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Enrollment Soars at Yeshiva University as Antisemitism Rises on College Campuses

Enrollment Soars at Yeshiva University as Antisemitism Rises on College Campuses

“Since the Oct.7 Hamas attack, Yeshiva school officials say they have seen a rise in enrollment by roughly 52%.”

This makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Who can blame these students, given what we have seen in recent months?

WABC News reports:

Jewish students seek more secure environment after Hamas attack

There has been a rise in antisemitic incidents at college campuses ever since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel.

The incidents have prompted more students to choose Jewish schools, and at Yeshiva University, enrollment has soared to a record high.

“After Oct. 7, every time I walked into class, it felt like someone was giving you a dirty look,” Ethan Oliner said.

Oliner planned on getting his degree from Cornell. He says rising tensions on campus forced him to transfer to Yeshiva University this spring.

“It’s a safe environment where you’re able to focus on your actual studies and not focus on fighting antisemitism every day,” he said.

Oliner’s story isn’t unique.

Since the Oct.7 Hamas attack, Yeshiva school officials say they have seen a rise in enrollment by roughly 52%. Many of them are Jewish students from Ivy League colleges, who wanted a more secure environment.

“We are so packed, we took out, for example, additional residences in Midtown for our Midtown campus and we’ve had to expand our footprint,” said Yeshiva University President Ari Berman.

Berman has taken steps to combat antisemitism, including leading a delegation of university presidents for the first time to the march of the living in Auschwitz earlier this month.


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The Duke d’Escargot | May 28, 2024 at 1:16 pm

They should consider making proficiency in Basic Self Defense a requirement for graduation.

Both hand-to-hand and basic weapons.

destroycommunism | May 28, 2024 at 5:25 pm

the bad news is that the blmplo are now applying in droves

George Washington is turning in his grave right now.

its too bad the Israel govt
will not let its citizens have privately owned firearms to protect themselves.

    Milhouse in reply to jqusnr. | May 29, 2024 at 5:50 am

    There’s been a very slight improvement in the last few months, since the Homeland Security minister, who is responsible for the police, personally supports the RKBA and has been trying since he got the post to liberalize the gun laws. But Netanyahu hates him and gives him as little respect as he can afford to, so he wasn’t getting far until the Hamas attack, and he still hasn’t got nearly as far as he’d like to; by American standards Israel’s gun laws, even now, are insanely restrictive. The problem is that Israelis, like almost the whole world outside the USA, simply don’t recognize that the RKBA is a thing. They don’t agree with us that it’s a fundamental human right, at least as important as the freedom of speech (which they also restrict to a degree that would be shocking here in the USA but is standard in most “free” countries).

    destroycommunism in reply to jqusnr. | May 29, 2024 at 11:26 am

    they wont say it

    but the realll fear is b/c israel allows plo/arabs etc into their country and dont want them to be legally armed

    AMERICAN LEFTISTS throw out their criminals arrest records so they can then own weapons legally and when their criminals murder people the left in the usa can say

    you see

    these legal gun owners cant be trusted

    ban the second amendment

    docduracoat in reply to jqusnr. | May 30, 2024 at 8:44 am

    As Mulhouse states, there has been a slight liberalization of Israeli gun laws.
    A pistol permit is easier to obtain and you may now have 100 rounds of ammunition at any one time.
    Rifles are still kept in community armories.

    While a pistol and 100 rounds is better than nothing, a full auto Uzi and 1,000 rounds would be better against Palestinians with AK’s and body armor.

JackinSilverSpring | May 28, 2024 at 10:35 pm

This is a terrific opportunity for YU to break into the top tier of schools by increasing the quality of its faculty.