Monkeypox Cases are Climbing in NYC
NYC Public Health Advisory concerned about another summertime surge, as well as the more severe strain being reported in the Congo.

Reviewing the monkeypox coverage we have shared, I noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that a more infectious mpox (i.e., the rebranded monkeypox) virus strain had been found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It was spreading and had a higher infection fatality rate than previous virus strains that had spread during 2022’s “Monkeypox Emergency. “
In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) sounded the alarm about the DRC mpox outbreak and researchers have begun warning about ‘pandemic potential”.
Now, it is being reported that the disease cases are climbing in New York City, although of a less severe and harder-to-transmit strain of the virus. As with previous outbreaks, the infections are associated with sexual activity.
The number of cases of mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, has spiked in the Big Apple since October, the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene warned, with a high of 51 cases in January.
Since October, the city has averaged 36 cases per month, an increase from two to 20 cases per month for most of 2023, the agency said Friday in a health advisory.
Of the 256 reported cases from October through April 15, most were mild, with only 10 people requiring hospitalization.
The bulk of those who fell ill were Black or Hispanic, ages 25 to 44, and men who have sex with men.
While health “experts” assert it is not a sexually transmitted disease, they indicate it is spread by “skin to skin” contact. I believe there is a great deal of “skin-to-skin” contact during intimacy, which seems to be finely threading the needle.
The groups most at risk of contracting the virus, a cousin of smallpox that can cause painful lesions and flu-like symptoms, are among those where the virus first began to spread — men who are intimate with other men. However, it is not a sexually transmitted disease, but one that spreads from skin-to-skin contact.
Cases nationwide numbered 576 since Jan. 1 — compared to 298 all last year, the CDC reports.
“While the overall number of mpox cases in New York state remains low, we have seen a recent increase in cases, so it’s important for people to remember it’s still with us,” state Health Department spokesperson Cadence Acquaviva said in a statement Monday.
I will highlight that the number of cases seen across the country this year is nearly double what was recorded in 2023.
The NYC Health Department wants the medical community to prepare for another potential summer-time surge, like the one seen in 2022. The New York City health advisory also mentions the Clade 1 virus that is surging in the Congo and has been the focus of the reports on pandemic potential.
“This, along with the large outbreak of the more severe Clade I monkeypox virus (MPXV) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, highlight the need for ongoing vigilance,” the advisory states. The virus can cause a rash that spreads across a patient’s body, along with flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, headache and muscle soreness.
…The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says there are two types of the virus: a more severe Clade I and a less severe Clade II. There have been no reported cases of Clade I in the U.S., but the recent outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo poses a risk of introduction in the States via travel, the Department of Health advisory explains.
While 99.9% of people survive Clade II, some outbreaks of Clade I, which is endemic in Central Africa, have killed up to 10% of people who got sick, according to the CDC. Treatment and vaccination protocols for both types of the virus are similar.
Of course, there may be reasons we may be seeing an uptick a little sooner this year…
BREAKING: CDC denies that Monkeypox cases have increased due to sexual contact at university "Gaza protests."
— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) April 27, 2024

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I thought the left determined that monkey pox is triggering.
Don’t we have to call it “m-pox” now?
Their racism always shines through, doesn’t it?
It’s not racist. Rename a disease, and it goes away. No more monkeypox cases, see?
Avian bird flu in our milk, monkey pox at our riots.
The left is really setting the foundation for another fauxdemic.
Or for 28 Days After.
Faux or real, with lots of death either way.
If they would stop playing spank the monkey with homeless gay drug addicts there would be nothing to worry about but where is the fun in that?
Maybe Israel will release a gain of function special to wipe out Gaza after they have eliminated the Hamas army and leadership. Don’t be shocked if this happens, but of course they will deny it.
I skeerd – NOT.
BREAKING: CDC denies that Monkeypox cases have increased due to sexual contact at university “Gaza protests.” That’s the money quote I was waiting for. These riots are righteous in their on right and simply immune. If Hollywood made a movie of them, the scene would rank close to Charlton Heston parting the Sea.
F around and find out, as the kids say…
Well why not? After all, the BLM rioters were immune from covid, right?
Out of all the hypocritical outrageous double-standards imposed during Covid, the powers that be declaring the BLM/Antifa rioters could not spread the disease, despite physically attacking and spitting on people, mobbing together in violation of the “6-foot rule” and not wearing face masks was all okay. They didn’t even have to show proof of vaccination prior to burning down your home or business.
But the rest of us were threatened and harassed every single day for trying to live a normal life.
I’m pretty sure this is related to the Trump trial. Trump is releasing m-pox germs to get revenge on NYC.
And, as Maxine Walters revealed the other day, all those MAGA supporters who are hiding and training up in the hills, waiting to attack Gaza supporters and destroy our Democracy once Trump wins re-election.
I’ve had the smallpox vaccine (as most people over 50 have) and I don’t bang monkeys, or men or anyone who’s not my wife. So, my fear of contracting monkeypox is 0.00%.
Yep. If you don’t have prolonged skin to skin contact or lots of skin to skin contact with multiple people then you basically have nothing to worry about. Those that are out ‘on the prowl’ as my Dad described it and are successful in hooking up with some random person may want to get checked out.
If it is really just “skin to skin contact” that spreads it, then it should spread in massage parlors. Most masseuses are women and they should have it, there are lots of parlors in NYC., and the majority of patrons are heterosexual men. A nice hard massage should spread it easily. Maybe gay men only go to gay parlors, though, or maybe it needs a little more than mere skin contact to spread it.
Who is patient zero? Did a promiscuous monkey give it to gay man, or did gay man give it to monkeys?
It’s more likely it was consumed. What most people in the west don’t understand or appreciate is that MANY of the worst viruses that have infected humans in Africa (though zoonotic transfer) were almost entirely due to under-cooked bush meat. Indigenous Africans love themselves some monkey and Gorilla and whatnot.
Just one more reason to avoid NYC.
With the riots and the plagues and all, anyone attempting to evacuate New York had best not look over their shoulders. Salt isn’t nearly as precious as it once was.
If monkey-pox is found primarily among gay men and not spread equally among normal and gay populations, then it is without question an anally transmitted sexual disease..
The cohort that is not gay are certainly into sex involving anuses.
And then I think of that little M-pox infected boy in one (gay) household, and the dog in another… this is why CDC won’t call it an STD.
It is either that or a founder effect, but a founder effect should disappear with time – particularly in a big city like NYC.
“And then I think of that little M-pox infected boy in one (gay) household, and the dog in another… this is why CDC won’t call it an STD.”
I thought the kid caught it from the dog?
And what you did, right there, is why it had to be renamed.
Remember when the media tried to make us terrified about monkeypox, and then a bunch of children and dogs started catching it and suddenly nobody wanted to talk about it any more?
Jut in time for this
Filmed entirely on American campus quads!
I’ll do my part to stop the spread. No more unprotected promiscuous gay sex with random homeless men for me!
newsom’s not gonna like that!!
Did I get those numbers right: The Powers That Be are concerned that our medical system can’t handle a “spike” of a few hundred more mPox cases? Brace for the incoming so to speak?
Why is our health care system so brittle; they had over a decade since they added buy-side nationalization to the approval, allocation, and funding they already had. Shouldn’t they have it working right by now?
Here’s an idea: If you feel like you have the flu, or have open sores, maybe knock off the broad-spectrum knocking boots for a while?
I’m not seeing anything actionable from our medical overlords on when yr contagious — so you can maybe not transmit, or especially how to know you need treatment n get it before you become hospital acute.
So, everybody’s at risk. Nothing to do until it’s about to kill you. Only recourse is hospitalization.
So, same, same, just like last time.
I wonder when the gay community will realize that their beloved government actually doesn’t much care if they live or die with “messages” that don’t acknowledge how this virus actually transfers from one person to another. That’s the bottom line, so to speak.
Whatever. Just remind the public that monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease and that one vector for transmission is anal sex and I guarantee you that this will once again be quickly relegated to the back pages of the news and not be mentioned again.