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Glenn Reynolds Says Pushback Works, Showing the “Moral and Practical Aspects of Resistance”

Glenn Reynolds Says Pushback Works, Showing the “Moral and Practical Aspects of Resistance”

“When people started pushing back, suddenly the administrators got some backbone.”

Legal Insurrection has been covering the establishment of pro-Hamas encampments at campuses all across the country, supported by progressive activists and foundations.

However, in their efforts to smear and undermine Israel, America, capitalism, and Western Civilization at these Hamas-Hate-Camps, the miscreants failed to calculate they would be met with resistance in the form of pro-American fraternities and angry Pro-Israel students.

In his most recent substack, Professor Glenn Reynolds shows that pushback works.

For decades, of course, leftist mobs on campus have run wild without much pushback. Their threats and destruction have been excused as just a “passion for justice” or some such twaddle. While university administrators demand exquisite sensitivity to the feelings of favored groups, everyone else is told to just put up with lefty excesses.

But a funny thing happened: When people started pushing back, suddenly the administrators got some backbone.

To be fair, the pushback hasn’t just been from frat guys. There had been pressure from donors sufficient to get some university presidents fired, but when it came to getting the encampments moved off campus, it was the on-campus resistance that did it.

He also notes the moral and practical aspects of resistance.

In addition, they note the moral aspect of resistance: Resistance breeds resistance, courage promotes courage, and the aggressors tend to rethink things when it looks as if they might be the victims, not just the perpetrators, of violence: “Second, gun ownership gave victim groups both the courage and the means to sustain themselves in the face of the KKK threat and police indifference or hostility.

In fact, victim perseverance was essential to eventually discrediting the KKK. By defeating its initial attacks, maintaining themselves, and asserting their rights, victims encouraged decent citizens in the majority community to come to their aid.”

As always, read the whole thing.


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destroycommunism | May 9, 2024 at 10:20 am

while I like the tenor of the article…..

the admin did NOTTTT GET BACKBONE!!


they got fearful now that pro americans were/are WILLING to “pushback”

the admin will not only look like they have no control BUTTTTTTT


THEY ARE NOW allll of a sudden willing to bring in the dreaded police etc????


socialist karen bass is NOW stating that she will assign special investigations

into who these pushbackers are and prosecute

why didnt she and columbia u etc arrest throw orr campus those who were cleary threatening those jewish students??

they spoke about why they didnt in the Stanfanski led Congressional hearings

“context” etc etc etc

all lefty bs

so noooo

they are not “getting backbone”

they are protecting their own against “maga types”

destroycommunism | May 9, 2024 at 10:24 am


“throw OFF campus”
