Obama’s Domestic Terror Buddy Bill Ayers Shows Up to Support Campus Occupiers at U. Chicago
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Obama’s Domestic Terror Buddy Bill Ayers Shows Up to Support Campus Occupiers at U. Chicago

Obama’s Domestic Terror Buddy Bill Ayers Shows Up to Support Campus Occupiers at U. Chicago

“Ayers was hunted by the FBI for his alleged involvement in the 1970 bombing of the New York City Police Department headquarters, 1971 bombing of the United States Capitol building and the 1972 bombing of the Pentagon.”

Bill Ayers, famous for being a leading member of the ‘Weather Underground,’ a domestic terror group in the 1960s, showed up at the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago, where he ended up teaching for years.

People who remember the 2008 election will recall that Ayers became a political lightning rod because he was an old friend of Barack Obama, who famously dismissed their relationship, calling Ayers just a ‘guy from the neighborhood.’

FOX News reports:

Obama-connected professor who led radical group that bombed US speaks at anti-Israel encampment

A retired professor with connections to former President Barack Obama and a history of involvement in far-left militant activism spoke at an anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago.

An anti-Israel encampment formed on the Main Quadrangle or “Quad” of the University of Chicago Monday was visited by Bill Ayers roughly seven hours into the demonstration, according to reporting from the Chicago Maroon and the Hyde Park Herald.

Ayers, listed on the University of Chicago’s website as a creative writing lecturer in the school’s Division of the Humanities, is best known for his co-founding of the far-left Weather Underground, a militant organization classified as a Domestic terrorist organization by the FBI that operated throughout the 1960s and ’70s and sought to overthrow the U.S. government.

Ayers was hunted by the FBI for his alleged involvement in the 1970 bombing of the New York City Police Department headquarters, 1971 bombing of the United States Capitol building and the 1972 bombing of the Pentagon.

It actually makes perfect sense that Ayers would show up to speak to these students. He is their ideological grandfather, after all.

Bob Hoge writes at RedState:

Of course, there’s more to the story—Obama’s run for the Senate kicked off in 1995 with a fundraiser at the residence of… you guessed it, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn. Adding further fuel to the fire, the two were partners at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an initiative to improve public schools.

Ayers’ appearance underscores what many feel is the real aim of the protesters—to create mayhem, endorse violence, and subvert authority. Do they really care all that much about the Palestinians? It would seem not, given the multiple reports of wild-eyed protesters who seem to have no idea what they’re actually demonstrating for or against.

Last word goes to Mark Hemingway.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Richard Epstein who is at U Chicago said in a LIbertarian podcast released just this morning that everything is thankfully fine there owing to a superior culture and distance from bad neighborhoods.


Wayne Booth at U Chicago said that his dean’s duties include fund-raising and riot control, back in the 70s.

That Cold War expression, a good Red is a dead Red. Still goes.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Whitewall. | May 3, 2024 at 12:03 am

    All he did was get some people killed by bombs. It’s not like he ever did anything serious, like praying in Latin, or objecting to a school board about rapes by boys pretending to be girls.

      henrybowman in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | May 3, 2024 at 3:05 pm

      “best known for his co-founding of the far-left Weather Underground, a militant organization classified as a Domestic terrorist organization by the FBI that operated throughout the 1960s and ’70s and sought to overthrow the U.S. government.”

      So then, a genuine insurrectionist… but a LEFTIST, so it’s OK.

I wonder if there are some civil actions that could be raised against this puke but are barred by the statute of limitations? I recommend any jurisdiction with courage to extend any necessary limitations period to allow actions against this worthless piece of sh$t. Like NY did to President Trump. Except, unlike President Trump. this scunge actually did engage in violent criminal activity.

    Milhouse in reply to Concise. | May 2, 2024 at 10:16 am

    What on earth do you mean by this? Are you suggesting that some state should lift all statutes of limitations, for all torts, thus allowing tens of thousands of lawsuits against tens of thousands of people for alleged old wrongs, possibly including Ayers?! Or what?

    And what is it that you imagine NY did to President Trump?

      Concise in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:41 am

      That is what they did to President Trump.

      And yeah, if there are tens of thousands of Bill Ayers type sludge out there. Tough crap. Democrats started the lawfare and they aren’t stopping.

        Milhouse in reply to Concise. | May 2, 2024 at 4:48 pm

        You have no idea what you are talking about. Nobody did anything to President Trump.

          Concise in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 5:46 pm

          You are so misinformed it’s difficult to know where to begin. My comment basically pertained to the NY legislation enabling the civil litigation by that nut E. Jean Carroll funded by democrat activist donors. As for other wrongs, are you that oblivious.? or biased? Just in NY, there’s the baseless AG James suit and the unconstitutional and meritless Biden aided garbage being pursued by that fat slob Bragg. And that’s just NY. Plenty more lawfare. And of course, there was the Russian collusion hoax. And personally irritating to me, the Charlottesville lie that that reptile Biden repeated incessantly, with zero push back from the media. So, I have to say that’s a little bit of misinformation on your part to say “Nobody did anything to President Trump.”

          steves59 in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:20 pm

          “Nobody did anything to President Trump.”

          Are you f*cking kidding me?

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:45 pm

          My comment basically pertained to the NY legislation enabling the civil litigation by that nut E. Jean Carroll funded by democrat activist donors.

          Yes, that’s what I thought you meant. Now tell me in what way you think that was “done” to Trump, and how you imagine a state could do the same to Ayers.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:50 pm

          “Nobody did anything to President Trump.”

          Are you f*cking kidding me?

          No, I am not kidding you. We are talking about statutes of limitations, and some kind of insane idea that they can somehow be lifted to “get” Ayers, by analogy to something that Concise imagines was done to Trump, but I still haven’t heard Concise say exactly what it is that s/he thinks was done. I’d like to hear an explanation of what s/he imagines the NY legislation, creating an opportunity for thousands of people to pursue old allegations of sexual assault, had to do with Trump. How does s/he think it was “done” to Trump.

          Concise in reply to Milhouse. | May 3, 2024 at 10:13 am

          Actually we were discussing your absurd claim that “Nobody did anything to President Trump.” Address your own misrepresentation first.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 6, 2024 at 8:06 am

          Actually we were discussing your absurd claim that “Nobody did anything to President Trump.” Address your own misrepresentation first.

          NO, that is NOT what we are discussing. The topic is statutes of limitations, and that is the context in which I made the absolutely true statement that nobody did anything to Trump. For you to ignore that context in order to attack it is dishonest.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to Concise. | May 3, 2024 at 12:04 am

        And after you had cut down the last law in England, what would stand between you and the devil?

          Concise in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | May 3, 2024 at 10:09 am

          Maybe now you understand why the democrat lawfare is described by some as “republic ending.” I guess they probably should have thought of that. But all they care about is power.

E Howard Hunt | May 2, 2024 at 9:33 am

You left out that he was the ghost writer for the autobiography of a semiliterate negro.

    Milhouse in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 2, 2024 at 10:16 am

    That’s speculation.

      E Howard Hunt in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:37 am

      I also speculate that Ted Sorenson wrote Profiles in Courage.

        E Howard Hunt in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 2, 2024 at 10:39 am

        Strange how Mr. Harvard Law Review has no other written record.

        Milhouse in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 2, 2024 at 11:10 pm

        More like co-wrote. But that is not speculation. We have Sorenson’s own repeated claim to have written the first draft of most of the chapters, and the fact that the Kennedys paid him a large amount of money for it, and that the family no longer even denies that he played a major role in it.

        Ayers’s authorship of 0bama’s book, on the other hand, is backed by no evidence whatsoever. It’s entirely possible, but it’s pure speculation.

          E Howard Hunt in reply to Milhouse. | May 3, 2024 at 6:51 am

          Ayers made news briefly years ago when he claimed authorship on a radio show. Days later it was reported second hand that he told friends he had been drinking. In vino veritas

          E Howard Hunt in reply to Milhouse. | May 3, 2024 at 6:59 am

          What’s more in his 2013 book, Public Enemy, Ayers describes how he came to write the book after pleas from Barry’s beard, Michelle.

          This is hardly speculation. You are a hard leftie who apparently approves of the manufactured negro myth.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 6, 2024 at 8:08 am

          Ayers made news briefly years ago when he claimed authorship on a radio show.

          No, he did not. He made a very obvious joke at the expense of nutcases like you, and you proved his point by swallowing it whole.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 6, 2024 at 8:11 am

          What’s more in his 2013 book, Public Enemy, Ayers describes how he came to write the book after pleas from Barry’s beard, Michelle.

          No, he does not.


Ayers has been a turd on America’s shoe for decades. Wish someone would “wipe” him off.

ekimremmit | May 2, 2024 at 9:52 am

Hang, drawn, and quartered.

What do you expect from a former terrorist Professor who taught kids at the University of Illinois, Chicago to hate and divide, just like he taught Obama to run the country….

a history of involvement in far-left militant activism
REALLY? No, it is a history of involvement in terrorism. Who never should have been allowed to teach anywhere (OK, maybe he could have gotten a professorship at that university in Iran).

Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and that is one promise he has kept. Turning a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship. -Sarah Palin.

texansamurai | May 2, 2024 at 12:07 pm

ayers is almost as worthless as hanoi jane but still galaxies away from barry /hillary/fjb on the worthlessness scale

ChrisPeters | May 2, 2024 at 12:23 pm

Once a POS, always a POS.

BigRosieGreenbaum | May 2, 2024 at 12:44 pm

Bombed the Capitol and the Pentagon? Yet he’s running around free with his terrorist wife. Hmmm, compare to the J6 protestors. He looks like he and the Mrs are just one small police taser away from their final destination. If he dies during this protest, I wonder if he’ll get his 72 virgins? He says in his “memoirs” that he doesn’t regret the bombings and doesn’t think he and his group did enough. How lovely/s

Camperfixer | May 2, 2024 at 1:10 pm

Why isn’t this grifter Domestic Terrorist in prison? Oh, that’s right, he’s a Lefty POS.

    CincyJan in reply to Camperfixer. | May 2, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    Actually, he comes from a wealthy Chicago family that was able to shelter him in corrupt Cook County. And he was smart. He inspired others to terrorism against the US, but kept his own hands clean.

      Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | May 2, 2024 at 4:53 pm

      Wrong. It had nothing to do with his family, or with Cook County. From Wikipedia: “Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, including conducting wiretaps and property searches without warrants, government attorneys requested all weapons-related and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers.”

        BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 5:15 pm

        So the FBI got all over-entitled and screwed up. Must be a decade ending in “y”. Yet, really, Wikipedia? Maybe believe that’s what happened *despite* that’s what Wikipedia says.

        “Knoll’s law of media accuracy is the adage that “everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true, except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge”.”

          Milhouse in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 2, 2024 at 11:34 pm

          You can check the sources cited. That’s WP’s strength. No encyclopaedia is any better than its sources, and WP requires that they be provided for anyone to check.

          WP is a valuable resource, but you have to know how to read it, and its strengths and weaknesses, just as you do for any other source. On average, WP is more reliable than most encyclopaedias, but if you just swallow whole everything you read there you’re not using it correctly.

          In this case, this is a matter of public record, on a question of dry fact rather than spin or opinion, so WP is very unlikely to be inaccurate on it. If it were someone would have corrected it by now.

          The case is very different when it comes to matters that are open to speculation, and the facts are fuzzy. If there’s a way to spin something in favor of the left, and it’s an important enough topic to the left, then you can be fairly confident that WP’s take on it has been spun. Not so much by making false assertions as by omitting inconvenient information on the grounds that the source is not “reliable” enough. For instance I would be shocked if WP were so much as to mention the speculation about Ayers’s possible ghostwriting of Dreams; any attempt to add such a mention is sure to be removed PDQ, for reasons that facially aren’t unreasonable, but are not applied equally.

          henrybowman in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 3, 2024 at 3:14 pm

          “Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents… government attorneys requested all weapons-related and bomb-related charges be dropped…”

          Weatherman’s Fallacy.
          The FBI simply overreaches in all investigations.
          If the defendant is Bill Ayers, the government attorneys will plead FBI overreach to get the case dropped.
          If the defendant is Enrique Tarrio, they don’t.
          Heads, they win.

          Milhouse in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 6, 2024 at 8:22 am

          If the defendant is Bill Ayers, the government attorneys will plead FBI overreach to get the case dropped.
          If the defendant is Enrique Tarrio, they don’t.
          Heads, they win.

          That isn’t true. The government was pursuing the cases vigorously until the FBI shenanigans were exposed. Once that happened it had no choice but to drop all the prosecutions, of which Ayers’s happened to be one.

          There was no such problem with the Tarrio prosecution, however unfair it was.

          BierceAmbrose in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 7, 2024 at 12:10 am

          “You can check the sources cited.”

          — You can be less impressed that the references cited track with the article that cites them.

          — You can check articles you have first hand knowledge on.

          — You can check the stated approaches of the now former president.

          — You can observe edit histories and discussions of edits

          Wikipedia still contains good stuff in topics its thought police haven’t yet gotten to. Otherwise it is a manual, first-pass take on large language model AI, automating regurgitating the zeitgeist on demand: “conventional knowledge” writ large. And the “conventional knowledge” it captures is infused with a particular sociological perspective, become political.

          Observe the page edit history around l’affaire du Huberman for a recent example. Wikipedia has become twitter cancel swarms, spread across time and topics. Sad.

        CincyJan in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 10:19 pm

        You are the Devil’s Advocate! Just how much do you think that defense lawyer cost that got that ruling? “… new information came to light,” says Wikipedia ingenuously. Besides which, Ayers and Dorn had been on the run at least three years, changing identities, locations, etc. Also according to Wikipedia. And living free off the urban landascape, I bet. My father grew up on State Street during the 20s & 30s, and I myself was born in Chicago post-WWII. Police payoffs were so much a part of life during my father’s childhood, they occurred practically in plain sight. My father never trusted cops. When JFK joked that he had told his father not to buy one vote more than necessary in Cook Cunty to win against Nixon in 1960, it was a tongue in cheek joke. Bill Ayers’ family was wealthy. And Cook County is politically corrupt, regardless of what Wikipedia might say.

          Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | May 6, 2024 at 8:19 am

          Just how much do you think that defense lawyer cost that got that ruling?

          Absolutely nothing, because there was no “ruling”, and the decision had nothing to do with Ayers or his lawyer. The prosecution dropped all the Weathermen cases, because they had become unprosecutable. No court was going to allow the cases to proceed after the COINTEL shenanigans were exposed. Neither Ayers, nor his family, nor his lawyer played any role in this.

        venril in reply to Milhouse. | May 2, 2024 at 11:29 pm

        And these days, the FBI seems to get a pass for the same dirty tricks.

          Milhouse in reply to venril. | May 2, 2024 at 11:36 pm

          It’s not a matter of the FBI getting a pass, it’s a matter of cases tainted by such tricks being unprosecutable. There’s no doubt that Ayers was guilty, but given how the case against him was put together it was unlikely that any court would have allowed it to proceed to trial, so the prosecution dropped it. It had nothing to do with his family, or with Cook County; it was all the cases resulting from that investigation, all over the country.

destroycommunism | May 2, 2024 at 1:15 pm

but but but

barak doesnt know him


destroycommunism | May 2, 2024 at 1:16 pm

so why do we ALLOW the downfall of a

free society?

of america?

what is it that the lefty does correctly that we should be doing !!!?!!!

    No, the question is why do YOU allow the downfall of a free society? What are YOU personally doing about it, other than posting comments on the Internet?

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | May 3, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    I know the answer to this, but it won’t help you.
    What the lefty does correctly is to initiate violence, use force and threats, to get his way. He cows honest authority. It is the reason that militant LGBs will harass a Christian baker to bake the cake, but never a Muslim baker, because they know the Christian will not respond violently.
    Responding violently is the only way to stop the extortion for good.
    But the right rejects that as unethical.
    The only reason terrorism even continues to exist is because terrorism is effective.

Sad to see the old Marxist still alive and ticking

Americans have short memories. On one hand, that means the US is the place for second chances. On the other hand, we never learn. I was one of the few people who recognized the name Bill Ayers and was chilled. Most Amnericans were too enthralled by the opportunity to vote for the first black American president to care about who he was or vwhere he came from. You could argue that Obama was the first DEI hire. And hasn’t that worked out well.

    D38999 in reply to CincyJan. | May 2, 2024 at 7:10 pm

    Agree with your comment on American’s short memories. FJB was thoroughly discredited for his fabulism in the 1998 campaign. He was proven to be not of presidential mettle, but he was still elected by a combination of public idiocy and propaganda.

Dohrn and Ayers; Scum of the Earth!

he was an old friend of Barack Obama, who famously dismissed their relationship, calling Ayers just a ‘guy from the neighborhood.’

Sounds believable. And there was nothing corrupt about his acquittal; Wikipedia says so.

In Ayers’ own words: “Guilty as hell, free as a bird.”

    CincyJan in reply to Tom Orrow. | May 2, 2024 at 10:24 pm

    They were more than friends. Bill Ayers, scion of a wealthy family, already lived in the neighborhood before he arranged for Obama to moive in. Obama was being groomed for a national run.

      Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | May 2, 2024 at 11:41 pm

      Indeed. It’s also likely that he plucked 0bama from obscurity, got him his first job, and was also the one who hired him for the Annenberg Project. But none of this is solid fact; it’s just a reasonable supposition based on hints here and there.

The guy is an arrogant prick. It’s very unfortunate that he had a career in education policy. Looks like he was able to spread his Weather Underground cancer in our educational institutions. Life is so unfair.

I wonder if he had a practicum on making bombs.

Capitalist-Dad | May 3, 2024 at 8:41 am

The real tragedy, and an indictment of our leftist university culture, is that an admitted terrorist is given a job as a professor.