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Eighty-Four Percent of Measles Cases During Chicago’s Outbreak Tied to Venezuelan Migrants

Eighty-Four Percent of Measles Cases During Chicago’s Outbreak Tied to Venezuelan Migrants

Among the others infected, four were from Peru, two from Ecuador, one from Chile and a further one whose origin country was not known.

The last time we checked on reports of a major measles outbreak in Chicago this spring, my Legal Insurrection colleague Mary Chastain indicated that health officials traced the outbreak to an illegal alien shelter.

Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 84 percent of measles cases in the outbreak at the Chicago migrant center are linked to Venezuelan immigrants.

New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines.

The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said.

The first patient had arrived in the US less than five months before he became ill. He had received one dose of the MMR vaccine five weeks prior to his rash.

He had no recent travel history or known exposure to measles, and was taken to the hospital on February 27.

The Chicago Department of Public Health was notified of the case a few days later, and organized a vaccination event for the residents and staff members of the shelter the next day.
The report cites overcrowding at the center for the rampant spread, with 500 people said to be crammed into a single room.

The agency notes that the majority of the cases occurred among those who were unvaccinated.

Most infections (72%) occurred in unvaccinated residents, and 28% were diagnosed in those who had received at least one measles vaccine dose at least 21 days before the first known measles exposure.

Fifty-two of the 57 infected people were shelter residents, while three were staff workers, and two were community members. The median patient age was 3 years. Two cases occurred among people who had lived at the affected shelter but had resettled or transferred to less-crowded shelters with private sleeping areas after March 7; no secondary cases were identified at those shelters.

Fifty-one people (89%) were hospitalized for isolation and/or measles complications, but no deaths were reported. The last known exposure at the affected shelter was April 5. As of May 13, the same measles genotype D8 sequences had been identified from 52 case specimens; the remaining 5 isolates couldn’t be sequenced.

Among the others infected, four were from Peru, two from Ecuador, one from Chile and a further one whose origin country was not known.

Meanwhile, from Ontario, Canada, comes a reminded that severe measles can be fatal.

An Ontario child under the age of five has died of measles, the first such case in the Canadian province in more than a decade, according to the provincial health agency.

The child required hospitalization and was not vaccinated against the highly infectious respiratory virus, Public Health Ontario (PHO) said in a statement on Thursday, without specifying when or where the child died, or their actual age.

For the period between Jan. 1, 2013 and this week, there had not been a single measles-related death recorded in the province.


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Good. And. Hard.

(Although to be fair: voting in Chicago is so crooked and fraudulent it is now impossible to vote the Communists out of power.)

E Howard Hunt | May 18, 2024 at 4:28 pm

Yawn, you can say same about crime and blacks. How far does that get you?

We await a strong man.

henrybowman | May 18, 2024 at 4:31 pm

If Venezuelans are being blamed for measles more than the proportion of the population they represent, that’s systemic racism!
Follow the science… except when the science is racist!

    Concise in reply to henrybowman. | May 19, 2024 at 9:07 am

    Soon, the rest of the population will begin to suffer infections so disease can be demographically proportionate. That will make Democrat race grifters happy. The impacted populations, not so much, if they live.

Subotai Bahadur | May 18, 2024 at 4:59 pm

To the Left, the foreign invaders are only bringing in much needed bacteriological and viral diversity that evil Americans had destroyed by controlling diseases.

Subotai Bahadur

Why the sudden outbreak of diseases that have been eradicated in this country? Health authorities are mystified. Apparently there is nothing they can do. Some things are beyond our ability to control. We must learn to accept it. Biden’s doing a fine job. Inflation is down. The border is secure. Crime is under control. And no more dangerous bombs are being shipped to Israel.

Migrants, or criminal aliens? My money is on the later.

Cases happen where the unvaccinated are.

destroycommunism | May 18, 2024 at 8:56 pm

more blacks for trump in 2024!

“They’re not sending their best”. – DJT

This is what Ellis island was for. How stupid have we gotten since then? Thank you, Democrats.

It doesn’t seem overly burdensome to impose basic health screening, vaccination and quarantine protocols at the border, to include those involved in the Biden admin feckless ‘catch and release’ procedures. There is a compelling government interest at play here that would seem to override considerations of timely release. This would also allow for biometric data collection and an opportunity to find info from home Nation to validate the ID and history of these aliens before we ship them to the interior and turn them loose.