Over 30 Arrested, Including One Juvenile, as Police Clear Out Pro-Hamas Camp at George Washington University
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Over 30 Arrested, Including One Juvenile, as Police Clear Out Pro-Hamas Camp at George Washington University

Over 30 Arrested, Including One Juvenile, as Police Clear Out Pro-Hamas Camp at George Washington University

The tents literally went in the garbage truck.

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) entered the camp at 3:30 and cleared out the mob at George Washington University.

The camp lasted a little over two weeks.

These…people…defaced the George Washington statue with the Palestinian flag and keffiyeh.

Guess what.

George is back to normal!! Finally.


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One ass whipped to a bloody mess is needed to send a message to the subhuman savage.

Oh no the poor elitest tenting for terrorists movement. What will they do without their expansive camping equipment, gluten free cookies and vegan meal options? Hopefully their many donors and enablers will help them get back to banging drums, sleeping comfortably outdoors , spreading hate, disrupting actual learning, destroying property, and chanting like zombies in no time. After all this behavior is really helping the people of Gaza— like so much.

Just want to point out you have to *work* to be arrested at one of these ‘protests’ when the cops show up. If they say leave, you pack up your stuff and leave, and there’s no problem.

    schmuul in reply to georgfelis. | May 8, 2024 at 10:33 am

    Yes! All they have to do to avoid arrest is leave. But they want to be arrested , they are dying for done kind of confrontation, so they can feel so virtuous heroic. I mean you can literally see lots of them smiling while they are arrested; also for many of these people , the professionals on the scene, ( you know the 30 to 40 year old “protestors”) this is their 1000 arrest.

After nigh on 4 years of rampant crime, violence, and choas in major metropolitan areas without let up or prosecution, does anyone else find it curious that – unexpectedly – law n order makes a (welcomed) return for a hard crackdown against all these lawless entitled orks raising hell across the land?

Golly, almost like a well-timed choreography of ‘look at all the law n order breaking out all across the nation’ just in time for the start of JoeBama’s re-election season.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to LB1901. | May 8, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    How do you have time to think about this when you’re busy “preparing accordingly” for the inevitable showdown with the savage Mohammadan horde that’s literally on your doorstep? Enough talk. Get to the front line, brave Christian warrior!

Let them choose: jail or Gaza. Both with expulsion.

Choose wisely, punks.

Arrested – good. But will they be prosecuted? And if prosecuted will they receive any significant punishment? Not holding my breath.

destroycommunism | May 8, 2024 at 12:13 pm

there are no juveniles

as age is just a number

as they keep telling us

destroycommunism | May 8, 2024 at 12:15 pm

this time kamalala and the gang are not publicly letting us know that they are bailing out ( if thats even needed anymore..bail) or going to put these pos in front of a judge of their liking

E Howard Hunt | May 8, 2024 at 12:24 pm

Maybe this is a wake-up call to the 90 percent of Jews who have been fanning the flames of all the liberal BS for 70 years. Stop being schmucks.

    By all means, BLAME THE JEWS!. Where have we heard that before?

      steves59 in reply to JR. | May 8, 2024 at 6:12 pm

      Where’ve you been for the last 50 years, Junior? I thought you were some sort of old-timer. Apparently not, if you were unaware that the majority of Jews for YEARS have voted almost exclusively for Democrats (although I think THAT worm has turned for good).
      Wake the f*ck up.

This is the college where they literally named the chancellor and others and said “gallows!” , “guillotine!”. Which is a direct threat that should have gotten them charged with felonies.

Subotai Bahadur | May 8, 2024 at 1:56 pm

“Guess what.

George is back to normal!! Finally.”

Keep in mind that GWU is an incubator of this anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Western Civilization mayhem. Their normal is not a good thing and they [and their students/graduates are still the enemy.

Subotai Bahadur