Democrats to Nominate Biden and Harris ‘Virtually’ Prior to Chicago Convention
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Democrats to Nominate Biden and Harris ‘Virtually’ Prior to Chicago Convention

Democrats to Nominate Biden and Harris ‘Virtually’ Prior to Chicago Convention

“the virtual nomination will mostly likely take away from the fanfare and celebration at the DNC slated to begin Aug. 19”

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) plans to nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ‘virtually’ ahead of the Democrat convention in Chicago in August. They are obviously trying to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation where some person or group objects to the choice.

The spin below is that this is all about the snafu with the Ohio ballot. That may be true, and it gives Democrats an excuse to blame Republicans for this decision, but I suspect this is also about the chaos that is expected from the Democrat base.

No one can challenge Biden’s nomination if that decision was made before the convention.

FOX News reports:

Democratic National Committee to nominate Biden, Harris virtually ahead of Chicago convention

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is preparing to nominate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party nominees via virtual proceedings before Ohio’s Aug. 7 deadline, and before its in-person convention this summer in Chicago.

Ohio requires its parties to certify presidential candidates at least 90 days before Election Day. The DNC won’t certify Biden until its convention, which is scheduled for Aug. 19 – 75 days before the election.

The rare move comes as Ohio Senate lawmakers convened for a special session called by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine on Tuesday to address Biden’s ability to appear on their general election ballot. Republicans, who hold supermajorities in the state House and Senate, have been opposed to passing a bill that would relax the deadline for Biden without a vote on unrelated campaign finance legislation that Democrats opposed.

In addition, the virtual nomination will mostly likely take away from the fanfare and celebration at the DNC slated to begin Aug. 19.

“Joe Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio and all 50 states, and Ohio Republicans agree,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said in a statement. “But when the time has come for action, they have failed to act every time, so Democrats will land this plane on our own. Through a virtual roll call, we will ensure that Republicans can’t chip away at our democracy through incompetence or partisan tricks and that Ohioans can exercise their right to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice.”

This has nothing to do with Republicans.

Ironically, the Democrats did the exact same thing in 2020 using Covid as a reason.

From Politico:

The virtual nomination will look similar to the process the party used during the 2020 convention, when most of the proceedings were impacted by the Covid pandemic. The DNC said the Chicago convention will still go on as planned, serving as a convening event for the party.

There are typically a few states each election year whose ballot certification deadlines do not align with the party’s official nominating convention. These misalignments are almost always quietly resolved by either the state legislature or by the secretary of state.


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How will a second term be met?
Hopefully with a tax revolt.

No one can challenge Biden’s nomination if that decision was made before the convention.

Which also means that they’re going to be stuck with Biden for the duration, right? I would be curious what the DNC rules say about replacing a candidate once the convention has nominated that candidate. I suspect the only language that exists has to do with candidate death or incapacitation.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to TargaGTS. | May 29, 2024 at 10:31 am

    >>I suspect the only language that exists has to do with candidate death or incapacitation.<<

    Well then, there you go. The DNC has an out. Because Biden is definitely "incapacitated" and would not be able to perform the activities necessary in a presidential election. And he certainly can't perform the duties and responsibilities of the office of president it he were to be re-elected. Biden can't even do that now. A second term would be even worse.

    And then there's always the "death" option . . . just saying . . . not implying the democrat leadership would go that far to eliminate a problem candidate . . . no, not implying that at all.

      True. But, what would happen to Biden for the remainder of his term if his own party withdrew its nomination because of his (obvious) cognitive impairment? They’d be forcing Biden’s Cabinet to invoke 25A….giving us President Harris, which was perhaps the plan all along. IDK.

        Lucifer Morningstar in reply to TargaGTS. | May 29, 2024 at 3:08 pm

        >>They’d be forcing Biden’s Cabinet to invoke 25A . . . <<

        No, not really. They haven't invoked the 25th yet, three and one-half years into Biden's alleged presidency, despite the more than clear evidence he's not able to perform the duties required of the President of the United States. If the Cabinet was going to do that they'd have already done it and installed Harris as the caretaker president. And so i highly doubt that if Biden is declared incapacitated and unable to run for a second term by the democrat leadership not much of anything would happen. His handlers would let him sit out his short remainder in office and then he'd be replaced. That is all.

      The Torricelli Option

      I can just hear them now, imitating the great Paddy Chayefsky film, Network:


      You guys want to hear all the flak I’m getting from the big donors?

      We know all about it, Jaime.

      And you would describe Dr. Jill’s position on Joe Biden’s continued candidacy as inflexible?

      Intractable and adamantine.

      So what are we going to do about this Biden son of a bitch?

      A sad silence settles over the top leaders of the Democratic Party as they lounge about the enormous room.

      I suppose we’ll have to kill him.

      Another long contemplative silence.

      I don’t suppose you have any ideas on that, Kamala.

      Well, what would you fellows say to an assassination?

        The_Mew_Cat in reply to JPL17. | May 29, 2024 at 1:04 pm

        There is an easy solution. They make sure he is super jacked up with dangerous doses of uppers and whatever for the debate with Trump, Trump makes him angry at the debate, deliberately pushing his buttons, and Biden literally explodes a blood vessel and has to be rushed off the stage. Then Kamala has a month as “acting president” to prove she is up to the job of running for reelection. If not, they nominate someone else.

E Howard Hunt | May 29, 2024 at 8:20 am

Harris says that this is merely a manifestation of the passage of time, wherein the locus of the process remains in equipoise, between and wthin the two root-cause events; thus magnifying the virtue-all, triumphant co-synergism,

It’s just a small step from a virtual nomination to having Biden speak at the convention virtually as well. And they can pre-record (and of course edit) it as well.

JackinSilverSpring | May 29, 2024 at 8:28 am

This may be setting up an excuse not to have a conversation at all, thereby avoiding the anticipated riots at the convention.

    If it does manage to make the convention a non-thing, where will all those enraged commies and terrorists go to vent themselves? Where will the Tides Foundation move all those bricks to? The Republican Convention will already be over.

      CommoChief in reply to GWB. | May 29, 2024 at 10:23 am

      They are almost certainly showing up in Chicago anyway. The cameras will still be there for the Kabuki and the d/prog will try to milk the nominating convention for airtime one search of the post convention ‘bounce’.

      Gonna be interesting to watch. Got the DNC insider, big boss hacks essentially undermining the ability to object from the floor. This is not gonna be well received by the Bernie Bro types who keep getting shut out by the d/prog establishment convention after convention. Unmentioned is the crafting of the party platform for ’24 if that is basically front run as well by party bosses in the backroom with little to no opportunity for debate, opposition and public votes that’s another ding against the d/prog non uniparty folks.

      I just don’t see how this does anything but PO lots of the internal dissenters within the d/prog coalition. Not to mention the local residents of Chicago who ain’t exactly happy with the flood of illegal aliens deposited into their midst. Still gonna be lit IMO.

        Camperfixer in reply to CommoChief. | May 29, 2024 at 10:47 am

        “I just don’t see how this does anything but PO lots of the internal dissenters within the d/prog coalition. Not to mention the local residents of Chicago who ain’t exactly happy with the flood of illegal aliens deposited into their midst.”

        Good. Their reverse psychology is backfiring and hard to tell if they know it or simply don’t care…because…and I say this with full cynicism…in the Dem’s demented brains ‘they know they are going to win”, like HRC in 2016…until she didn’t.

        God moves in big ways sometimes. Time for a SISU MAGA reset.

mostly likely take away from the fanfare and celebration
Oh, “fanfare” and “celebration” is what they’re calling the protests and riots now? Heh.

This is partly an attempt to ensure Slow Joe is on the Ohio ballot. It’s also to give the newsies an opportunity to ignore the protests and riots. Or, to talk about them without context (the context being “People seem to hate the Democrats, even when they’re on the same team”).

Also there are no Palestinian protesters at a zoomvention.

AI generated hologram for Dementia Joe?

UnCivilServant | May 29, 2024 at 9:14 am

So cancel the theater that is the convention and stop pretending that the hoi polloi get a say.

    texansamurai in reply to UnCivilServant. | May 29, 2024 at 9:32 am

    stop pretending that the hoi polloi get a say.

    indeed–fjb lacks the cojones ( or the mental competence ) to face the people–after all, his non-campaign in ’20 already proved it–the hubris of the democrats is breathtaking–unfortunately, as you stated, not only do the hoi polloi not get a say, their ” participation ” is really no longer necessary

    lord–what an epitaph for our republic

All Democrats should be asked if they will accept the results of the election after hearing the likes of DeNiro, etc.

At least the DNC is a democracy and not a dictatorship, amiright?

Camperfixer | May 29, 2024 at 10:41 am

Guess that little tiny detail “by the people for the people” has no bearing with The Marxist’s Among Us”.

“Comrades, you vill vote for who vee tell you”.

Scumbags who think they are better than everyone else simply by their ill-gotten position…and the rules don’t apply to them.

Watch what happens in NYC today. If the jury has been bought/threatened – or simply has TDS, if they have any scintilla of character (hahahah) will acquit from the not stated crime that isn’t a crime but were told by the Activist Judge to find guilt of unsaid non-crime/charge…we shall find the result very telling.

    henrybowman in reply to Camperfixer. | May 29, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    1968: As a result of constituent riots, the DNC pledges to end “smoke-filled rooms” in favor of popular primaries.

    2024: In anticipation of constituent riots, the DNC instantiates a “virtual-smoke filled chatroom.”

Apparently Democrat partly leaders believe that democracy is best done behind closed doors by a small group of insiders.

Virtual nomination will also spare Brandon from having to make a live acceptance speech in a noisy convention hall where no amount of meds will be enough to keep him more or less focused on the teleprompter.

I’m sure that’s just an accidental side effect, though. Because normally he handles chaotic environments so well!

destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 11:00 am

how fitting that fjb and his comrades see that his being and virtual are one in the same:

virtual /vûr′choo͞-əl/

Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name.
“the virtual extinction of the buffalo.”

destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 11:04 am

since he is also phoning in the debate answers ( hey,,be sure my ear piece cant be seen by the public…IM NOT JOKING)

and lefty has the msm and the street thugs on their side

we are left with only one resource since the gop wont stop the welfare state

destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 11:05 am

Dont forget

The Dems have overloaded areas and have their operatives vote in the gop primaries to choose the most rino they can


The Gentle Grizzly | May 29, 2024 at 11:08 am

It all gets down to not having Biden looking like the babbling, senile old man that he is, shown on a national hookup. This is not something the networks can control with selective editing, and there will be too many news sources there to try hiding his infirmities.

This is not to mention the rioting, arson, and looting that will be in the streets outside, no matter his presence or not.

2smartforlibs | May 29, 2024 at 11:20 am

Since this entire process is rigged why bother, leave him in office so the insanity can continue.

There’s been scant coverage of the Trump trial at LI this week. The jury instructions just presented by Marchan are laughably unconstitutional, borderline insane. As Jonathan Turley called them, a ‘coup de grâce.’ The judge has effectively said that the jurors DON’T have to unanimously agree on the predicate crime, in direct conflict with AMPLE existing Supreme Court precedent. They can choose from one of three possibilities.

I hope there’s at least one rational person on that jury. But, I tend to fall in the Mencken camp and put very little trust in the ‘plain people.’ I think it’s better than 50/50 Trump is convicted.

That Ohio law was passed by Democrats in 2010.

Why is nobody reporting that Illinois just passed a brand new law designed to keep some Republicans off the ballot in November?

I think this is a head fake. They’re going to nominate someone else virtually, not Biden.

    TargaGTS in reply to jhkrischel. | May 29, 2024 at 11:45 am

    Perhaps. My wife thinks that if Trump is convicted, Biden’s planned address from the White House (an obvious violation of the Hatch Act), will be to announce the end of his candidacy now that the ‘scourge of Trump’ has been eliminated. It sounds crazy, I admit. BUT, why leak the White House address to the press unless you’re certain what the verdict is going to be (guilty) and you know you’re ending your campaign.

    CommoChief in reply to jhkrischel. | May 29, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    That brings is own set of problems for the DNC. The first of which is WTF not before now? Second VP Harris is not really a serious option, she frankly sucks at retail politics and got run out of the ’20 primary race by T Gabbard in five minutes. Third shoving Harris aside in favor of Newsom or anyone else is gonna seriously PO the tribalism faction of the DNC led by Rep. Jim Clyburn and outside groups the DNC depends upon.

    They effed up by sticking with Biden this long after not ditching Harris. The moment was there for a swap with Newsom. She resigns as VP, gets appointed as Senator to replace Feinstein and Newsom is made VP. Then Biden could have been easily tossed overboard. which is why the tribalists other powers that be in the DNC didn’t do it then b/c they themselves benefit from Biden in the WH.

    The DNC is stuck IMO with Biden and Harris at this point. There isn’t a name to unify all the various factions. Then there’s the impact on the d/prog voters,.activists who may or may not go along with such a back room deal cut without their input.

destroycommunism | May 29, 2024 at 11:44 am

this way if fjb isnt really there,,,through the year 2030

they can just have him give speeches etc via VIRTUAL MEANS

question if he is even still alive??

you’ll be joining the Jan6 crowd

“Biden being nominated virtually”

How else would you nominate a virtual president who is not all there?

I missed the Max Headroom craze but a AI would be a better leader than mushroom head

    henrybowman in reply to Skip. | May 29, 2024 at 8:01 pm

    It couldn’t possibly lie or “hallucinate” any harder than Joe does already.

Biden ran for office “virtually.”
Biden was a “virtual” president only.
Biden will now be nominated “virtually.”

Nothing has changed other than the meaning of the word “virtually”–which has taken on a meaning that is almost its exact opposite original meaning. In its original meaning–or at least the meaning of its root–the term certainly could not be applied to Biden at all.