Hillary Clinton Blames Women for Her Epic 2016 Loss, Overturning of Roe v. Wade

First, FAILED Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blamed Russia for her 2016 loss. Now she blames teh womynz.


Also…get over it.

Hillary spilled her feelings in an interview for her forthcoming book, The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America, lamenting the loss of Roe even though states haven’t entirely banned abortion. *eye roll*

(Women obsess over abortion disturb me.)


Hillary Clinton criticized her fellow Democrats over what she described as a decades-in-the-making failure to protect abortion rights, saying in her first extended interview about the fall of Roe v. Wade that her party underestimated the growing strength of anti-abortion forces until many Democrats were improbably “taken by surprise” by the landmark Dobbs decision in 2022.In wide-ranging and unusually frank comments, Mrs. Clinton said Democrats had spent decades in a state of denial that a right enshrined in American life for generations could fall — that faith in the courts and legal precedent had made politicians, voters and officials unable to see clearly how the anti-abortion movement was chipping away at abortion rights, restricting access to the procedure and transforming the Supreme Court, until it was too late.“We didn’t take it seriously, and we didn’t understand the threat,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Most Democrats, most Americans, did not realize we are in an existential struggle for the future of this country.”She said: “We could have done more to fight.”—And in a blunt reflection about the role sexism played in her 2016 presidential campaign, she said women were the voters who abandoned her in the final days because she was not “perfect.” Overhanging the interview was the understanding that had she won the White House, Roe most likely would have remained a bedrock feature of American life. She assigned blame for the fall of Roe broadly but pointedly, and notably spared herself from the critique.

“A bedrock of American life.” Imagine feeling abortion is a bedrock of American life.

Imagine thinking that women only care about abortion. I guess it’s the man’s job to worry about jobs, financial security, and putting food on the table.

Womynz have no responsibilities, right?

Whatever happened to safe but rare? Rhetorical question!

But I also love how females expect females to support females. We cannot have our own thoughts and views. We must vote for the person with the XX chromosome makeup.

You know, reduce the female to her chromosomes.

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Abortion, Hillary Clinton