President of Vassar College Caves to Anti-Israel Mob

Schools don’t seem to realize that caving to these mobs is just going to encourage them.

From the New York Daily News:

Vassar College’s president caved to Israel-hateVassar was one of many colleges where anti-Israel students erected a “solidarity with Gaza” encampment this spring. And like several others, Vassar took the appeasement route. What we find particularly shameful is that its president, Elizabeth Bradley, sought to quiet several concerned alumni with private messages of empathy that were dramatically different in tone from her public pronouncements. Apparently, Vassar has one message for its pro-Israel alumni and another for the wider Vassar community.The encampment was led by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a group with a long, inglorious history at Vassar, which includes posting a Nazi cartoon on social media and launching BDS campaigns on the eve of significant Jewish holidays. Not only did these students violate college assembly rules by loud drum banging and calls for the eradication of Israel (among other chants), they invited outside agitators to join and were seen on video in a mob hounding Bradley.In a May 2 ”Campus Update,” Bradley issued a community-wide message acknowledging the violations but signaling that she would cave to the students’ demands. And cave she did, in a May 4 update that accepted much of SJP’s anti-Israel agenda, failing even to mention (much less empathize with) the suffering that many Jews, including Vassar students, experienced in the wake of the Oct. 7 terror attacks.Among Vassar’s concessions were “prioritiz[ing]” review of investments in defense companies (clearly intended to damage Israel without explicitly violating New York’s anti-BDS laws), and inviting the rule-breaking students to advocate their cause before two Board of Trustees committees.Bradley also committed to expanding the curriculum on “topics of Peace and Conflict Studies and/or Middle Eastern Studies,” recruiting and supporting “Palestinian students and scholars at risk, who have lost educational and professional opportunities since Oct. 7” and “recogniz[ing] the growing anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism that affects our students’ experiences.”

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, SJP, Vassar College