Jerry Seinfeld Laughs Off Anti-Israel Protesters: ‘Jew-Haters Spice Up the Show!’
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Jerry Seinfeld Laughs Off Anti-Israel Protesters: ‘Jew-Haters Spice Up the Show!’

Jerry Seinfeld Laughs Off Anti-Israel Protesters: ‘Jew-Haters Spice Up the Show!’

“This is exciting. I like this.”

Jerry Seinfeld once again proved he would never cave to the anti-Israel crowd when a protester attempted to interrupt his Virginia show.

Audience members tried to get the guy to shut up, yelling back at him as he hurled accusations against the Jewish comedian.

Protester: Save the children of Gaza! No more American tax dollars for genocide!

Audience member: Shut up!

Protester: Save the children of Gaza!

Audience member: Shut up! Shut up and get out!

Protester: You’re a genocide supporter!

Seinfeld: What’s that?

Protester: You’re a genocide supporter! You should be ashamed of yourself! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

Seinfeld: I think your message is resonating with the crowd, people seem to be on your side.

Protester: How dare you support a genocide!

Seinfeld: This is exciting. I like this. I like it when the Jew-haters spice up the show.

*security and audience members wrestle the protester and takes him out*

Another protester: Save the children of Gaza!

*security and audience members wrestle this dude and takes him out*

Seinfeld: Alright, I’m going to keep going. Save the children of Gaza.

Seinfeld also told people not to boo the protesters since they have a right to protest.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

Hahaha. Seinfeld also has the right to mock them.

TMZ reported that eight people tried to interrupt Seinfeld’s show, but security nabbed them before it got out of hand.

Seinfeld has always been a loud supporter of Israel and a proud Jew. The Jew-haters have targeted Seinfeld since Hamas invaded and massacred over 1200 people in Israel.

One of my favorite lines from his show is from my favorite episode, “Cigar Store Indian:” “Somebody asks me which way is Israel, I don’t fly off the handle!

The Jew haters protested outside of his show at Syracuse.

They confronted Seinfeld outside of the State of the World Jewry Address. The comedian responded with a smile and a wave.

A bunch of entitled Duke students left their commencement when Seinfeld took the stage to deliver his commencement address.

Seinfeld is a Democrat, but if you have watched his shows or interviews, you know he hates political correctness. The left cannot stand it when Seinfeld tells them to shove it.


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ChrisPeters | May 20, 2024 at 3:14 pm

Glad the anti-dentites were there to fend off the anti-Semite.

thalesofmiletus | May 20, 2024 at 3:35 pm

What’s the deal with Palestine? They don’t seem very friendly. Maybe they should call it Enemystine?

E Howard Hunt | May 20, 2024 at 4:23 pm

Hey, I’m against these protests and rabid antisemitism but that doesn’t mean I have to fall in love with Larry David or Seinfeld. They both make me want to puke.

I generally prefer the company of fellow christians.

    gonzotx in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 20, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    I love Jerry and Larry shows, so funny

    Can’t understand why they are liberal democrats

    Yes, by all means. Shun Jews. Don’t have any company with them. That’s what Hitler did. Hitler preferred the company of fellow “Christians” instead of Jews, just as you do.

      DaveGinOly in reply to JR. | May 20, 2024 at 5:53 pm

      Hitler didn’t like Christians either. Read some history.

      Milhouse in reply to JR. | May 20, 2024 at 11:14 pm

      No. First of all, as Dave said, he didn’t much like Christians either. But that’s a red herring. The point is that shunning Jews and not hanging around with us is not what he did; if it had been we’d have had no problem with him. Jews don’t need people to like us; we just need people to respect our rights.

      I much prefer an antisemite like Mencken, who defended Jews from discrimination while making no secret of his personal dislike for us, to an “open-minded liberal” who has Jewish friends but supports discrimination. A person must learn to treat all decent people decently, whether he likes them or not. And one who does learn that should feel free to like or dislike people as the whim takes him.

        Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | May 20, 2024 at 11:19 pm

        Of course far better than Mencken is Archie Bunker, who isn’t very knowledgeable about Jews but hasn’t got a mean bone in his body, and treats us like he treats everyone, with fundamental decency and goodwill.

        Archie, if you recall, did invite a Jew to dinner, went to the trouble of buying him fish because everyone knows we like it so much, and tried to make sure that it didn’t “lose its kosher”. That is a mentch, not a fleishkop.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 20, 2024 at 7:46 pm

    You’re such a tool.

    guyjones in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 20, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    Damn, dude, you truly make some incredibly dense and illogical comments, here.

    You don’t like a couple of Jewish comedians, so, you write off all of Jewish people as social contacts? That makes a lot of sense.

    It must bother you a lot, that Jesus was a Jew. Christianity is predicated on Judaism; deal with it.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to guyjones. | May 21, 2024 at 9:10 am

      No, I think it’s more that he prefers to avoid Jews, so he can’t be bothered with Jewish comedians.

      E Howard Hunt in reply to guyjones. | May 21, 2024 at 3:27 pm

      As trite as it sounds. some of my best friends are jews. I happily live in a primarily, orthodox jewish neighborhood.

      It’s a cultural thing. I find most non-religious jews to be very clannish, money oriented and have overweening interest in their children’s status vs happiness. Therefore just as I avoid leftwing liberal moon bats, I avoid stereotypical jews. We all discriminate in this fashion.

    So garden variety antisemitism is okay?

    The issue is which fellow Christians, isn’t it?

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 21, 2024 at 2:31 am

    That’s ok. I generally prefer the company of fellow Jews and of non-Jews who don’t have issues about Jews.

destroycommunism | May 20, 2024 at 4:53 pm

blmplo never rests

No Duke students would have left if Newman wasn’t there to lead the charge out. Newman…

Suburban Farm Guy | May 20, 2024 at 5:21 pm

Can’t decide if it’s funny or sad that these protesters have no idea what they’re protesting. Lenin was too kind calling them useful idiots

There’s one steadfast rule of live stand-up comedy acts; hecklers are to be savaged, mercy is never granted. Never.

Post October 7, Seinfeld must have decided that it’s better to let the audience handle things. A proper heckler response would likely place him on a fatwa list and only turn worse from there.

Hmm. Is Seinfeld left handed? He seems to be fiddling with something. I guess his Salman Rushdie brand stab vest is sagging.

“Seinfeld” (along with several other bygone comedies) probably couldn’t be made today. It’s a wonder it is still being broadcast.

“Starting with an interview on ESPN Radio on Monday, the decidedly non-edgy comic proceeded to stake his claim as the latest” […]

80’s hard left stand-ups used to say the same thing; they called Seinfeld “Mr. Safe Sets.” It’s a bit strange, the same safe-sets/non-edgy crowd hated Andrew Dice Clay, but liked the dull, political viciousness, of Sarah Silverman.

henrybowman | May 20, 2024 at 8:19 pm

“You’re going to break his neck!”
“Sorry, did you want me to save you the neck?”

Seinfeld also told people not to boo the protesters since they have a right to protest.

Not on private property they don’t. Especially not inside a building that is not designated for such things.

Also, if they do have the right to protest then I must have the same right to protest against them, by booing them. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that booing them negates their right to protest.

    Tiki in reply to Milhouse. | May 20, 2024 at 11:56 pm

    You still don’t get it.

    He bloody well knows it’s not about protest rights “inside a building that is not designated for such things.”

    It’s not hard to figure out why he said what he said.

Anonymous Bosh | May 20, 2024 at 11:30 pm

I, for one, am glad to see bystanders… dealing with the lunatics.

That soyboys throwing soup at master artworks are not themselves immediately pounded soup by outraged bystanders is incredibly sad. I think I might risk the arrest in that case, a crime of passion, if you will.

As for those blocking highways, well… *vroom* *vroom*!

Seinfeld should have said, “Wanna save the children of Gaza? Tell Hamas to surrender NOW.”

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to MarkJ. | May 21, 2024 at 12:33 am

    Yes I wish that he had. Get rid of Hamas and save yourselves. It’s the only way.

Chitragupta | May 21, 2024 at 1:20 am

Check back with me when all of the hostages are released.

Comedy is pretty much dead now. Killed off by cancel culture. Best of luck to comedians like dave chapelle who think for themselves.