and sunrise?

They do not fast at all. They simply change the times that they eat.

Just like imam neckbeard there.

drsamherman | May 13, 2024 at 9:58 pm

This current era in protests ought to make hiring easy for HR people. Just keep a list of wherever these young whackos are protesting, and blacklist anyone from the current freshman class back to 2024. Problem solved for now. Add in anyone who has a Palestinian flag or who wears a keffiyeh. I don’t know whether it is still up or not, but there was a website with a lot of pictures called Canary Mission or something like it.