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Gavin Newsom Touts California Plan to Combat Homelessness As a ‘National Model’

Gavin Newsom Touts California Plan to Combat Homelessness As a ‘National Model’

“the state of California has seen a decline in veteran’s homelessness. We have a national model. What Proposition 1 did is it reinforced that model.”

The amount of gaslighting that comes from Democrats on any given day of the week is truly a sight to behold, and that goes double when you’re California Gov. Gavin Newsom boasting about all the state has allegedly done under his “leadership” to combat homelessness – when he’s not trying to hide the homeless, that is.

The latest example comes courtesy of a press conference Newsom held earlier this week in which he touted the release of over $3 billion from a voter-approved ballot measure, which he said would go towards mental health services:

Hammered by mounting pressure to address the growing homelessness crisis in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday his administration will make $3.3 billion available ahead of schedule for counties and private developers to start building more behavioral health treatment centers as part of his efforts to fund housing and drug use programs.

It’s the first pot of money from a ballot measure designed to help cities, counties, tribes and developers build or renovate treatment centers and clinics, among other things. Voters passed it by a razor-thin margin in March after Newsom threw all of his political weight behind it, touting it as linchpin of the state’s efforts to reduce homelessness.


Newsom, standing in front of an ongoing construction project that would create 117 psychiatric beds near Redwood City, said Tuesday he wants local government to build as quickly as they can.

“It’s time to do your job. It’s time to get things done,” Newsom said. “You asked for these reforms, we’ve provided them. Now it’s time to deliver.” –

It was classic Newsom, bragging about how much money he’s throwing at the homeless problem while expecting everyone else to fix it.

During the presser, Newsom also declared that California’s latest attempt at solving the homeless problem was a “national model”:

Towards the end of his address, Newsom said, “If there’s any good news – and I’ll close on this officially – the state of California has seen a decline in veteran’s homelessness. We have a national model. What Proposition 1 did is it reinforced that model, provided more resources to advance that model, and we’re very excited to get those dollars to work.”

Despite Newsom’s optimism, the state’s overall homeless population continued to rise. It was reported in April that the number is up 6%, compared to last year.

Last year, a study found that the state has around one-third of the entire nation’s homeless population.


Well, I can’t speak much on the “new” plan but the old plans promoted by Newsom going back nearly 30 years to when he was first elected to serve on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have failed and failed miserably.

December 2023, for instance, was the 20th anniversary of newly-elected Mayor-Elect Newsom’s proposed 10-year plan to end homelessness in San Francisco.

In December 2003, here’s what he promised:

San Francisco Mayor-elect Gavin Newsom intends to “aggressively” make homelessness his administration’s No. 1 priority, and his first moves will include creating a 10-year plan for ending chronic homelessness and going after “tens of millions” of new dollars in federal funding.

In an interview with The Chronicle, Newsom said he also plans to create within six months about 550 units of new “supportive housing” for troubled homeless people and to make city agencies collect numbers on exactly how many homeless are getting which services, so he can better determine what the most pressing needs are.

“I recognize that I’m setting myself up. I’m not naïve to that,” Newsom said in the Friday interview. “I don’t want to over-promise, but I also don’t want to under-deliver. I want to hit the ground running.”

He was still talking about that plan five years later as the homeless problem worsened:

The contrasts between what he said then and now are pretty astonishing:

The photos and videos speak for themselves:

As do the stats:

On a related note via Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin:

The city of Santa Monica has approved a new apartment complex for the homeless that will cost a staggering $1 million per unit. The $123 million project will include just 122 units. It was approved days after an audit found California spent $24 billion to tackle homelessness between 2018-2023, but did not consistently track whether that massive outpouring of public money actually did anything to help the problem. It hasn’t. The homeless count in CA has only gone up and the problem has only gotten worse.

And the quote of the day goes to:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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henrybowman | May 18, 2024 at 6:26 pm

You know who else is a national model?
Chicago. Detroit. Baltimore. New York City.
Newsome is determined to get out in front of all of them.

    guyjones in reply to henrybowman. | May 19, 2024 at 1:17 am

    D.C., too. You can’t walk five feet in the downtown of our nation’s capital — a city that has been under the “stewardship” of the vile, stupid and incompetent Dhimmi-crats, since time immemorial — without seeing homeless people sleeping in doorways, begging, shuffling around like the walking dead. It’s a total disgrace.

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | May 19, 2024 at 6:20 am

    I’m pretty darn sure I don’t a “California Model” of anything in my state.

Gov Newsom press release:

As governor, one of my main priorities is to provide a home for every person in the state of California. I mean that’s way up there right behind an electric car for every person who can drive, reparations for every person with dark skin and free stuff from birth to death for every illegal person who is able to cross the border.

He has no shame

Because he knows the media is behind him

What ya gunna believe, him, or your lying eyes

Newsom’s people control a number of “cal” twitter accounts and the sentence structure and phrasing used on those accounts seem “smoothed” into ridiculously banal forms. Kind of a textual form of the uncanny valley; it almost works.

I swear Samantha Power/USAID uses the same AI with all the same parameter switch settings.

Room temperature; ambient; smooth; plant-based cream; unsalted; unsweetened; organic; soymeal; non-academic; amber; fresh water;

The homeless-industrial complex is insatiable. More billions from the public trough to keep their jobs. Homelessness will never go away now, there’s too much money to be made. Public sector incentives are bass-ackwards from private enterprise. Successful businesses are rewarded by delivering value and solutions to customers, otherwise those customers walk. Public sector enterprises gets more money by delivering failure and blaming it on insufficient funding. Politicians go along so they can give press conferences and appear to be “doing something”. The media plays along, keeping score by measuring inputs rather than results.

I know this is completely off topic but, I swear, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture for this column was Super Dave Osborne, “accomplished” stuntman.

The mnemonic is CATO
40% crazy
30% addicts
20% tramps (like the lifestyle)
10% out of luck

you can help the last.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | May 18, 2024 at 9:07 pm

    The crazy and the addicts are frequent cross-overs, with the mentally ill or injured attempting to self-medicate with street drugs or alcohol, But as your mnemonic points out, the vast majority are beyond the reach of “a house for everyone”, (unless an institution is considered a house. )

    But as we all know, the homeless industry is there to vacuum up taxpayer dollars into the pockets of the connected as its primary goal.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to rhhardin. | May 18, 2024 at 9:36 pm

    How about empty warehouses, there are more and more of them all the time. Business is deserting California. No AXC or heat needed, Just pack them in and allow their nature take its course.

    Our veterans deserve better than that, but not the rest of them.

    diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | May 19, 2024 at 6:23 am

    You can help crazy with therapy and medication or in extreme cases locking them up. You can help the out of luck with a temporary place to stay and job/life training to get back up on their feet. You can help addicts who want to help themselves but not the others. Tramps don’t want your help, they like living outside.

Newsom is delusional.

    Olinser in reply to smooth. | May 19, 2024 at 3:54 am

    He’s not delusional. He’s a con man.

    He knows what he’s saying is a lie, but he also knows the people he’s targeting with that lie are too stupid to ever realize it.

      diver64 in reply to Olinser. | May 19, 2024 at 6:23 am

      As long as Gov Hair Gel smiles with those perfect capped teeth he knows he can say anything and Dems in Cali won’t push back.

    jimincalif in reply to smooth. | May 19, 2024 at 9:47 am

    I’d say Newsom is a member of the homeless-industrial complex. He’s been leveraging this issue into winning elections for twenty years! What would he have done if he’d actually solved it in 2004?

      DaveGinOly in reply to jimincalif. | May 19, 2024 at 1:00 pm

      He would have just found another grift. It’s not like “homelessness” has been/is his only grift. Climate change/green energy comes immediately to mind,

destroycommunism | May 18, 2024 at 8:56 pm

newsom is the leader of the white part of the dnc

Subotai Bahadur | May 18, 2024 at 9:22 pm

It strikes me that we should take Newsom at his word. If he has a plan that handles homelessness; then would it not be the rational thing to do to ship every homeless person in the rest of the country to say, Sacramento?

Subotai Bahadur

There’s too much graft involved in ‘fighting’ homelessness to let somebody actually solve the problem.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Olinser. | May 19, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    Just like there’s too much gun control to be wrung out of school shootings than to let someone actually solve the problem (e.g., allowing teachers to be armed – which is why Dems are so opposed to anything that might reduce gun violence without gun control – and some forms of gun control, e.g. “gun-free zones”, actually contribute to the problem, the equivalent of claiming to fight a fire by pouring gas on it).

Greasy Newsolini is a true Dhimmi-crat; I’ll give him that much. He’ll never concede the manifest and glaring failures, destructiveness and profligacy of his ill-conceived and idiotic policies’. Rather, he’ll sssdouble down on them as if they were successes to boast about.

The vile Dhimmi-crats are a post-Reality party. Why make concessions to objective realities and truths, when you can simply contrive your own realities and narratives, with the gleeful aid of obsequious and dutifully loyal media shills/lapdogs/trained seals/propagandists who will carry water for you, 24/7, and, amplify your chosen narratives, no matter how dishonest and contrived?

California is by far the worst state on homeless policy and results

    Olinser in reply to geronl. | May 19, 2024 at 3:51 am

    Only if your policy and results are reduction of homeless.

    If their desired result was amount of money grifted and scammed to a whole bunch of Democrats, it was best results in the country.

There are billions of dollars in homelessness and thousands of people whose job relies on it. Don’t expect them to put themselves on unemployment.

How is a homeless person identified… is it the tent under the overpass?
Well then, one solution is simple: ban the sale of tents and criminalize possession of same. It is clear that tent manufacturers wink at the problem so maybe CA should sue them for enabling homelessness. And some of these tents sure have a lot of scary features and extra rooms that the average camper doesn’t need (we can call these assault tents).

All kidding aside, the Democrat party is intentionally transforming the United States into a third world hell hole. It is the ideal environment for a one party state to rule over and at the same time enrich themselves on the backs of the labor of the population. Our friend in California is gas lighting to buy some time until November when Biden is “reelected” which afterwards the homeless problem will disappear since votes won’t matter anymore.