Harvard Caves to Anti-Israel Encampment, Agrees to Most Demands
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Harvard Caves to Anti-Israel Encampment, Agrees to Most Demands

Harvard Caves to Anti-Israel Encampment, Agrees to Most Demands

Jewish student Shabbos Kestenbaum: “Jews here have no allies, no voice, and no advocates. The only way Harvard will ever change is sustained outside pressure. Please help us!”


The anti-Israel encampment at Harvard ended after the school agreed to most of the demands. From The Harvard Crimson:

The decision to peacefully end the encampment came after University President Alan M. Garber ’76 and HOOP organizers negotiated a peaceful end to the protest. Garber’s administration agreed to promptly begin reinstating at least 22 students from involuntary leaves of absence and offered protesters a meeting with members of the University’s governing boards about divestment.

Harvard spokesperson Jonathan L. Swain confirmed the University will encourage schools to begin processing petitions for reinstatement from involuntary leave.

“Yesterday, the Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP) coalition democratically voted to end its encampment after 20 days,” HOOP wrote in a press release Tuesday morning.

The University also agreed to expedite Administrative Board cases for more than 60 students facing charges for their involvement in the encampment with “precedents of leniency for similar actions in the past,” according to the press release.

So, no punishment, then.

Instead, the students get to meet Garber and Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Hopi E. Hoekstra to discuss the Israeli-Gaza war.

Will they allow Jews to attend the meeting? I’m not talking about Jews who attended the encampment or belong to groups like Jewish Voice for Peace.

The discussion will also include a possible Palestine studies center.

Probably not considering what they did during the encampment:

Protesters raised a banner over the encampment that depicted Garber as a devil. The banner depicted Garber, who is Jewish, with horns and a tail sitting on a toilet. Protesters later removed the image after they faced fierce backlash from many affiliates who described the drawing as antisemitic.

During a 150-person rally on Saturday, protesters attempted to let non-Harvard affiliates into the Yard by breaking a lock on Johnston Gate with a bolt cutter. While HUPD officers quickly secured the gate, Swain called the incident “extremely concerning.”


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JohnSmith100 | May 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Harvard is following in our cities footsteps, catering to morons and other dredges of society. They will no longer attract the best and brightest. May they rest in peace.

    Dimsdale in reply to JohnSmith100. | May 15, 2024 at 7:26 am

    If you are Asian, Jewish, white, heterosexual or male, Hahvahd is not for you.

    Their academic standing has just cratered.

    Political institutions should be deprived of tax dollars and be required to pay property taxes.

What are you gonna do about it, vote Republican?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Olinser. | May 14, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Politics is always about picking the lessor evil. While RINOs are as bad as Dems. Dems are beyond salvage, many Republicans show promise.

Louis K. Bonham | May 14, 2024 at 5:38 pm

Only bright side is that the internal Harvard communications are going to be a gold mine in the lawsuits against Harvard.

And hopefully Gay’s stand-in gets an invitation to talk to a House committee on national TV.

SeymourButz | May 14, 2024 at 5:51 pm

“Will they allow Jews to attend the meeting? I’m not talking about Jews who attended the encampment or belong to groups like Jewish Voice for Peace.”

As opposed to real jews?

Harvard is toxic woke trash dumpster fire.

Yeah, there’s a surprise
As a student said being arrested, they were only doing what they were taught to do.

destroycommunism | May 14, 2024 at 6:56 pm

march in the streets and burn down everything in sight would be the seemingly obvious way to get things to go your way as hard work is becoming passe ,,according to lefty

“Jews here have no allies, no voice, and no advocates.”
Not a problem….In a few years, the Harvard student body will be essentially Jew Free. Recently read that in 1999, 20% of entering class was Jewish and now 4%(?). Former President Gay’s goal was 1-1 1/2%.

Harvard is gone

As are 99% of the Ivy League schools

Antisemitism has long been a feature of “elite” higher education, even if it was partly masked. So this can’t really be considered giving into the terrorists’ demands. There is such a thing as pushing on an open door.

Harvard embraces domestic terrorists, declares open season on Jews.