Sixteen Year Old Who Allegedly Vandalized NYC WWI Memorial During Anti-Israel Protest Arrested

UPDATE: The intitial report that the alleged perpetrator was turned in by his father now is being denied. The NY Post, which was the source for the story, now reports (h/t commenter): “Sources had previously believed he was turned in by his dad Thursday night but cops have since refuted that.” The headline has been changed accordingly.

Original Post:

We need more parents like this man.

The police arrested the teenager who allegedly defaced the WWI 107th Infantry Memorial in Central Park after his father turned him in.

The teen is a regular at anti-Israel protests organized by Within Our Lifetime.

The teen faces a charge of criminal mischief in the third degree, a felony, and making graffiti, a misdemeanor.

The attack on the memorial happened on Monday as cops tried to keep the mob away from the Met Gala.

Within Our Lifetime organized this “Day of Rage.”

One person burned the American flag. Others wrote their talking points on the memorial and slapped it with stickers.

“Stop the Genocide.” “End the apartheid.” “Free Palestine.”

They climbed the statue and placed the Palestinian flag over the figures.

The mob also attacked Civil War Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s statue in Grand Army Plaza.

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, New York City