TRUMP: ‘If They Can Do This to Me, They Can Do This to Anyone’
“We had a failed DA, crime is rampant in New York, violent crime, that is what he is supposed to be looking at. Crime is rampant in New York.”

Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at 11 AM ET from the Trump Tower Atrium:
DONALD TRUMP: As far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. We were not allowed to use our election expert, under any circumstances. You saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. They were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he is really a devil. It looks so nice and soft. People say he’d seems like such a nice man. If you saw him in action, and you saw that with a certain witness that went through Hell. When we wanted to do things he would not let us do those things. But when the government wanted something they got everything, they got everything they wanted.
It was a rigged trial. We wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. We did not get it. We wanted a judge change, we wanted a judge that was not conflicted. Obviously he did not do that. Nobody is ever seen anything like it. We had a failed DA, crime is rampant in New York, violent crime, that is what he is supposed to be looking at. Crime is rampant in New York. Yesterday at McDonald’s you had a man with a machete. Who can imagine a machete being wielded in a store come in a place where they are eating and he is rampant and Bragg is down watching a trial on what they call “crimes.”
“Falsifying business records.” To me it sounds very bad. It is only a misdemeanor but to me it sounds so bad when they say falsifying business records. That is a bad thing for me. You know what falsifying business records is? In the first degree! They say falsifying business records means the legal expense, I paid a lawyer, totally legal, I paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper, without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down in the books. A very professional woman, highly respected, she testified, marked it down in the books as a legal expense. A legal expense is a legal expense in the books. It is not sheet rock construction or any other thing. It is a legal expense.
Think of that. This is what the falsification of business records were. I said what else are you going to call it? What else are you going to call it?
Trump also said:
TRUMP: “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. These are bad people. These are, in many cases, I believe, sick people. When you look at our country, what’s happening, where millions and millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world, not just South America, from Africa, from Asia, from the Middle East, and they’re coming in from jails and prisons, and they’re coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums, they’re coming in from all over the world into our country, and we have a president and a group of fascists that don’t want to do anything about it. Because they could, right now, today, he could stop it. But he’s not. They’re destroying our country. Our country is in very bad shape.”
TRUMP: “Think of it. I’m the leading candidate. I’m leading Biden by a lot, and I’m leading the Republicans to the point where that’s over. So I’m the leading person for president and I’m under a gag order by a man that can’t put two sentences together.”

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I would say boycott New York but that doesn’t go far enough.
Write to your congressman about regulations on looted antiquities and make it clear you are outraged America doesn’t enforce her regulations.
Enough people expressing outrage about that and it is curtains for the Met. The Met is one of the main pillars keeping New York City afloat.
Remember don’t throw stones from a glass house lets crush them to pieces.
Whatever argument there used to be for looking the other way about New York City’s looted antiquities dead with New York’s formal declaration of war.
To b fair, it’s just boycott Manhattan The othr boroughs are OK.
Any of ’em red? No? Screw ’em all.
I am not with Henry and I would be fine saying I am wrong if you could show that even though blue most of New York is not a place of Stalinistic imports as we could agree that borough is.
But I am afraid I would like some evidence for that and that I would demand the evidence be extremely strong.
I had extremely mixed views on the Met prior to the conviction. On the one hand it is mainly a collection of looted antiquities and it ranks among the dirtiest museums in the world in that regard. How would you like it if a museum in China was doing the same thing and denying the rightful owners their cultural heritage being returned?
On the other hand as an American it should give you pride to know that one of the main centers of culture is in New York. some of those looted antiquities have been central to New York for many decades to.
That second reason died with New York’s verdict to me in a similar way to the British Museum putting major pieces of art in danger in a political stunt killed the argument for keeping their looted Greek statues from Athens and the fact is New York City lives off of the culture reputation it has. Send looted antiquities back to their rightful owners and a lot of that culture reputation dies in an instant.
We stop between Binghamton and Albany every summer on the way home. See a bunch of Trump signs. Don’t confuse NYC, Albany and Buffalo with the rest of the state.
You and people like you are as responsible for this travesty of justice as the NY democrats.
All I have to say to your direct insult is fuck you. Not in the mood to say anything else to an asshole like yourself.
The truth hurts. You have spent your entire time commenting on this board attempting to harm Trump. Every single comment has been tailored to do so.
You and nearly the entire GOP stood by while Trump was being persecuted by the federal government. You cheered for the “russia, russia, russia” investigation, you support the illegal and corrupt prosecution of trump ongoing in Georgia and Florida.
This soviet show trial in NY is just the tip of the iceberg of what Trump has been put through, for years. The 2020 election was stolen and you were fine with it.
You, and those like you, are responsible.
1. Again fuck you I am not in the mood for assholes like yourself right now.
2. I lost friends defending Trump during the Trump presidency on exactly the Russia issue asshole
3. Again a lie I did not cheer for Russia Russia Russia ever I LOST FRIENDS FIGHTING IT ASSHOLE
4. I actually criticized Trump because I thought he was too diplomatically hard on Russia at the same time.
5. You are an asshole and proof beyond all doubt that our side has assholes to.
6. Crawl back into your hole you are an asshole and no your not our asshole because you are trying to use this to claim anyone who didn’t back Trump in the primary should be slandered
7. Unlike you Trump isn’t buying your Trump is a godking and if you ever don’t agree with him or didn’t think he was the best bet for winning 2024 you should be slandered and excommunicated…..
8. I am now sticking permanently to a policy of the only think I say to you Barry is fuck you asshole because you are an asshole and I will never address you again. You literally called me a China advocate because i thought Nancy Pelosi’s trip was a needless provocation that actually had horrible results.
Unlike you I served my country in uniform.
You are an asshole and I will no longer pretend your a human being.
” I lost friends defending Trump during the Trump presidency on exactly the Russia issue asshole”
Anyone with a memory that reads here knows that is an outright lie.
Looted antiquated? Really? Perhaps accepting that Trump is an obvious criminal would be a tad more mature than all this hyperventilating
I can’t wait for the 30 years they give you for listing all your expenses for gay hookers as “massage,”
LOL. Even gay hookers won’t take his money.
Go jo somewhere else.
Having TDS is not mature.
Well he is guilty of existing.
What you saw was not a crime what you saw was he did something legal and was charged with it with a judge who is the definition of corrupt and a corrupt asshole.
But I am really not in the mood to discuss anything with an asshole like yourself.
You are not in any way different than Putin. I know you believe because you threw the rule of law out and are eliminating dissent you are different from Putin doing the same thing I assure you you aren’t and your going to the same hell he is.
By the way denying that the Met is full of looted antiquities is like denying dolphins live in water.
Then again leftists running the British Museum literally sell antiquities from it on the black market so par for course for you.
I’d rather live in Rusia than NYC!
LOL. Teen queen FartE lecturing the commentariat on being “a tad more mature.”
Do you even irony, bro?
This could only happen to Trump. Anyone else would have ended it early, but he helped every step of the way.
An ignorant fuck such as yourself apparently hasn’t heard of Social Media Influencer Douglass Mackey Sentenced after Conviction for posting a meme in 2016 Presidential Race.
Heather Idoni received a sentence of two years in prison on Wednesday for her role in a pro-life protest.
I seem to recall a bunch of folks imprisoned in pretrial confinement for very sketchy charges related to J6. Then there’s the no knock predawn raids being conducted by various agencies resulting in death of the occupants. See the recent ATF kinetic raid to execute a search warrant (not an arrest warrant) for the airport director in Little Rock.
There was abuse of process and shady DA/LEO on power trips gaining sketchy convictions before Trump and that will continue after Trump. There are several folks released from our Nation’s prisons each year who turn out to have been wrongly convicted based upon lies from witnesses, tampered evidence or just framed by incompetent and sometimes dirty police work. Trump isn’t unique in getting the shaft, though it is fair to say he is getting more shafts pointed in his direction than most.
How about the college student who spent 2 years on house arrest for snap chatting “this will make the snow flakes melt”
Sure. Lots of examples out there of politically and/or ideologically motivated prosecutions not involving Trump as a defendant. The Neo Clerisy, credentialed class, bureaucracy doesn’t like being challenged so those who dissent come onto their radar. See the German Gov’t going after ADF, basically the center/right populist party in Germany with strong anti illegal immigrant views. The German Govt is putting their members on trial for ‘wrong think’ in voicing opposition to Germany’s disastrous immigration and asylum policies.
Sorry….meant to downvote you. You don’t deserve my upvote. add another downvote because of it.
Nonsense. Unless you falsify campaign and tax records, and do not have sex with PornHub sex sluts, then they will not go after you.
Another TDSer speaks “truth” according to Bragg.
Aparently you have never done accounting. If not a legal fee, how would you have classified it? Nor does Trump get into the weeds with his accountant on how to classify expenses. When did we start investigating people in search of a crime? When we became a bananna republic. My opinion of you and your kind has reached a new level of disgust.
You are misdirecting your disgust with your unfounded assumptions and sanctimony.
Jesus, JR. You didn’t have to try and sell Trump that hard, I was already going to vote for him!
Tell it to the people facing decades in prison for praying outside of an abortion clinic.
Having sex with a porn actress is NOT A CRIME
Paying hush money is NOT A CRIME
Maybe on another planet they are but not this one.
Trump did not falsify tax records there is no claim that Trump did not pay all taxes owed
He did not falsify campaign records either
He was not charged with either crime
This is not different from Putin. If you don’t think Putin puts his adversaries through show trials to you are a fool.
I boycotted NY over a year. I had been buying stainless hardware from a company in NY. I found an alternative who was happy to match their prices, and since they are closer to me shipping is faster.
they took a pro american leader and made him face the court/firingsquad
they jailed 2 of his associates for not talking to them
the gop has gone easy on them
the speaker of the house was elected by the dems
the dems flood the gop primaries and choose the ones they want
the msm chooses the language
the schools control the kids
“the schools control the kids”
Just keep drinking.
May NYC burn in hell. The way NYC is declining, that will be sooner than they think.
It’ll be self-inflicted.
Joe now has his excuse to back out of the debate in June. I can hear him say, “I won’t debate a convicted felon. The Republicans must not nominate him.”
Thankfully we don’t let pedophile traitors choose our nominee.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a convicted felon.
Deitrich Bonhoffer was a convicted felon.
All the Tiananmen Square protestors were convicted felons.
Good points but to really irritate a Democrat reminded them that Nelson Mandela was a convicted felon.
Jesus Christ was a convicted felon.
Stay calm. Do not let them Jan6 you
The fast n furious political m*sturb*tion over these verdicts from the collective mass of lefties is hilarious.
I’ve stated for years the deep sewer will assassinate Trump before they let him sit in the oval office again, so the guilty verdicts from kangaroo court world was entirely predictable. Even if all but one count is overturned on appeal (a surety), lefties want the political branding of ‘convicted felon’ as a pretense for the SoS in key states to keep Trump off the ballot. This will save the deep sewer from the ‘wet work’ of assassination.
Basement Joe stole the last election. JoeBama is setting up the steal for Dementia Joe in the next election. So what’s the plan, GOPe? More controlled opposition.
We are at war. Prepare accordingly.
First, I agree completely that as the Election nears, Trump is facing mortal threats from the left particularly if this show-trial conviction has no adverse impact on his polling. The desperate will become unhinged.
But, with respect to ballot access and Trump’s ‘conviction,’ there is no threat to that access. The Supreme Court precedent on this issue is ample and OLD as well as recent. There have in fact been federal office holders elected to office while in prison. States may not add qualifications for federal office. The only qualifications for federal office are clearly enumerated in the US Constitution. The only proscriptions to being president are based on age, citizenship status and residency…as well a successful Impeachment, which is precisely why the Dems tried to Impeach Trump AFTER he left office. That was their only chance of keeping him off the ballot.
“The only qualifications for federal office are clearly enumerated in the US Constitution.”
Yes, I am aware of this the merits of that argument, and would agree – but in light of the previous 8 years, do you still think leftists care about rules??
They can’t pull that one off, though. They don’t have the time, and even a lot of leftist judges would think it’s too far, given the Constitution and the very recent precedent. If MAYBE they had gotten the jury to declare the crime was insurrection, but they couldn’t make that work.
They care about rules insofar as someone might actually care – like several million lefty voters who might just stay home or vote even vote for Trump.
I would hate to be the Judge on that trial. The Deep state is trying to figure out how to assassinate him and blame it on Trump Supporters.
I don’t care what Trump says. It’s what other people say that matters.
Nobody cares what you say.
In regards to voters you are right. Also correct in what people on the fence say. Democrats are self loving over this, those on the right see it for the farce it is. Neither are going to change. It’s what those folks in the middle will make of this that counts
Does it matter to you that other people think you’re a boring, pretentious, pseudo-intellectual jackass?
The law of unintended consequences is often overlooked by deranged people, living in bubbles, removed from reality.
With time, the derangement will accelerate and the deranged will illustrate the unAmerican danger they are.
Daniel Penny doesn’t stand a chance.
It’s so unbelievably frustrating and tragic. Not only will he certainly get convicted, he’ll get a maximum sentence and will then spend the rest of his life as a convicted felon because there’s NO WAY he’ll ever be pardoned by a NY governor. It’s heartbreaking. Stay away from NY.
Everyone is asking what the GOP plan is to directly keep Trump from incarceration. This judge will sentence Trump to prison and there should be no doubt about it. The time for talking is over. We must support Trump with every ounce of our might, to fight politically and legally in a literal brass knuckles, time is of the essence, resolve.
However it can be done, just do it. IMO, the objective must be to get this appeal in front of the US Supreme Court immediately.
Do honestly believe that John Roberts will touch this?
Yes, but not until it’s worked its way through the NY appellate system. And, if the primary appellate court in NY actually gets it correct and overturns this verdict (perhaps not likely, but not impossible), the SCOTUS won’t even have to get involved.
Leaving Roberts out of it in the near-term, I’m not sure if there are 4 justices to grant cert for a habeas or some other common law writ, if it comes to that.
If the trial had been fair (i.e. Trump witnesses had been permitted to testify and the judge had not been a clone of Roland Freisler but an actual fair judge (although such a judge would probably have kept it from the jury or at the very least rendered a verdict for the defense) and the jury had been given accurate and fair instructions on what the law is but had convicted him anyway (perfectly possible remember despite the judge the prosecution put on one of the worst cases of all time) Robert’s may have been hesitant to hear the case.
However there is no way a trial as blatantly unconstitutional as that one (the claimed criminal behavior to try to create the crime wasn’t introduced till literally prosecutions closing argument) will not be taken by the supreme court.
The only question is if the supreme court expedites it or it has to go through New York first.
There is a chance the New York Appeals Court throws the verdict out but it is also possible everyone on it will be too afraid of the voters wrath.
For all those who hate Trump, it’s time to decide if you Hate Trump more than you Hate Injustice.
I think you are right. Roberts is concerned about the legacy of the court. Just this year he has had attempts to intimidate and threaten judges at their homes, Democrat attempts to pass ethics laws to throttle non-compliant constitutional jurists and attempts to influence the Chief Judge to somehow restrict judges unfavorable to Democrat policies and lawfare.
At this point the nation is in peril and the court can either sit on the sidelines and let the Democrats put Trump and GOP operatives in Michigan, Arizona and
Georgia in jail and prevent half or more of the country from real participation in our political system or they can be patriots and overturn all the BS lawfare and return power to the people.
This is a Declaration of Independence moment. We will soon see if the USSC has the fortitude to stand up to the leftist tyrants.
You are insane. Trump will not spend a single day in jail or prison. Maybe he will be put on probation, but that is the worst case.
Not only can do this to you, they already ARE DOING this to you..
Six Pro-Life Activists Convicted of Federal FACE Act Charges, Face Over a Decade in Prison
If FJB wins in November, some enterprising citizen should cover over the signs that say Potomac River with ones that say Rubicon.
I have never contributed to a candidate until today. FJB
Same here
As opposed to 2016, I have held off making any donations so far this year to Trump. I have been awaiting his first lawfare verdict, so that my accrued and suddenly released Trump donations will look exactly like the FU money they are meant as.
All of your contributions will go to pay his million dollar lawyers. Not one penny will go to help him get elected.
Even if true, 100% irrelevant. My FU money will show up and be tallied in the popular mind in exactly the same way as Marchan’s phony-baloney verdict, regardless how it is spent.
Looks like I am hardly alone in following this strategy:
“He also had such an uptick in donations immediately after the verdict that it crashed his donation site. Not something you wish to happen when the going is good, but some kind of indicator of what Americans think of this.”
The Democrats in whose head he lives are already doing a far superior job of campaigning for Trump than I ever could.
I already gave once. Didn’t think I’d give twice, but it was a moral imperative.
Democrats must be punished until they repent.
He doesn’t need help getting elected,…he has that in the bag
Hey Democrat!
$52+ million motherfucking dollars since the sham verdict.
No one cares what you think
Re: falsification of business records
A real world example of false business expense entries is Leona Helmsley’s booking $8 Million of personal remodeling expenses as deductible business expenses.
The goal of all these transparently politically-motivated show trials is to destroy President Trump, personally, financially and politically. To tarnish his image and name, and, to distract the electorate from vile crime boss, Biden’s and the Dhimmi-crats’ manifestly corrosive, idiotic, incompetent and ruinous governance in both domestic and foreign affairs.
If Biden manages to peel off a few thousand voters in each of the “swing” states because of these political persecution trial stunts, these evil, lawless and totalitarian antics and chicanery will have succeeded in their purpose. We must not let that happen.
Do what you can to help re-elect President Trump.
Thanks to all of you Trump haters for paving the way to rule by men rather than law. Every single one of you should be ashamed. You are as responsible for the death of America as all the rabid left wing marxists in this country. You have stood by while a man was railroaded, you applauded it with your inaction, just as you stood by when the election of 2020 was stolen, when the coup occurred. You were too cowardly to speak the truth, to acknowledge the truth, to print the truth on these pages.
Trump haters are mad at you for speaking the truth. They know they are just as guilty, but are trying to hide in the shadows and pretend they are better than the Progressives, but we see them.
‘If They Can Do This to Me, They Can Do This to Anyone’
It should read “If they can do this to me, they will do it to you.”
Once they got Trump they will go after anyone.
Hell the list is growing in Jan6 Ralliers and Trump ssupporters.
We are going into the Moscow Show Trials in the 1930s.
“now plants can be meat” says the commercial
now men can be women
women can be men
dogs can be cats
cats can be dogs
^^^says the leftists^^^
your childrens souls are next
they are already stealing it with these incursions in the classromms
“show and tell” is going to be exposed as something that will revolt people
decent people
but will THAT even be enough to stop the lefty????
You’re like the reincarnation of Francis E. Dec. Can you put a compilation of your posts into a book and maybe do a reading as long as the attendants think you won’t hurt yourself with your plastic spoon?
Personally, I have never been a fan of Trump. I have always considered him an unethical NY Businessman who used bankruptcy as a business strategy to avoid paying legitimate debts.
However, with that said…. this trial has been nothing but political persecution, and blatant election interferance. Trump paid his lawyer for invoices submitted. I don’t see the crime in that. If the invoices submitted were bogus, that’s on Cohen who submitted them. He even admitted to stealing from Trump!
“I have always considered him an unethical NY Businessman who used bankruptcy as a business strategy to avoid paying legitimate debts.”
And intelligent business people consider you to be extremely ignorant. You have no clue what bankruptcy LAWS are created for, nor do you have any idea what occurred causing the Trump organization to declare bankruptcy. It wasn’t just Trump that had to declare bankruptcy.
Essentially you are saying that anyone that declares bankruptcy is “unethical”, or you are singling out Trump just because Trump.
You know nothing about Trump. Nothing.
I consider Trumps pattern of bankruptcies back in the 80’s unethical, and applauded the law changes that were a direct result of the abuses of bankruptcy laws at the time by Trump and other businessmen like him. He was named specifically by congressment when the new laws were being discussed on the House floor. What more do you need? I’m not Anti-Trump, I’m just not Pro-Trump because he’s Trump. The man isn’t even a real Republican, he just became one around 2013 or 14 – shortly before declaring his intent to run for President for the first time. Before that, he was a registered democrat and had a passing social aquaintence with the Clintons.
The problem with me is that I don’t Rug-Sweep just because he’s more charismatic than our other options.
“the abuses of bankruptcy laws at the time by Trump”
So, what crime was committed in this “abuse”?
Who writes the laws that create bankruptcy regulations?
You’re making sh*t up. You can’t name the “abuse” because if you do others can look it up and find that everything was done within and as the law required. Period.
All of the corporate bankruptcy occurred just as it did for the others in the same boat, casino trouble in New Jersey and economic recession. Trump is hardly the only corporate entity to file bankruptcy.
As for being named by “congressmen”, so what? They wrote the laws, they re-wrote the laws, and they are almost all corrupt. They are grandstanding whores, nearly every one.
Tell us some more lies.
Do you not remember when bankruptcy law was changed back in the late ’80’s? I was in highschool at the time and taking an American Government class. Our teacher had us watch live feeds from Congress and we discussed in class what was going on and why. Trump was mentioned in the discussion about why the laws needed to be updated. I don’t remember which congresscritter was speaking – I had no idea then that I’d need to cite date/time/speaker/etc. 40 years later.
It’s not “If they can do this to me they can do it to you”.
It’s “If they can do this to me they WILL do it to you”.