Nashville Hotel Drops Pro-Israel Conference After Pressure Campaign From Activists
“We will not allow genocidal racists to hold a conference in our city”

The more that people cave to this mob, the more the activists will do this. They feed off of these victories.
The Daily Wire reports:
‘Pro-Hamas Thugs’: Nashville Hotel Backs Out Of Hosting Pro-Israel Conference After Pressure Campaign
A Nashville hotel reportedly backed out of hosting a pro-Israel event after being pressured and allegedly threatened by a coordinated group of anti-Israel activists.
The three-day conference, called the Israel Summit, was scheduled to take place at Nashville’s Sonesta Hotel from May 20-22 and has been advertised as “the first annual gathering of pro-Israel supporters who unconditionally support Israel’s right to be sovereign in the entirety of the land of Israel, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.”
The Sonesta Hotel reportedly backed out of hosting the conference after the Palestine Hurra Collective Nashville told its followers on Instagram to call and email the hotel to “demand for the immediate cancellation of this event.” The hotel did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.
“Let Sonesta Hotel know – NOT IN NASHVILLE! We will not allow genocidal racists to hold a conference in our city,” the caption of the Instagram post reads before claiming the conference organizers would “come here and celebrate the death of civilians and recruit new Zionists!” The post went on to provide phone numbers and email addresses to contact hotel staffers, as well as a script to recite when reaching out.
HaYovel, a co-sponsor of the conference and an organization that encourages Christians to travel to Israel and volunteer on farms in the West Bank, told the media that the Sonesta Hotel refused to host the event after speaking to the local police. who reportedly said that attendees may be physically endangered “due to the threatening nature of calls and message” the hotel received, according to an article by Israel365 News, which is a co-sponsor of the event.

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“the Sonesta Hotel refused to host the event after speaking to the local police. who reportedly said that attendees may be physically endangered”
Aw, da po po couldn’t hack it.
I bet Kyle Rittenhouse can hook you up with some EFFECTIVE security.
Da po po obey orders.
I’m so weary of people always caving to the bullies.
Clearly, we need to defund anti-bullying programs at the elementary grade level as they are not working.
The people who believe in the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs are the same people who believe in the security added by erecting gun-free zone signs.
No one with a tenth of a brain cell actually believes in anti-bullying programs. They exist to funnel money to leftists who then tell all their friends how they help the children (even though they don’t). It’s a typical leftist scam.
Had I ever had children I’d have taught them, “You don’t start it. But, make very sure you finish it!”.
Highly reminiscent of Germany in the late ’20s early ’30s;
history is simply repeating.
Shameful. The Nashville Police effectively said they would be unable to cope. Guess all they can manage is directing traffic. As for the Sonesta, it seems to have cancelled a week before the event, and begged the cops to cover them. So now their insurance will pay off the lawsuit. Just another day in the Land of the Free.
They can manage all the movers and parkers you care to want. They can also manage harassment if the old man sitting in the park for fresh air because there’s a playground 500 feet away.
how can they be physically attacked when you are performing your job and protecting them?
ohh wait you’re not
so local governments ARE NOT performing their duties other than collecting your money
the main job is to protect the people from others
we take your money for policing but we are giving you the finger
Come on
the main job for the (local) police today is filling out reports after the fact;
sometimes they’ll even arrest/harass people for not staying >6 feet apart.
the state police perform two functons: high-speed (>120 mph) chases and handing out summons to anyone doing 3 mph over the stated limit.
the federal police are so involved in setting up stings to haul Joe Average off to Federal prison, they just don’t have time for much else.
Remember: onlythe military and the police should have guns! Sieg Heil!!
Sonesta Hotel refused to host the event after speaking to the local police? That’s not quite what I read elsewhere. Local police were more than happy to help plan security with the hotel and provide additional assistance if needed,
I’m not up on Tennessee law, but under the laws of other states this looks a lot like tortious interference with contract to me. (Potentially, if threats of violence were also employed, RICO as well.)
I suspect local juries would not be too fond of the Hamas sympathizers. Tennessee ain’t NYC or Berkeley.