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Extortion: UW-Madison Gives In On Some Anti-Israel Student Demands To Avoid Commencement Disruption

Extortion: UW-Madison Gives In On Some Anti-Israel Student Demands To Avoid Commencement Disruption

Nice commencement you have there, shame if something happened to it.

Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has reached a deal with Students for Justice in Palestine, the group behind the anti-Israel encampment on campus.

In exchange for meeting the group’s demands, they will not disrupt the commencement proceedings. Sounds like extortion, doesn’t it?

From the Daily Cardinal:

Breaking: Pro-Palestine protesters and UW-Madison administration agree on deal to end encampment

Pro-Palestine student protesters and University of Wisconsin-Madison administration reached an agreement to end the Library Mall encampment Thursday in exchange for facilitating discussions into disclosure and investment principles with decision makers at the UW Foundation (WFAA).

Student organizers from the encampment also agreed not to disrupt commencement this Saturday and to follow UW-Madison rules, including policies that prohibit encampments on university property, in future activities.

Friday marked the 12th day of the encampment, organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Young Democratic Socialists of America, with tents being erected after a rally on April 29…

Organizers demanded full divestment of all UW-Madison companies tied to Israel, disclosure of the UW Foundation’s investment and cuts to Israeli fellowships and study abroad programs. SJP also demanded the university publicly call for an “immediate and permanent ceasefire” in Gaza, remove cops from campus and “stop the land grabs and cease expansion, in order to house our community.”…

In the deal, the university said campus administration does not have authority over how endowment funds are invested but committed to “facilitating access for SJP to relevant decision-makers” to present concerns and requests. UW-Madison Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin will attend this meeting if SJP “so wishes.”…

The university also recognized that SJP may “choose to engage in the shared governance process regarding principles of investment.” Shared governance is a form of representation for staff and students at UW-Madison through the Associated Students of Madison and the Faculty Senate.

This is from the university website:

Agreement reached to resolve Library Mall tent encampment

On Friday, May 10, campus leaders and student representatives from Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) reached a resolution to end the encampment on Library Mall.

With the agreement, SJP will clear the encampment today and has committed that it will not disrupt this weekend’s graduation ceremonies or other campus functions, nor reestablish an encampment on our campus. In addition, SJP has committed to following UW–Madison rules in its future activities. We appreciate reaching resolution with SJP and acknowledge the support they received from their faculty liaisons.

This has been a difficult period for our campus, our nation and the world. We want to be clear that UW–Madison supports peaceful student protest, fully respects the First Amendment, and has done so throughout this year. We appreciate that the encampment, named by SJP the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, although in violation of Chapter 18, was motivated by understandably passionate feelings about the devastation in Gaza, and was a source of community for many participants.

We also understand that the encampment made others in our community, especially portions of our Jewish community, feel uncomfortable and unseen. We reiterate our strong condemnation of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and hate and bigotry in all its forms, and we recognize the costs of war and displacement on so many across the globe.

Read the full agreement here.

Here’s a local news report:

Featured image via YouTube.


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Cowards, but being Madison, sure they approve of the entire process

Where the Frats in Madison?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | May 11, 2024 at 7:34 pm

    What Madison should do is renege as soon as graduation is done, then when the goons come back, educate them.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to gonzotx. | May 12, 2024 at 1:25 am

    When I was an undergraduate, Greek life at UW was barely a footnote even among the straight kids.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 11, 2024 at 4:20 pm

Incredible. @UWMadison enters into wide-ranging agreement with campus disruptors filled with concessions by UW leadership

They’re not really “concessions” since the UWMadison “leaders” aren’t giving anything of their personal wealth or anything they own, at all. This is just two groups with no financial risk involved in divying up a carcass together. What do any of them care about any of this? The hamas supporters get another swipe at Israel and Jews and the UWMadison board and administration get to stop being bothered and continue getting all the right invites and collecting their enormous checks for doing … pretty much nothing of value. It’s a win-win for all of them. The only ones out are Wisconsin taxpayers and normal students who get to pay for and attend a university that is warmed over dog turd.

Disgusting. Negotiating with, and, feckless capitulation to, genocidal, Jew-hating Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists.

Jews are the indigenous people of the middle east, not the Arab Muslim Fakestinian invaders from Arabia. No leader in the vile Dhimmi-crat Party will acknowledge this basic historical truth.

    Gosport in reply to guyjones. | May 11, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    It’s not a negotiation when both sides want the same thing.

    Mutually deciding on which demand(s) will be sacrificed as the loss leader is called collaboration..

Capitulation to terrorists will not end well. The universities that do will suffer for all time.

Saw Bill Maher downplaying the pro-Hamas campus movements, but then why is there capitulation affecting ALL stakeholders. Rationalizations do nothing to address the issue.

Giving in to illiberal, mostly female know nothings will lead to no good. That is a prototype Biden supporter, Crying for Palestinians while enabling their suffering and turning their backs to the perpetrators who also have them among their targets.

These excesses help bring attention to why change is needed. There’s still much that can go wrong, especially disinformation and manipulation, but there’s a sense of a breakthrough where perhaps we can avoid the cliff.

The idea of who threatens democracy is changing.

In other words…radical leftists agree to the terms put forth by radical leftists.

“Leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Madison…”

I’m afraid you lost me right there.

The Gentle Grizzly | May 11, 2024 at 6:58 pm

The only thing that will bring this sort of thing to a stop is batons or rifle butts to jaws.

destroycommunism | May 11, 2024 at 10:36 pm


for some security

we allllll know where that will and does lead to

as Ben said

you’ll get neither

destroycommunism | May 11, 2024 at 10:37 pm

so will the israeli fans be allowed to have their demands met!!!?!?!?!!??!?!?!

This is like blue city mayors “capitulating” to labor union demands. They’re on the same side in the “negotiation” and the productive people in society are harmed.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to trubtastic. | May 12, 2024 at 1:31 am

    Or ‘negotiating a settlement’ with the ACLU over an uncontested lawsuit over perfectly lawful stop & frisk proceedings.