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Biden Blinkens – White House Reportedly Approves New Arms Shipment to Israel

Biden Blinkens – White House Reportedly Approves New Arms Shipment to Israel

Wonder what changed? Perhaps bad polling?

On May 8, 2024, we covered how Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed the Biden Admin was Withholding Ammunition From Israel Over Disagreement on Rafah. Biden himself doubled down that same day, threatening to Cut Off Offensive Weapons To Israel If It Enters Rafah.

That threat to cut off all future “offensive” weapons would restrict Israel’s ability to fight not only Hamas, as Israel would have to conserve its weaponary in case a larger war broke out with Hezbollah in the north and various Iranian proxies and Iran to the east.

The political backlash was furious in the U.S., but Secretary of State Anthony Blinken couldn’t care less, he told Israel to “get out of Gaza.”

Well, Israel is in Rafah, though it’s not clear if this is a full scale seizure of the city, Hamas’ last stronghold where much of the leadership is believed hiding with at least some of the hostages.

While it’s unclear what the status is of the paused arms shipment, the Biden administration has approved another arms shipment, according to The Wall Street Journal:

The Biden administration notified Congress on Tuesday that it was moving forward with more than $1 billion in new weapons deals for Israel, U.S. and congressional officials said, a massive arms package less than a week after the White House paused a shipment of bombs over a planned Israeli assault on Rafah.

The latest weapons package includes the potential transfer of $700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles and $60 million in mortar rounds, the officials said. There are still additional steps before the weapons would be approved and delivered.

The decision to proceed with the approval process underscored the Biden administration’s reluctance to deepen its rift with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Rafah operation by restricting longer-term weapons deals with its closest Middle East ally.

U.S. officials have stressed their opposition to a full-scale Israeli attack in the city, saying it could result in widespread civilian casualties and deepen Gaza’s humanitarian crisis without ending the threat Israel faces from Hamas. But they have registered their opposition so far only by withholding a single shipment of 2,000-pound bombs.

Wonder what changed? Perhaps bad polling?

Biden is, however, reserving the option to stop future shipments already authorized by Congress.


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Subotai Bahadur | May 14, 2024 at 9:29 pm

1) Israel should only believe it after they are delivered.
2) Israel still should not trust the US to keep its treaty obligations.

Subotai Bahadur

Israel is holding out till 2024 November, as we all are, they know Biden is Obama and wants to destroy israel

They will go it on their own but if another election is stolen, Israel is toast, obama4 won’t give a shit, he will have completed his goal

    BartE in reply to gonzotx. | May 15, 2024 at 5:57 am

    “Israel is holding out till 2024 November, as we all are, they know Biden is Obama and wants to destroy Israel”
    No, there is an issue with Israel committing war crimes

    “another election is stolen”
    Still with the stolen election, you should know better by now.

      Dimsdale in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 7:16 am

      Actually, there isn’t. Israel has gone above the call of duty to keep civilians safe.

      Now how about Hamas, who won’t let civilians leave, and butchers Israelis in their home after breaching a cease fire?

      Were there any war crimes there? Let them deal with the crimes chronologically.

      And the 2020 election was stolen, and the same tactics will be used in 2024 by the Marxist Democrats. You should know better by now.

        steves59 in reply to Dimsdale. | May 15, 2024 at 9:28 am

        “You should know better by now.”

        You’re giving Lord Bart (ace lawyer, statesman, scientist, engineer, diplomat, Constitutional expert, Top Man) and his two functioning brain cells FAR too much credit.

      Virginia42 in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 8:10 am

      Wrong again. As usual.

      steves59 in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 9:25 am

      Quit upvoting yourself, dumbass.
      Please post PROOF of Israel’s “war crimes.”
      Please note that Hamas “casualty figures” don’t count.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to steves59. | May 16, 2024 at 1:36 am

        People died in the course Civil War. Some of those people are civilians, even though the proportion of civilian deaths is a tiny fraction of what it would be if any other country, but Israel were waging this war. Therefore, since Israel has done what would be permitted to any other nation, and it would not so much is raising our eyebrow if another nation did it, a work crime has been committed. At least in the eyes of people like Bart.

      ChrisPeters in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 11:57 am

      Do you go out of your way to be moronic, or does it just come naturally?

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 12:14 pm

      Don’t use words that you don’t understand.

      FOAF in reply to BartE. | May 15, 2024 at 4:49 pm

      Bart still pleasuring himself daily over Hamas 10/7 snuff videos.

BierceAmbrose | May 14, 2024 at 10:33 pm

How’s he supposed to pander to the news cycle of the moment if his administration has to meet its commitments?

I seem to remember a time when the sitting administration set the news cycle, vs. chasing it. Good times.

It sounds like the pedophile forgot what he said a couple of days ago.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

–James 1:18

ChrisPeters | May 15, 2024 at 12:32 am

I’m betting Biden and Blinken will still work to slow the deliveries to Israel.

The current regime really isnt the brightest is it.

Some real amateurs pulling the strings in the background prepared to bend with the political whims of the moment at the slightest change in wind direction.

Israel still manages to hang on in spite of opposition from much of the media, western diplomats, Islam, and JoeBama. Quite a feat for such a small country.

I think it’s all about polling, it’s very, very slowly starting to set in with this incredibly stupid cast of characters that Jewish voters could and may very well ruin their re-election bid. There are approximately 100,000 Jewish voters in Michigan and if they vote for Jill Stein or Cornell West or unaffiliated or Donald Trump, Biden loses even if he gets every last junior Hamas league vote in the state (which he won’t because he hasn’t gone extreme enough for this vile group of anti-American nutters). Not to mention there are sizeable pockets of Jewish voters in many swing states. You may say, oh the stupid Jews will still vote Democrat, well maybe we will, maybe we won’t. But I think increasingly many Jews won’t vote for Biden, and that is the point.

The US failure to support Israel unconditionally against Hamas is one of the most shameful chapters in US/Israeli relations and will come back some day to haunt us. The response to Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 should be the unconditional destruction of Hamas as a viable organization. Palestinian civilian casualties should be laid at Hamas’ feet because of their use of their own people as shields. Israel has done more than any nation attacked in this manner should have to do to minimize civilain casualties. Hamas is pure evil and must be obliterated, its fighters and leaders killed, and any chance of it again becoming a viable threat throttled forever. If the Gazans can experience Israeli governance and experience the growth and security enjoyed by even Arabs in Israel, it is likely that it will never again accept the death cult that is Hamas as its leadership.

    artichoke in reply to [email protected]. | May 16, 2024 at 12:42 am

    I have no confidence in the Gazans. Trained from early childhood to hate Israel. Israel shouldn’t bother offering them olive branches. They should be offered one way tickets to some other place far from Israel.

    They don’t have quite the level of responsibility of Hamas or those who invaded on 10/7, but they like that government and never did anything to change it. They have a collective responsibility for the actions of that government.

Biden is such a fraud.

Good for Biden. These are the military arms that Israel needs now for Rafah, not the 2,000 pound bombs that Biden cancelled.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to JR. | May 15, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    The military expert speaks.

      You don’t use 2,000 pound bombs in Rafah, which is densely populated and may have 100 or more Israel hostages. A 2,000 pound bomb will kill with fragmentation up to 400 yards from the point of impact. Not a single Israeli military leader is in favor of using 2,000 pound bombs in Rafah. But maybe you are.

Now Biden will act like he’s a hero for it. Now we just have to see if the supplies are actually sent.

destroycommunism | May 15, 2024 at 10:53 am

fjb slyly smiled and sadi

ohhhhh this is a

special batch

we sent

Old enough to remember President Nixon? He claimed a presidential power to impound spending authorized by Congress. Congress then enacted a statute denying that power. Biden is arguably violating that statute by withholding the directed spending. That could be grounds for impeachment. Or it come be a ground for a lawsuit demanding that he carry out Congress’ instruction and stop impounding. Of course by the time the case would be heard and decided by SCOTUS the war in Gaza would be over.