Kevin O’Leary Blasts Biden Student Loan Debt Bailouts as Unfair

Everyone knows why Biden is doing this. It’s all about votes.

FOX News reports:

Kevin O’Leary torches Biden student loan handout as ‘unfair’ and ‘un-American’: ‘I really really hate this’“Shark Tank” host and business leader Kevin O’Leary railed against the Biden administration’s latest round of student debt handouts after the White House announced it would relieve debt for more than 160,000 borrowers.”I hate this, I really, really hate this,” O’Leary said Wednesday on “The Story.””This is a very difficult pill to swallow for people that understand when you borrow money you have to pay it back,” he added. “Particularly, for those who do not understand why a selected group of individuals in history get a free ride. This is so un-American, it is so unfair, it is so inconsistent with the values we made people for over 100 years understand.”The Education Department announced that it will erase $7.7 billion in federal student loans, marking a total of $167 billion in student debt forgiveness for nearly 5 million Americans through several programs.The “Mr. Wonderful” star said he finds it unfair that taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill for well-off college graduates while others have worked hard to pay off their loans.”I am a taxpayer, I don’t like this,” O’Leary said. “I don’t think it is fair. It is un-American in a sense that there are many people who have already paid back their student loans and cohorts in the past, those in the future that still may not get this. People that never got to go to college because they figured they could not afford it, it is so unfair.”


Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Education, College Insurrection