Met Museum’s Native American Art Curator Accused of Faking Her Heritage
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Met Museum’s Native American Art Curator Accused of Faking Her Heritage

Met Museum’s Native American Art Curator Accused of Faking Her Heritage

“They are so obsessed with DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] that they are not doing their due diligence, and when they don’t do the work, they are doing a disservice to the Native community, to people who have suffered erasure.”

Native American groups claim that the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Native American Art curator, Patricia Marroquin Norby, is not a Native American.

The museum received praise when it hired Norby as the first Native American art curator. It makes sense to have a Native American curate the section.

Norby described herself as Apache, eastern Apache, Nde, and Purepacha/Tarascan in legal filings.

Man, how many fakes have been exposed? A LOT. Lizzie Warren takes the cake, though.

Norby’s PhD in American studies thesis analyzed how “European Americans have historically manipulated American Indian images to create a non-American Indian perspective.”

After Norby got her PhD, she held lucrative jobs before the Met:

After receiving her doctorate, she became director of the D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the Newberry Library in Chicago, and a trustee of the city’s Field Museum, “where she advised on repatriation cases,” according to an online biography.

Before her historic appointment at the Met, Marroquin Norby was senior executive and assistant director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Lower Manhattan for 10 months in 2019 and 2020.

But Norby shot to fame when the Met hired her.

Art/culture sections in the media went crazy over Norby.

Norby told NPR that she is Purepoacha, a Mexican indigenous group. The US Department of the Interior’s Indian Affairs division does not recognize this group.

Native American groups disputed Norby, who screamed cancel culture on social media.

“Purepacha and Nde (Mexican Apache) family roots from Mexico, northern Mexico and Texas,” insisted Norby. “I am not going to hide my identity or family history in shame.”

The Met said, “Patricia Marroquin Norby is of Purepacha descent and also descends from Indigenous communities in what is now Texas.”

Kathy Griffin, a member of the Cherokee Nation, shared Norby’s genealogy with The New York Post. Norby’s action even confused the Purepacha community:

The review of Marroquin Norby’s ancestry compiled by Griffin shows no evidence that any of her parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were enrolled members of a recognized tribe.

“It’s genocide again of Native Americans,” Griffin said. “Now [white people’s] descendants are colonizing us again by claiming to be us.”

Purepacha is not a federally recognized tribe in the US but has a diaspora community, a member of which told The Post: “[Marroquin Norby] wants to be the only Indian in the room and that doesn’t serve the community.

“It’s the first time that someone claiming to be part of our community has behaved this way.”

“With all of the Native American scholars out there, we really wonder why the museum chose Patricia, who is definitely not Native American,” lamented Griffin.

Native American groups are tired of who they call pretendians. Can you blame them?

Native American writer and activist Jacqueline Keeler said the groups look for red flags. One of the biggest flags is the “shifting of Native identities.”

Norby shifted her identities many times!

“The Met really needs to educate themselves about American Indian sovereignty,” said Lianna Costantino, a co-founder of the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds. “They are so obsessed with DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] that they are not doing their due diligence, and when they don’t do the work, they are doing a disservice to the Native community, to people who have suffered erasure. They are just erasing them again.”


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Unlike Warren, at least she seems to look the part.

These groups are so important the the left has to copy them

Maybe we should call it “virtue appropriation” or something. Of course, lying to displace real POCs works.

Is there anything the left doesn’t lie about?

All of this proof of white privilege!!!

Norby told NPR that she is Purepoacha, a Mexican indigenous group.

That means she is qualified to work in the museum in Mexico City.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Paula. | May 29, 2024 at 7:52 pm

    Her claim to be Purepoacha is probably cut from the same BS, more like she is just another Affirmative dud, maybe similar racial makeup as most American Affirmative duds?

drsamherman | May 29, 2024 at 4:29 pm

She might as well have claimed to be of the Dolezal tribe of Western Warren, and also related to the Ward Churchill Tribe of Eastern Newark.

Whole lotta fakin goin on.

These Dhimmi-crat racial hustlers out to con their way to the top of the Dhimmi-crats’ corrosive and stupid racial spoils system, are a dime a dozen. So many hustlers have been exposed, now, from the infamous Talcum X, to Rachel Dolezal, to Alex Baldwin’s wretched wife, that you can’t even keep track of the phenomenon.

Meh. If a woman can have a penis why can’t Norby be an Indian, if that is how she self-identifies? The only way this DIE lunacy ends is if it becomes so horribly painful for everyone involved that politicians will do anything to avoid it. Anything short of that simply guarantee it staggers on.

So I say: Squaw givem whites heap big middle finger!

    Not allowed to use the word ‘squaw’ anymore. For purposes of virtue signaling, white progressive lefties claimed it was ‘offensive’ term, even if other native americans had no problem with it for generations. They have not yet come agreement on replacement word for female, and never will. So they only get referred to in English language, which white progressive lefties believe is less bad for some illogical reasoning.

      Dimsdale in reply to smooth. | May 29, 2024 at 8:08 pm

      “Replacement word for female?” They skipped right over that to replacements for women.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to Recovering Lutheran. | May 30, 2024 at 4:31 am

    What did Scott Adams once say? Mock something so mercilessly that even thise that came up with the idea deny they had anything to do with it.

As a descendant of the Nulhegann Abernaki this type of crap really irritates me. That “bow to me because I’m a native American” ship has sailed, lady. Live, respect our rights and be done with it

2smartforlibs | May 29, 2024 at 4:54 pm

It seems to be common on the left. They take the position they should have been considered for with others do without. Thats your modern left wing.

Everything about Native American culture is risible when it’s promoted as deep.

Kinky Friedman (mystical Indian voice) You can’t own land, you can’t own a horse or a dog or a waterfall, you can only own a casino.

Indians disappear when they assimilate, but they’re not into promotion then.


Liz Warren is smiling.

E Howard Hunt | May 29, 2024 at 5:27 pm

No matter what this dame squawks she ain’t no squaw.

henrybowman | May 29, 2024 at 8:32 pm

“It’s genocide again of Native Americans,” Griffin said. “Now [white people’s] descendants are colonizing us again by claiming to be us.”


destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 9:03 pm


if you are born in america


destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 9:03 pm


many indians owned slaves poc slaves

The museum received praise when it hired Norby as the first Native American art curator. It makes sense to have a Native American curate the section.

No, it doesn’t, any more than it makes sense to have a black curator of a section on Black American art, or a European curator of a section on European art. In all cases, what it takes is someone with expertise on the subject, regardless of that person’s ethnic background or ancestry.

Someone needs to ask Pocohontas ( aka Elizabeth Warren) to provide insightful comments.

A friend picked up on my suggestion and has gotten back to me. Apparently Senator Warren’s reaction was: “ Been there, done that “.

So, no mention of any DNA testing to confirm her ancestry? She looks mestizo. If so, she’s part Indio which should be good enough. Don’t know why she has to be officially in a tribe’s roll, maybe these American Native groups are unhappy about a Mexican getting such a plum job.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | May 30, 2024 at 10:59 am

So, are only specific tribes allowed to claim ancestry? It seems that there are as many tribes as there are municipal districts in each state.

Does the individual tribes provide identification cards, must the person live on a reservation?

What qualifies as Indian? One 1024th? That’s 10 generations.

I can only trace my ancestry to 6 generations. Who keeps records? Are they accurate?

Who gets to decide whether a nomadic tribe that traveled from Oklahoma to Mexico City is or isn’t a true “Indian?”

What is an Indian, compared to a “Native America,” especially given that these nomadic tribes may have taken this land from someone else centuries ago?

    not_a_lawyer in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | June 2, 2024 at 1:52 am

    Who keep records?

    Certainly not the Native Americans, To keep records you need a written language.

    The Native Americans did not have one.

destroycommunism | May 30, 2024 at 11:27 am

Norby responded:

I am so I am so

and this is an arrow to the heart!!