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Pomona College Moved Graduation Ceremony Due to Protesters and They Followed

Pomona College Moved Graduation Ceremony Due to Protesters and They Followed

“the demonstrators pushed and shoved with police as officers attempted to secure the area around the auditorium”

These people are intent on being as annoying and obnoxious as possible.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

Pomona College graduation is moved — but protesters follow; intense confrontation ensues

When pro-Palestinian protesters set up an encampment last week on the stage at Pomona College where graduation was set to be held, the school’s leaders decided to move Sunday’s commencement to Los Angeles.

The graduation took place at the Shrine Auditorium, kicking off at 6 p.m. But protesters also moved. A group of more than 100 congregated outside the auditorium Sunday afternoon and clashed with law enforcement. L.A. police said protesters charged them, and one demonstrator said officers struck people in the stomach with batons.

The college had said there would be additional security measures at the event, and dozens of Los Angeles Police Department officers were present. Officers lined up outside the venue as protesters held up banners and shouted through bullhorns.

Several Pomona College graduates, dressed in full regalia, led the crowd in chanting “Free Palestine.”

At times, the demonstrators pushed and shoved with police as officers attempted to secure the area around the auditorium. Officials told television station KABC-7 that some protesters charged at officers and that one was arrested after attempting to strike an officer.

Later, about 6:30 p.m., the protesters marched away from the Shrine Auditorium and gathered in a courtyard where a Pomona College student, wearing his graduation gown, read a statement calling for an end to the war and for universities to divest from financial ties with Israel.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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destroycommunism | May 15, 2024 at 11:07 am

fire hose time

forget the critics who will scream 1960s ptsd

oh wait

the dei “new” cops/fd cant handle the hoses?

henrybowman | May 16, 2024 at 3:27 am

I keep telling the secession cheerleaders that you can’t defeat locusts by running away from them. And here’s a live object lesson.

drsamherman | May 16, 2024 at 12:15 pm

Isn’t it about time to bring back water cannons? And can’t they load some shower gel into the tanks? Some of those smelly hippies could certainly use a good hosing down! PHEW!!!!