Biden Has a ‘Jeb Bush’ Moment While Giving West Point Commencement Speech
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Biden Has a ‘Jeb Bush’ Moment While Giving West Point Commencement Speech

Biden Has a ‘Jeb Bush’ Moment While Giving West Point Commencement Speech

It appears the entire West Point Biden experience was a compendium of elements from the list of the Sixth Stage of Alzheimer’s/Dementia.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that Biden fell on stage during the 2023 graduation program at the US Air Force Academy after handing out the last diploma to the cadets. He appeared to trip on a sandbag on stage.

That incident was one of many falls and trips that the occupant of the Oval Office has had since 2021. That Air Force Academy incident led to calls for a contested Democratic Primary, which fizzled during the primary season.

This year, West Point drew the short straw….and Biden delivered in what is now a highly predictable manner.

During a slurring, rambling, and histrionic delivery of how America is strongest by the “power of our example,” the tepid response was such that Biden had a ‘Jeb Bush’ moment. He had to ask people to clap.


MIRANDA DEVINE: Well, my first thought is that he had to ask the audience to clap him. That’s pretty sad that’s shades of Jeb Bush and the applause was pretty minimal, so it didn’t sound like it was a very receptive audience. And look, he said, that line, he says over and over, and it’s not his original line.

He lifted that from Bill Clinton, when he was introducing Barack Obama back in 2008. So, as usual, Joe Biden is lifting other people’s words. You know, it’s sort of hollow, I think, when it comes from a man who isn’t leading the world very well.

Then, there was a moment in the address when Biden was completely incoherent.

When talking about how Russian President Vladimir Putin had launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, starting a war that is now over two years old, Biden seemed to trail off.

“Putin was certain that NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] would fracture. I met with him right after being elected president before, right after I was sworn in, and we talked about this very issue. The fall, he attacked that fall—he decided to, look, I shouldn’t get into this probably.

It gets me a little excited,” Biden said.

Biden also treated West Point cadets and their families to more fabulism.

Biden repeated a claim that he turned down an appointment to the Naval Academy, where he said he intended to play football, during his commencement speech at West Point on Saturday.

Biden, 81, told the graduates that he was “one of 10” appointed to the naval academy by Republican Delaware Sen. J. Caleb Boggs years before he’d go on to defeat him in the 1972 election to become a US Senator.

“I was appointed by the fella I ran against when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy. I was one of 10. I wanted to play football,” Biden said in his remarks.

“And I’d found out two days earlier they had a quarterback named Roger Staubach and a halfback named Joe Bellino — I said, ‘I’m not going there.’ I went to Delaware. Not a joke,’ the president said.

It appears the entire West Point Biden experience was a compendium of elements from the list of the Sixth Stage of Alzheimer’s/Dementia that I did in April.

For those of you interested, the US Air Force Academy graduation speaker is Vice President Kamala Harris. Compared to West Point’s commencement keynote address, I am in for a treat.


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Biden is reflective of about half of America?

Lucifer Morningstar | May 27, 2024 at 8:25 am

At one point I thought his gaffes and “moments” were funny. Now I just think they are sad and pathetic. And the fact that many democrats refuse to acknowledge Joe’s mental deterioration and parade him around like this makes the situation even worse. It’s elder abuse. So why doesn’t Jill stop this. She could. She could very easily stop this. But she doesn’t. More important to her to be First Lady to a president that cannot adequately function than to do the right thing. So just move along. Nothing to see here. Just Joe being Joe.

E Howard Hunt | May 27, 2024 at 8:41 am

Joe should consult Hunter who regularly gets the clap.

Is there anything left at West Point to care about? It may be entirely appropriate to the place.

Halcyon Daze | May 27, 2024 at 8:57 am

Biden needs some cognition tests administered, sure, but so do his voters.

thalesofmiletus | May 27, 2024 at 9:07 am

Looking forward to the debate.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to thalesofmiletus. | May 27, 2024 at 9:45 am

    I’m like Lucifer Morningstar in that I now find the gaffes and the other signs of decline to be pathetic and sad.

    Yes, in other threads I have wondered = sometimes with humor – if or when Biden’s mind will melt down, or, using my phrase, “go bang” during a major event. It likely WILL happen, but, the results could get nasty fast. China makes its move. The now politically aligned flag rank officers of the military take the opportunity to turn US troops against the citizenry. Or, other nasties.

texansamurai | May 27, 2024 at 9:59 am

per the testament of numerous ” colleagues ” in government ( both here and abroad ) biden has been failing / defrauding the public for decades

agree this speech was like a pathetic crescendo to a lifetime of incompetence and greed

It won’t be long before the ornery, obnoxious, dim-witted, avaricious, mendacious, incompetent and corrupt dotard informs graduates of the service academies that they will soon be deployed against the “Ultra-MAGA” citizens and supporters of President Trump whom he contemptibly alleges constitute the greatest threat to American democracy.

“You should clap for that” sounded to me like he was reading the teleprompter and it said “clapping”. When there wasn’t any he asked for it.
I can imagine more than one graduate in that crowd was thinking “I sure to hell hope I don’t have to serve my entire commission under this senile clown”

    henrybowman in reply to diver64. | May 27, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    Biden was probably thinking,
    “They’re not clapping! Can’t they read the teleprompter?!”

One need only go back and look at young Biden. Arrogant, dishonest, power hungry, inauthentic, and wrong on most issues.

He will never give it up voluntarily. He could care about the good of the country. He was such a good henchman for Obama, the refined criminal mind.

Hopefully, Democrats are stuck with him. Hopefully, the turnout will be too big to rig.

Nothing he says is the truth

So after Quid Pro Joe was inaugurated Vlad Putin attacked (Ukraine) in the fall. I never knew February was a month in the fall. Learn something new every day…

“I’d better not go into it”.

His tried-and-true coping mechanism for recovering from a dementia-induced brain freeze: to withdraw from pursuing a line of reasoning on the grounds that he “might say too much”, when in fact he has absolutely no idea what to say.
He’s used it dozens of times over the last three-and-a-half years. Dr Jill likely taught it to him.
