More Illegal Aliens Evade Border Patrol Under Biden Than Other Presidents

Fox News obtained documents showing more illegal aliens have evaded border patrol agents under President Joe Biden’s administration than other administrations.

Not cool:

They show that between FY 2010 and FY 2020 inclusive, there were over 1.4 million gotaways, ranging from a low of 86,226 in FY 2011 to a high of 171,663 in FY 2013.In FY 2020, there were 136,808 gotaways at the border. That number then rose to 387,398 in FY 2021, which coincided with the last months of the Trump administration and the first months of the Biden administration.As the migrant numbers at the southern border rose to crisis levels, so did the number of gotaways — with numbers then skyrocketing to 606,131 in FY 2022 and 670,674 in FY 23.This means that there were more gotaways in FY21-23 (1.6 million) than the decade of FY 2010 and FY 2020 (1.4 million).

FY 2024, which began on October 1, has only 175,000…so far.

We have better technology, which could cloud past numbers.

“If a person is willing to put themselves into harm’s way crossing through very remote, very dangerous conditions to evade capture, you have to ask yourself why. What makes them willing to take that risk?” Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens told a House Committee in 2023. “That’s of concern to me. What’s also of concern to me is I don’t know who that individual is. I don’t know where they came from. I don’t know what their intention is. I don’t know what they brought with them. That unknown represents a risk, a threat. It’s of great concern to anybody that wears this uniform.”

We’ve needed to overhaul our immigration policy for a long time. Now that everyone has become more polarized, it’s not improving.

Panama President-elect Jose Raul Mulino might help the U.S. immigration problem while saving numerous lives by closing the dangerous Darién Gap.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, National Security