Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Arrested at Eurovision Protest as Israel Takes 5th Place
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Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Arrested at Eurovision Protest as Israel Takes 5th Place

Climate Cultist Greta Thunberg Arrested at Eurovision Protest as Israel Takes 5th Place

Meanwhile, a Climate Cult priestess and a biology teacher target the famous Magna Carta . . . proving that Western Civilization’s destruction is the real end-game.

The Eurovision international music competition has been the scene of protests and anti-Israel unrest. Under intense pressure, Israeli singer Eden Golan gave the performance of a lifetime during the semifinals and made it to the Grand Final.

Not surprisingly, the developments stirred even more outrage among the unstable and violence-prone demonstrators. Proving that global warming is nothing more than a movement to undermine Western Civilization, the High Priestess of the Climate Cult was arrested in the massive protests outside the venue in Malmo, Sweden.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Saturday night at a pro-Palestinian protest outside of the Eurovision arena by the local police in Malmo, Sweden, Y-Net reported on Saturday night.

Footage shared on X showed Thunberg wrapped in a keffiyeh scarf being carried out of the event by the police.

The pro-Palestinian protest was broken up by the police. A woman reportedly spat at a police officer while chanting, “Bibi and Biden are murderers!”

The Grand Final results are in. Israel’s entry came in fifth. As a sad testament to the state of Western Civilization, Switzerland’s ode to nobinary insanity took first place.

Eden Golan won fifth place in the 68th Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday night after she gave a flawless performance of the song “Hurricane” in the Eurovision final in Malmo, Sweden on Saturday night, as some in the crowd booed her while others cheered.

Israel was second in the televoting, the votes from audiences around the world, with 323 points. Croatia, the country that came in first in the televoting, received 337 in the televotes, so it was close.

Switzerland’s “The Code” by Nemo took the top prize, a song that deals with the singer’s coming to terms with their non-binary identity.

Croatia’s Baby Lasagna, the heavy favorite early on, took second place with his high-energy song about a young man leaving home, “Rim Tim Tagi Dim.” Ukraine and France came in third and fourth.

Here is Eden’s performance:

For contrast, here is the Swiss entry:

Meanwhile, climate cultists continue their antics around the world by targeting iconic objects of Western Civilization.

In my younger days, among the first lessons in any political science class I took featured the Magna Carta. It was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government were not above the law.

In England, another climate cult priestess and a biology teacher were arrested after smashing the glass case containing an original copy of the Magna Carta at the British Library in London, causing minor damage to the reinforced box but leaving the historic document unscathed.

The pair of protesters from Just Stop Oil, a group that has caused widespread disruption in Britain in its campaign to end to the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, pounded on the case with a hammer and chisel.

Video footage posted online shows the Rev. Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, an 85-year-old retired biology teacher, holding up a sign reading “The government is breaking the law,” before gluing themselves to the display.

….The pair released a statement saying that they targeted the document to highlight the dangers of climate change.

“The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws,” Parfitt said. “But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened.”

Fossil fuels are the foundational energy sources of the modern era. The Magna Carta is the foundational document of our legal system. The eco-activists’ destructive behaviors show that climate change is not their motivation . . . the end of Western Civilization is.


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The Pally Princess shows up at all the demonstrations with the proper fashion accessory of the occasion.

Conservative_Detroiter | May 12, 2024 at 4:22 pm

Time to throw her in prison for a year or more for being a habitual offender.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 12, 2024 at 5:05 pm

It was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government were not above the law.

Maybe in England, but the Torah did just that for the Nation of Israel over 2000 years earlier.

Just sayin’ …

Make her and her ilk, after booking, watch the videos and hear the screams of the atrocities on a continuous loop, with Palestinians calling for genocide sprinkled in.

Why this has not been done is perplexing, especially for the idiots and lemmings, who should be challenged about what they stand for.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | May 13, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    I would prefer a live action reenactment where our Religion of Pieces actors get to perform with Greta Turdburger and her friends.

Bambi Thug.

She’s a deeply unhappy, fragile, trite, narcissistic, has-been, performance artist at age 31. Well, one needs to have “been” something prior to being a washed up has-been. So, she’s not truly earned the appellation.

BT’s claim to fame?
Blaaaarrrrg! Grbllgalf!!! Fdrsytres!

Shock the peasantry. That schtick being older than the 19th century traveling circus geek sideshow. Hock your freakish wares. Move on to a new village. But there’s nowhere to move on to when playing to a global audience.

Like a degenerate gambler, she’s shot her wad; after the makeup and costume come off, cold reality sets in.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Tiki. | May 12, 2024 at 10:45 pm

    She’s starting out damaged, not just under-developed.

    At this point she can decide to build herself. Where she’s starting from is mostly on her parents, nation, and culture.

      Ms Thug, it should be said, is not some rebellious teenager. She is thirty-one years of age, and until her middle twenties was a heterosexual woman called Linnea Lagerqvist – a name that will appear in no other Irish media outlet because that is now her “dead name”, and it is allegedly offensive to refer to non-binary people by the name given to them at birth, or even to mention the fact that they were once known by that name. The most you’ll get in the Irish media is a reference to the fact that she “was born to the Swedish Lagerqvist family”. If the facts offend, they must be suppressed.

    Sanddog in reply to Tiki. | May 13, 2024 at 2:00 am

    She looks like a junkie. She’s just another miserable leftist who has found time passing her by.

destroycommunism | May 12, 2024 at 9:29 pm

the swedes are rethinking their welfare system with the Malmo thuggery as the reason(s)

now we know they wont have the courage to stop the welfare system to their newest citizens as the western world has invited the tragedies in so

they are not going to admit they are wrong


Greta Thunberg ?

Wow! I remember her!

Wasn’t she a big deal to the Lefties for something a few years ago?


Fixed that headline for you.

Gremlin1974 | May 12, 2024 at 11:58 pm

As far as the 2 battle-axes who tried to break into the case for the Magna Carta, it is always interesting to me that they want to “Just Stop Oil” but then so much of their gear is petroleum products. The grip on the hammer and on the chisel or whatever that was, wonder how many more I could count, if I tired?

    Sanddog in reply to Gremlin1974. | May 13, 2024 at 2:02 am

    Those two dotty old hags wouldn’t have lived long enough to pull this stunt if it were not for petroleum products.

‘Arrested’. What is this, like the 20th time for that idiot Thunberg? (who by the way is an absolutely textbook example of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome).

She LOVES getting arrested because she knows she never actually gets prosecuted. Multiple times she’s been caught staging her own arrests.

Saying someone else is in a cult doesn’t actually make it true. This all looks rather like projection. Still waiting for that science based explanation for the temperature curve. Preferably one that doesn’t immediately fall apart under scrutiny

Why is this demented garden gnome still getting air time?

So the Doom Pixie is still alive and kicking? Who knew? She’s been trying to stretch her allocated 15 minutes as much as possible, with expected results (i.e. arrest as her tactics must be increasingly irritating).

BigRosieGreenbaum | May 13, 2024 at 11:15 am

Doesn’t Greta realize that when Ham ass launches rockets into Israel, that hurts the climate and increases their carbon footprint?
So about the old bats trying to destroy the Magna Carta, I’m seeing Mr. Burn with a hammer…

destroycommunism | May 13, 2024 at 12:14 pm

why doesnt eurovision allow in

mail-in votes

so they can still count for 3 months afterwards!!?!?!?!

destroycommunism | May 13, 2024 at 12:15 pm

greta knows that this is her payday from now on

drsamherman | May 13, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Somebody should call Peter Jackson and tell him that one of his Hobbits got loose from the set of his “Lord of the Rings” movies.