Male, 31, Competing With U. Michigan in National Women’s Water Polo Championship for Second Time
REDUXX revealed the male volunteers for a “hotline specialized in topics relating to female health and pregnancy.”

Alicia Paans, formerly known as Johnny Paans, will again play on the University of Michigan female water polo team in the championships.
Paans is also 31. He’s a graduate student at the school and originally from The Netherlands.
Paans is expected to compete on the University of Michigan’s Women’s Club Water Polo team. The club’s official Instagram account recently named Paans as “player of the week,” boasting that he is also a state chess champion in the women’s category, having won second place at the Michigan Chess Association women’s open in 2022.
Paans also competed on the University of Michigan team in 2023, during which time they won the national women’s title against the University of California-Santa Barbara. In the same competition, Paans was noted to have scored goals in a 17 to 5 defeat against the University of Virginia, and in a 17 to 6 defeat against the University of Washington.
Yes, Paans uses “the female locker rooms and facilities when he competes.”
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The Collegiate Water Polo Association allows males to participate on female teams.
The association brags that it “is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable sports environment for all those who wish to participate.”
The association also has the nerve to think its guidelines ensure “fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for all.”
Make it stop.
This part REALLY infuriates me. REDUXX revealed Paans volunteers for a “hotline specialized in topics relating to female health and pregnancy.”
Males cannot counsel a female on female health or pregnancy unless he is an OB-GYN with medical experience.
Jennifer, the mother of a water polo athlete who competed at the national championship with Paans, told REDUXX she could tell he was a male immediately.
No one alerted the other teams that the University of Michigan had a male on the female team:
Jennifer says she had been distressed by the thought that her daughter might have been forced to participate against a male, and was “relieved” when the match-up did not come to fruition.
“None of these women were initially aware a man had been allowed to play,” Jennifer noted. “Many of the player’s on my daughter’s team were almost in shock at the situation, and spoke to one another about discomfort with it. But to my knowledge, no one spoke to the organizers of the tournament. They felt that nothing would be done given that it was allowed based on [CWPA] policy.”

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The women have to speak up
And refuse to participate
No women, no games, no paying jobs for the useless cucks that are doing this to women ( including pink haired, blues, purple, bright orange.. you get the picture, women who are real women’s worst enemy)
It would be nice. But many of these ladies are on partial scholarship and depend on that help. Personally, i find it hard the blame them for just shutting up.
I can see why the women shut up. They lose so much by complaining.
But I don’t agree with it.
Telling women not to fight back from men invading their sports, locker rooms, and other spaces is similar to telling women who are being raped to just lay down, let the rapist finish, and soon it will all be over.
Or maybe they can urinate on themselves. That may work.
If they complain: who do they complain to? The college administration? They are cowards or are in favor of it, and would likely yank any scholarship they have . The Collegiate Water Polo Association? They are all-in on Dudes In Dresses (DIDs) invading women’s locker rooms! The Joseph Goebbels media? Puleeze! The GOP? With a few notable exceptions such as Desantis the GOP cares only about more money for the Ukrainian corruptocrats and open borders for their CoC paymasters. The Michigan AG Dana Nessel? She is a LGBTQWERTY+ stormtrooper and is more likely to take action against the women who complain than defend their civil rights and their safety. File suit in court? That is expensive and a roll of the dice with no guarantee of justice.
It is easy to tell someone to risk everything and fight when it is not our necks on the line and the odds stacked against us. We are entering a time in our history when there are no good choices anymore – just ones between very bad alternatives. This is a situation familiar to anyone who has lived in a dictatorship where justice is extinct, or nearly so.
At first I agreed with what you wrote but then upon further consideration said to myself .nope. Where would we (women) be today if the suffragettes had decided it was too costly to fight for the right to vote? Does doing the right thing depend on degree of comfort? Or convenience? Or financial benefit?
If all the women/girls said NO there would be power in that. Until then the trans will continue to chip away until women’s anything will cease to exist.
But it would only take a few guys to displace those women from their scholarships.
Better yet have their opponents sub in elite men players and dish out an epic butt whipping but give the medals to the real women team members.
Not ideal but it would make the transgender admins and sports organizations lose their minds.
The real men on campus need to step up and apply, and out-compete the women, for every single position on every women’s team. The women won’t have to refuse to compete against men, real men can make a shambles of women’s sports and make the point that allowing them to do so is completely insane.
The problem is that in order for that to be effective, a large majority of the female athletes would have to participate in the boycott. As the 5 HS female shot putters recently discovered, when it’s just a few of them, they’ll be punished into shutting up.
Part of the issue is that this is college athletics. Meaning the athletes are actively being indoctrinated daily into the woke, leftist mindset. Meaning that many of the team members not only don’t object, but actively support men usurping their positions.
And some who do oppose it are afraid to voice their opposition for fear of being socially ostracized from their peer group.
The end result is that the few who do oppose the policies and have the…um…guts…to voice their opposition won’t be able to force change through a boycott, they’d just be suspended from the team and replaced by backup players.
Maybe if a Caitlin Clark or someone like that threatened to refuse to play it would have an impact, but I doubt there are any players with the fan base or name recognition of Caitlin Clark in women’s water polo.
As I commented above, if the men on campus take over women’s sports completely, they can end the insanity without the women having to stand up for themselves (whether they’re willing to do so or not). What is needed is the complete exclusion of women from women’s sports by men willing to make the point, “Be careful what you ask for.”
Women refusing to participate is unlikely to happen. It might happen but I doubt it. There is NIL money involved. This madness is a result of gender identity winning out over biological sex. It is happening more in individual than team events. If an Administration can simply change rules at the Federal level to promote, foster, and condone “an inclusive and equitable sports environment” then the Trump administration should simply reverse the actions of the psychologically impaired Biden administration.
The vast majority of college athletes are on scholarship. They cannot refuse to compete outside of injury or illness.
If they refuse to compete, they can be thrown off of scholarship and expelled.
the real women are waiting for real men to save them
huh the irony
lefty is in charge>>women are in charge
socialism is therefor in charge
britiney granier for potus!!! 🙂
White people, in general, are destroying Western civilization. And for what? To be cordial to the minority races and demented perverts? Is sacrificing the most influential and impactful civilization in all of human history worth all of this?
At some point, white people need to wake up and say, “No more!” soon before we cross the Rubicon.
It’s not a “white” culture.
But Western culture is.
No, it isn’t. It’s available to all and isn’t bound to any ethnic or racial traits. The foundation of it (Christianity) is specifically open to all. You’re doing the exact same thing as the “getting to work on time is white supremacy” people if you claim otherwise.
I would say it is affluent white people in general who are destroying Western civilization. Many have never suffered a single day of their lives and have a god complex besides where they feel entitled to run the lives of those whom they deem to be intellectually and morally inferior (see: Bill Gates and other Democrat plutocrats).
The trans insanity, abortion as a sacred act, open borders, and green fascism are enthusiastically supported by those whose wealth and privilege largely insulate them from negative fallout of their insane beliefs. It is the rest of us who have to face the consequences of their arrogance and stupidity.
Utterly ridiculous. This “Gender Identity” slop is going to ruin female sports. Once most the public realizes what they are seeing, the clicks, the viewership, and the donations will dry up to nearly nothing.
Isn’t he outside the eligibility for college sports?
Nope. No age limit. He is eligible as long as (generally speaking) he has not played college sports before.
He should be ineligible because he’s not an undergraduate. This junk with graduate students being on sports teams is ridiculous. Graduate school is supposed to be a whole different animal than undergraduate.
… and that’s all on top of the fact that this Paanus guy is looking to beat up girls in one of the dirtier sports around. Water polo involves more illegal actions (hidden from view under water) than most sports.
Would kicking him in the balls be considered a foul?
Perhaps the ladies can test that theory, forcefully and often.
I know it can be done, but developing a forceful kick underwater is hard. Since there’s nothing to push off against with the other foot.
Water doesn’t impede a grab and twist.
It is generally considered that 25 is the age limit for collegiate sports, but do not know if that is codified by the NCAA
Nobody’s complaining about his women’s chess win.
What’s to complain about? It’s obviously as bogus as his cheating in water polo and his pathetic act of playing on a sports team as a graduate student.
Of course, a graduate department in social work is, itself, a complete farce.
I love the fact that he’s working the female problem hotline. That’s pretty funny.
Also, how does coming in 2nd make you champ?
Of course he shouldn’t be competing in the women’s category
Paanus came in second but he identified as the champ.
Reminds me of a great bit from the movie, “The Big Bang”(the movie, not the TV series):
A mental sport is not really one in which we need separate divisions anyway.
Yet another mentally ill cheat. “studying social work”…well now, let’s just check all the useless boxes. But hey, at least in chess there’s a more even playing field, regardless how one cross-dresses to support their addled minds.
Fast-forward 20 years, assuming he/it decides to get married and have children…”Hey dad, is that you in a woman’s swim suit on the girls team? Where’d you tuck your…self?
Well, with a name like PenisAnus, he shouldn’t have any difficulty “tucking” himself.
With his head in there too?
On the issue of mentally ill DIDs (Dudes In Dresses), women will get no help from feminist leaders or most female politicians. All they care about is abortion, abortion, and (of course) abortion.
So women – and the men who care about them – will have to stop this. They can expect lawfare, public ridicule and demonization, media indifference (if not hostility), and threats and physical assault. Welcome to Soviet Amerika.
How come the horses don’t drown? 🙂
I’m not sure why there is a women’s chess team or championship though.
Women can’t compete at the very top levels with the very top men.
The same thing that lets women keep track of other things keeps them from enjoying obsession with a single problem, so they don’t do it. But that obsession is necessary to get to a top level.
Same thing happens in math at the top level: women drop out when it becomes apparent that they can’t have a social life too.
True at the top of software engineering too. I have worked with some truly excellent women software developers but (1) they were rare, and (2) they weren’t insanely dedicated enough to literally give up their lives. Put another way, no woman engineer I knew ever had the t-shirt ‘working 90 hours a week and loving it’
That’s TardE’s kinda woman. Science™️
Queer males will eventually take all the top spots in women’s sports. Feminists are stupid.
Many “feminists” are similar in appearance to manatees. They don’t care because their ability to even participate in any sport is zero.
The mantra of the feminists is biting them in the butt. The “we don’t need men” belief has allowed mentally disturbed queer guys to take over female athletics.
why not amend Title 9 and replace “women” with “female”?
Be more specific. Biological female. Leave no doubt.
This stops when all females (including team members) refuse to participate.
Who would sanction an event if there’s only one person competing?
How soon before a case comes to SCOTUS, so this can be smacked down for good? God willing our conservative justices stand up for reality and stay healthy and alive.
Jackson will have to recuse herself immediately due to being unqualified.
If the association is boasting it “is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable sports environment for all those who wish to participate,” then within that quoted statement is where the counter-offensive must begin.
The association’s guidelines ensure “fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for all.”
Yes, we must make it stop, but the question is not why but how. I can’t think of an answer but the way to do it must end this madness once and for all.
Point. And laugh out loud.
Make it stop.
Decency demands that we offend certain people; we cannot afford to be cowards.
Johnny A. Paans could have gone to the University of Pretoria, S. Africa, for a useless graduate degree. They reportedly excell in women’s water polo. But NO! That would be much too dangerous.
so their reality now mustttt be our reality
sounds like what they did to america when they announced the 2020 election results
The proper response is humiliation.
“WTF Dude, you are competing against chicks?”
After that is a beat-down by the corresponding male team. College women have a lot of influence over college men.