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Cause and Effect: Military Enshrines DEI While Recruiting Tanks

Cause and Effect: Military Enshrines DEI While Recruiting Tanks

A new Air Force “Pride Month” Memo is riddled with Marxist language and “empowers,” i.e. strong arms, base commanders to hold base-wide pride events; meanwhile military recruiting woes continue

Earlier this week the Air Force promulgated an official Memorandum that elevates the LGBTQ+ “community” as paragons of military virtue, absolutely reeks of Marxist language, and attempts to strong arm Air Force base commanders into promoting the military’s current DEI dogma.

Matt Lohmeier has the scoop. You might remember Matt, a former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel squadron commander who was fired, forced to resign his Air Force commission, and subjected to an Inspector General investigation by the Pentagon after publishing his bestselling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, which tore the lid off the military’s obsession with racist and radical “woke” ideologies.

Anyway, Matt just got his hands on a recent Air Force Memo about this upcoming June Pride Month that the Air Force is celebrating, and it is scary. Strangely, I cannot find a copy of this Memo anywhere on the interwebs, so I’m not sure if it has limited distribution or is controlled in some fashion. In any case, you can check out Matt’s X post below that embeds the Memo, but Matt’s comments about it are important, and I thought you should know:

THERE IS AN ONGOING WAR being waged by domestic enemies against the United States military that is far more destructive than any threat we are facing from our foreign adversaries!

Military senior leaders are ceaselessly waging a politically and culturally subversive campaign against our men and women in uniform. There is no doubt that men and women of character will continue to lose their motivation to serve and will leave the service. And there is no end in sight to our recruiting troubles.

Recruiting troubles? You got that right, and we have been reporting on it for years now:

There’s lots more, but you get the idea. Anyway, Matt Lohmeier continues:

Senior leaders and decisionmakers who pretend to care about solving our recruiting and retention problems without first abandoning this activist agenda are only fooling themselves.

The memorandum below, which was just signed on 13 May 2024, admonishes servicemembers to celebrate and honor the lifestyle and contributions of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers. You may think this is nothing new, but the energy and directness of the agenda is only growing stronger each month, and the activists who wage the campaign are more brazen than ever. False spirits who thrive on division and destruction seem to animate our every move.

You could read the Memo and be forgiven for missing some of the key phrases, but they’re in there, as Matt points out:

The memorandum honors “the strength” and “progress” that “activists” have brought to the force. The memorandum “empowers commanders” to “organize” activities for their bases. It is a revolutionary campaign that no longer needs to hide its aims. It employs all of the right revolutionary language. It is Marxist-rooted DEI at its best. It is evil.

Matt finishes up with a challenge to those still on active duty:

If you are in uniform, now is the time for you to speak up against this agenda as if the life of your country depends on it, because it does. If you are a military leader and you understand firsthand the deleterious influence of this leftist activism perpetrated by our Defense Department, then speak up now or accept that you are a damned coward and accomplice.

Feigned kindness in the face of evil is only foolishness. Tolerance of this revolutionary spirit at this critical hour is little short of treasonous. Cowardice is the opposite of faith and love.

In any case, please read the full Memo and Matt’s impassioned plea to, really, all of us, below:

The Memo is signed by Marianne P. Malizia, pictured in this post’s Featured Image, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Force Resilience and Chief Diversity Officer. Incidentally, her bio makes for some interesting reading, especially for me since she graduated from West Point in 1981, the same year I graduated from the Naval Academy:


Below find some other commentary on DEI, recruiting, and the military, including a great, very short video of Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fl) grilling the head honcho at the Aur Force Academy about “colorblindness” and Dr, Martin Luther King:

It really is sad, and infuriating. If you had told me when I was on active duty that this would EVER happen to the military I would not have believed you.


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Experience and qualifications are secondary to promotion, its about checking the boxes for woke. What could go wrong there??


    JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | May 17, 2024 at 9:33 am

    There should be a law or amendment to existing law to allow prosecution for what is being done in our military.

    fscarn in reply to smooth. | May 17, 2024 at 11:04 am

    “THERE IS AN ONGOING WAR being waged by domestic enemies against the United States military that is far more destructive than any threat we are facing from our foreign adversaries!”

    That rings a bell (which is 2065 y/o (approx.)),

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    What’s being done to America is not by accident. It is part of a plan. Look to NWO/Central, the Council on Foreign Relations.

      pfg in reply to fscarn. | May 17, 2024 at 6:38 pm

      The heads of all the service academies have been CFR members going back 60 years. Along with members of the Joint Chiefs.

    docduracoat in reply to smooth. | May 17, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    The mostly Southern, conservative families both black and white that have been the backbone of our military for generations are now telling their children not to join.

    Why would they when traditional values are mocked and woke values lead to promotion.
    There are not enough people among the woke to staff our military.

    Ignoring the fact that D E I mandates are the problem means the recruiting shortfalls will persist.

    It seems the Biden team looks at every decision and does whatever hurts America the most.

It’s not very manly these days. It’s for queer pussies.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to rhhardin. | May 17, 2024 at 9:34 am

    When I was in the service (77-81), there were plenty of straights sniveling and whining about everything from no vegan meals to “I can’t serve typhoon watch; I need to be with my family!” to the way invitations to the Navy Day Ball were worded regarding wives.

IMO the biggest problem with the wokiestas is that they vastly inflate the number of adherents to their philosophy. These folks operate in a ‘silo’ and via cancel culture have effectively segregated themselves from any dissenting viewpoints. The wokiesta true believers are a small minority but due to their enforcement of censorship from media, big tech allies and increasingly from govt itself they don’t understand how many folks disagree.

We saw this play out in the Bud Light fiasco. AB got way in front of their skies then ridiculed those who lambasted them. They have yet to acknowledge their errors or to apologize. They chose to discard their decades loyal customer base and sought to exchange it for a ‘hip, woke’ one. They found out that this group is far smaller than they realized. Something similar is occurring with the US Military and recruiting. Only about 1/3 of military age folks meet basic qualifications; HS grad, not obese, no drug use, no mental health issues. Those that do meet these minimum standards are overwhelmingly from families and locations where they don’t follow woke doctrines. The DoD choosing to deliberately PO the potential recruits and more importantly in the long term the Veterans who act as persons of influence/trust that in days past encouraged young people to consider military service is asinine.

It’s the plan, man: gut the military, leaving only the dregs.

Obama started it by tossing out all the competent commanders etc.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Dimsdale. | May 17, 2024 at 9:39 am

    Please. It began long before Obama. Quota promotion, quota assignments, quota officer programs, quota everything.

    Obama is, rightfully, blamed for a lot, but this is not his doing.

You guys remember when the role of the infantry was to close with and to kill the enemy where ever they may be?

Yup, good times my friends. Good times indeed!!

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | May 17, 2024 at 1:58 pm

    Now, it’s ‘share your vulnerability, in a way that draws others in.”
    That’s great advice — I think it’s straight out of Sun Tzu.

Another reason why Trump needs to be president.

Every 5th century Roman Emperor would have loved this “recruitment crisis”.

Tell the people your nation sucks, the majority of you are subhuman, the beliefs of half of you are unwelcome here and will be punished if caught and STILL have a massive number of enlistments???

Any Roman Emperor would tell you in response to being told there is a recruitment crisis today “What recruitment crisis you do everything that keeps people out of the armed forces and still have one of the worlds largest”.

Romes Downfall was illegals in the army also

    CDR D in reply to gonzotx. | May 17, 2024 at 11:32 am

    The Western half of the Empire relied almost exclusively on foreign mercenaries in the 5th Century. Odoacer was a German and leader of the army when he sent young Augustulus into retirement. It’s a complicated history, but the Eastern half lasted another thousand years.

    I have Lohmeier’s book, and I also recommend Stu Scheller’s “Crisis of Command”. If the powers that be want some insight into the recruiting crisis, they could start with those two books. I recommended them to the Chief of Naval Recruitment on twitter, but they don’t want to hear it.

      Danny in reply to CDR D. | May 17, 2024 at 1:58 pm

      My point is when you look at that we really don’t have a recruitment crisis. The recruits are there and willing the Biden Military just doesn’t want them.

      Young Americans are not mercenaries, give them the right message and they will keep showing up in the military if the military is in their eyes worthy of their enlistment. Inform them they are sub-human oppressors, that their country is evil, that they will be discriminated for their race, and impose DEI officials on them……

      This isn’t a recruitment crisis it is a Biden crisis.

      Any 5th century emperor would have correctly told us “you don’t have a recruitment crisis I do” and they would be right.

      Just take out the wokeness, court martial people who have dedicated themselves to racism and reimpose the promise of the military is not a political organ, you aren’t a race or ethnicity here you are an American serviceman here to defend your country, merit in your record is the only thing we care about and there will be too many potential recruits again.

        CDR D in reply to Danny. | May 17, 2024 at 2:33 pm

        Indeed. Why would anyone want to enlist in an often dangerous profession and possibly die for an administration that hates them?

        That’s the message this toxic DEI garbage sends.

        There is a group of retired officers from all services who are trying to push back:

    Danny in reply to gonzotx. | May 17, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    Rome had a real recruitment crisis. Any Roman officer would identify what is happening now as “the state doesn’t want soldiers”

Eight years in RegAF and sixteen in the AirNG and I cannot imagine what it would have been like to face all this garbage when I was in. My son walked away from seventeen years in the Army and NG when he returned from The Rockpile and saw how the atmosphere in his unit had deteriorated in less than a year. Whatever happened to just “accomplish the mission”? Never mind, we all know the answer.

We are doomed.

My immediate thought when I read the headline to this post:

“Why do they need to recruit tanks? Can’t they just build them?”

“Military Enshrines DEI”

That’s because AA hires are running the military as well as Civil Service, Post Office, schools, police departments, mayors of blue cities, etc. And they are all self-perpetuating.

If they go back to merit based a lot of fine people will lose their fine jobs.

destroycommunism | May 17, 2024 at 12:14 pm

its alllll good until the


is actually required

Every Marxist based military needs political officers. Why would the USA be any different?

RepublicanRJL | May 17, 2024 at 1:05 pm

The only salvation for this nation is for Trump to become #47.

The world is laughing at us and constantly testing the drawn line of peace treaties as we see with Putin.

We give another dictator Zelensky pallet loads of money and don’t ask for an accounting sheet?

The virus isn’t what’s killing America. It’s voting Democrat and Speaker Johnson is a failure.

As a military vet I am disgusted, I always knew the Leftists were out to destroy the Military since I was a kid during Vietnam War

My time in the Air Force (Jan 65- Jul 74) were the best years of my life. I cannot recommend today’s military to anyone. It may take a generation or more to correct the damage done by the Super Woke policies.