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Cruz Rebukes Biden Judicial Nominee Who Put Male Rapist in Female Prison

Cruz Rebukes Biden Judicial Nominee Who Put Male Rapist in Female Prison

CRUZ: “Do they [female inmates] have the right not to have a 6’2″ man who is a repeat, serial rapist put in as their cellmate?”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tore apart U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn, a Biden nominee for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, over her decision to allow a male serial rapist in a female prison.

In 2022, Netburn recommended William McClain, who suddenly became a female named July Justine Shelby, for the female side of a federal prison.

McClain pled guilty to raping a nine-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. He was also convicted of sending child porn to other sex offenders.

But McClain was “hormonally a female” so it’s totally okay since it’s obvs that hormones make me a female, right? It has NOTHING to do with chromosomes, right?

(Stop reducing females to body parts and hormones!)

The entire exchange (I emphasized the important parts):

SEN. TED CRUZ: In your court, what matters more, the rights of individuals or your political ideology?

JUDGE SARAH NETBURN: I apply the law to the facts of the case.

CRUZ: I asked the question, what matters more?

NETBURN: My political ideology doesn’t matter at all.

CRUZ: So, I don’t believe you. And I think this case demonstrates that you are willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology. This case involves a male defendant who raped a nine-year-old boy. Was he guilty of that?

NETBURN: Yes, the petitioner pled guilty to that.

CRUZ: So he raped a nine-year-old boy. He also raped a 17-year-old girl. Was he guilty of that?

NETBURN: He pled guilty. The petitioner pled guilty to that crime as well.

CRUZ: So was he guilty?

NETBURN: I hope so because she pled guilty to it.

CRUZ: He was a he when he did this.

NETBURN: That’s correct.

CRUZ: One year after being released again, he was convicted of having child pornography. Is that correct?

NETBURN: I’m unclear on exactly the time frame that you’re at. But the petitioner was convicted of distributing child pornography, child pornography… abhorrent conduct for which there are real victims.

CRUZ: And this individual, 6’2″ biologically a man, a minute ago, you said that when this man decided that he was a she, you said this individual was, quote, I wrote it down “sober and entirely a female.”

That phrase struck me as remarkable. Did this individual have male genitalia? That is a verbatim, quote entirely a female.

NETBURN: Sorry. What I meant to say was hormonally a female.

CRUZ: Ok. But that’s not entirely, did this individual have male genitalia?


CRUZ: So you took a 6’2″ serial rapist, serial child rapist with male genitalia, and he said, you know, “I’d like to be in a women’s prison.”

And your answer was, “That sounds great to me.” Let me ask you something. The other women in that prison, do they have any rights? The other women in that prison, do they have any rights?

NETBURN: Of course.

CRUZ: Do they have the right not to have a 6’2″ man who is a repeat, serial rapist put in as their cellmate?

NETBURN: Senator Cruz, I considered the facts presented to me and I reached a decision based on the law.

CRUZ: I asked you a question. Do they have a right not to have a 6 ft two man who is a serial rapist put in as their cellmate? Do those women have a right to that?

NETBURN: Every person who is incarcerated has the right to be safe in their space.

CRUZ: But you didn’t think so. You didn’t think so. And in fact, I’m going to give you some quotes from your order because Senator Kennedy is right, this is not a judge’s order. This is a political activist.

By the way, the beginning of your order says “At birth, people are typically assigned a gender.” I’ve got to say that would astonish a lot of Americans, a lot of Americans think you go to the hospital, a baby is born and congratulations, you have a little boy, a little girl, the “assigned a gender.” I know you went to Brown but it sounds like it’s in a college faculty lounge with no bearing on reality.

The Bureau of Prison argued what I’m saying right now, that if you put this person in a female prison, there will be a risk of sexual assault to the women. And you know what you did?

You said you didn’t care about the women…

In what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist, not at a risk of re-offending?

NETBURN: Senator, as I do in every case–

CRUZ: I know you’ve been told to repeat the line, “I follow the law.”

I asked a question. In what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist, not at risk of reoffending.

NETBURN: Sir., I looked at the facts that were before me in this case, all of the evidence including the statements of every warden who had supervised this petitioner.

CRUZ: I have to say, if I were the father of one of those women and you decided that my daughter’s cellmate was going to be a 6’2″ man who over and over and over again committed violent sexual assault. I would say the entire justice system is absurd and it is clear on your record, your political ideology matters a heck of a lot more than the rights of those women that you endangered. I think you’re a radical and I think you have no business being a judge.


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E Howard Hunt | May 23, 2024 at 11:16 am

Netburn looks like a tranny or a vicious dyke.

    DaveGinOly in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 23, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    She does have exactly the look that you’d expect, considering her politics, doesn’t she?

      Dimsdale in reply to DaveGinOly. | May 23, 2024 at 1:18 pm

      “I vas chust follovink the law!”

        mrtomsr in reply to Dimsdale. | May 23, 2024 at 1:53 pm

        Regardless of this one looks, it seems, by and large, that people just like this, somehow always receive enough Republican votes to make the democratic leadership jump for joy that another one made it through the process to the bench.

        Must be some serious back scratching going on behind those closed doors to get all of those judges that we are currently watching railroad Trump voted onto the bench to follow their master’s bidding.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to DaveGinOly. | May 23, 2024 at 2:10 pm

      It seems to me that she should be locked up in the same cage as William McClain. A week would probably improve her outlook.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 23, 2024 at 5:50 pm

    “It’s Ma’am!

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 24, 2024 at 9:39 am

    Netburn looks like a tranny. We should consult with “Running on Empty” Jackson Brown if she can identify what a woman is.

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 11:22 am

this is done so that medical records/birth records will be off limits and no one will be able to ask what your gender at birth was


“women” are equal to men

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 11:25 am

if you look at sports records in the pros

THEY NOW COMBINE MEN AND WOMENS RECORDS when it helps to make a female “look” equal even if the requirements are not the same

same as the do in the work world

“women are not paid what men are paid” is the argument


a women took time off for having children etc

so that missing time at work?

means nothing to the lefty power grabber

pay her the same!!! OR ELSE!!!!!!!

    mailman in reply to destroycommunism. | May 23, 2024 at 4:34 pm

    This man was targeted in prison because he was a pedophile AND a rapist. His crimes are what led to him being targeted (as every other pedophile before and since his incarceration was targeted in exactly the same way).

    Just as we don’t put pedophiles in to schools, we don’t put male rapists in to a women’s prisons for the very good reason that they will be targets for being raped by a male.

    This women should be no where near a court as a Judge.

Netburn’s a Nut. She’s not a judge, she’s a political activist. She put a 6’2″ male rapist in a female prison because she cares about women? What planet is she from? She’s as senile as Biden—the only difference being he has a handler and she doesn’t..

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 11:30 am

and dont forget

The march to 200 culminated with the confirmation of Angela Martinez as a district court judge in Arizona. The milestone reflects the importance that Biden, a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., placed on judicial confirmations after Trump put his enormous stamp on the federal judiciary with the confirmation of three Supreme Court justices.

“Reaching 200 judges is a major milestone,” Schumer said just before the 66-28 vote. “Simply put, our 200 judges comprise the most diverse slate of judicial nominations under any president in American history.”

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 11:33 am

b/c a straight white male is the real enemy of the pe. nis envying lefty

so anything deviant to that is a friend and will be treated accordingly

Here is a link to the demented judge’s opinion:

Here is what the demented said about the risk to woman:
The BOP also posits that permitting Petitioner to live among women will be traumatizing and possibly dangerous to them. This concern is overblown. Petitioner identifies as bisexual and her 1994 convictions were against both a male and female. She has not sexually assaulted anyone since 1993. Moreover, the hypothetical concern that Petitioner will hurt someone must be counter-balanced by the actual evidence that she has been assaulted and harassed in a men’s facility. Finally, BOP has other measures to monitor prisoners and discipline inappropriate conduct short of exclusion from a housing designation that aligns with Petitioner’s gender.

Apart from conclusory statements, the BOP puts forth no evidence that Petitioner has or would sexually assault other prisoners at a women’s facility or that she poses a greater threat to women than that posed by any other prisoner. Though the Court grants deference to the BOP’s determinations, the BOP cannot rely on tautologies to justify a restriction on Petitioner’s rights.

    Gosport in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | May 23, 2024 at 12:08 pm

    “She has not sexually assaulted anyone since 1993.”

    Correction – He has not been CONVICTED of sexually assaulting anyone since 1993,

    Netburn can’t truthfully claim anything anything beyond that. Agenda uber alles in der welt though.

The campaign commercials write themselves.

    jb4 in reply to TargaGTS. | May 23, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Not if the money that Trump’s PACs could otherwise spend on commercials is being depleted for legal fees.

      DaveGinOly in reply to jb4. | May 23, 2024 at 1:10 pm

      Trump is getting far more exposure (and sympathy) due to the endless coverage of his prosecutions. The coverage, although slanted against him, is probably worth more to his campaign than the money he’s spending on his attorneys.

So HE didn’t act violently in the three MEN’S prisons, because, like those wimps that have to dominate/bully women in sports, he simply couldn’t.

So, he takes his show to a women’s prison, where there is no record of his actions YET, because transgender uber alles.

That crank judge never stated why HE couldn’t get the hormone stabilization that HE says HE needed in a men’s prison. It’s just shots.

Oh wait! I know! If he is in a men’s prison pretending to be a woman, or even getting the bottom surgery, HE becomes the victim. Wouldn’t want that, would we?

Naturally, to leftist perversity pushers, HIS rights supercede everyone else’s, particularly those of real women.

This rebuke from Cruz made her day. It burnishes her bona fides with the peer group she will say or do anything to stay in good standing with.

Per the federal inmate locater, the perp is at a female medical center, in Texas.

    TargaGTS in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | May 23, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    If what I’ve read is accurate (big if), he’s going through ‘gender reassignment,’ which might explain why he’s at a medical center. Who’s paying for the gender reassignment? Uncle Sugar.

      Chitragupta in reply to TargaGTS. | May 23, 2024 at 3:19 pm

      Alex what is so “It” can be “rehabilitated” and then “It” can be released back on to the streets so “It” can become a “productive member of society?”

      I’ll take “Elections have consequences” for $200.

      Dolce Far Niente in reply to TargaGTS. | May 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm

      “Who’s paying for the gender reassignment? Uncle Sugar.” Not Uncle Sugar. YOU.

      MarkS in reply to TargaGTS. | May 23, 2024 at 4:53 pm

      the term, “gender reassignment” is ridiculous as well.

        McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB in reply to MarkS. | May 23, 2024 at 6:09 pm

        Not as ridiculous as “gender-affirming” — in which the person’s biological sex is removed and a phony simulation of the opposite sex is sewn on and everyone must pretend it’s real.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 23, 2024 at 1:43 pm

The hulking rapist could have identified as a 12 year old girl and been sent to female juvenile detention … or Traitor Joe’s sniffing closet.

These deranged perverts – the so-called judge and her ilk – running amok in our society really need to be put on leashes, at the very least. Most of them belong in prison, themselves – federal PMITA prison.

Delusional freak.

Lucifer Morningstar | May 23, 2024 at 2:26 pm

>>Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tore apart U.S. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn, a Biden nominee for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, over her decision to allow a male serial rapist in a female prison.<<

And the sad part is the committee will then go ahead and recommend Netburn for the position in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Happens every time. Don't expect it to be any different for Netburn's nomination.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 23, 2024 at 2:48 pm

CRUZ: So you took a 6’2″ serial rapist, serial child rapist with male genitalia, and he said, you know, “I’d like to be in a women’s prison.”

And your answer was, “That sounds great to me.”

NETBURN: Senator Cruz, you are lying and distorting the facts of this case. The woman [sic] in question is only 6′ 1 7/8″.

The vile Dhimmi-crats are all infantile, obnoxious and narcissistic kooks, fanatics and totalitarians.

Common sense, decency, moral probity and rationality never enter into their decision-maklng — only total fealty to the Party line and orthodoxies.

When all this trans gender nonsense started I said they just need to change prisons. Instead of Men’s and Women’s prisons they change it to Penis prisons and Vagina prisons. Whichever you have is where you go. No one cares if you call yourself a man, a woman, a dog or a tree, if you have a penis you go to the penis prison, end of story.

It’s extremely sad to have to say it, but only a liberal could be so stupid they didn’t see this coming from a Million Miles Away.

This is sickening.

Not too far from where I teach, a boy in a skirt raped girls in the girls’ bathroom in two different schools while the loving, caring people in the county’s school administration deliberated what to do about him. In the same one, a girl’s desire to be a “boy” over the objections of a grandmother ended with the girl being trafficked over state lines for the pleasure of our coast’s Terry Beans. In our own system, we were subjected to emotional and job security blackmail by being told that the choice is affirming a confused kid’s gender dysphoria or abetting his suicide–and we’ve had a case in which both happened.

Ted Cruz, filibuster until we’re all blue in the face to keep this creepy Netburn off the bench. She’s a brilliant legal mind but deficient in just about everything human.

What astonishes me is that the non-violent behavior of this man in a men’s prison is somehow considered evidence that he will be well behaved in women’s prison.

An then again the phrase used, “gender assigned at birth” is nonsensical. The doctor observes and records the sex of the baby. The notion of assignment implies a decision making process. There is no decision making but rather observation.

This judge candidate is indeed a political activist.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. Such people show a complete disassociation from reality.