Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Commencement Ceremony at the University of Michigan
“Video posted on social media shows a small group of masked students, some in hijabs, enter the theatre and walk through the audience holding Palestinian flags and signs reading ‘UM funds genocide’ and ‘ACAB,’ an anti-police slogans that stands for ‘all cops are bastards.'”
Far left anti-Israel protesters disrupted a commencement ceremony at the University of Michigan yesterday, in a display that is sure to be repeated at other schools in the coming days and weeks.
These people are not trying to bring other people to their side. They are trying to intimidate others and ruin anything that is enjoyed by anyone, while making it all about them.
The Times of Israel reports:
Police disperse pro-Palestinian protesters after they interrupt University of Michigan commencement
The commencement ceremony University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance is interrupted by a pro-Palestinian protest, amid a wave of anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses across the United States.
Video posted on social media shows a small group of masked students, some in hijabs, enter the theatre and walk through the audience holding Palestinian flags and signs reading “UM funds genocide” and “ACAB,” an anti-police slogans that stands for “all cops are bastards.”
Some cheering can be heard from the crowd, while one man in the audience stands and shouts “get out!”…
Police enter the hall as the third warning is screened, reading, “The disruption has continued despite two warnings. In an effort to continue the event, disruptors will now be escorted out.”
Witnesses on social media say the interruption lasted a few minutes.
I was attending the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance commencement Friday when a pro-Palestinian protest broke out.
The protest lasted a few minutes before police arrived and the protestors left.
— Thad Green (@thadgreen) May 3, 2024
This is INSANE.
These people HATE us and they HATE America.
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 4, 2024
Some people in the audience launched into chants of ‘USA!’
Pro hamas protesters interrupt University of Michigan's graduation ceremony, and the parents break out in USA chants. Watch 👇
— Paratrooper Brady 🇺🇲 (@82ndairborneBT) May 4, 2024
If you went to Michigan, you find this amazing.
Takes a lot to get the far Left Michigan crowd to become vocally pro-American.
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D. (@neoavatara) May 4, 2024
As I mentioned above, this is coming to a school near you. Columbia, which has been a hotbed for this behavior, is already having second thoughts about their commencement ceremony.
NBC News reports:
Columbia is rethinking its commencement ceremony in the wake of campus protests
Columbia University is rethinking its commencement plans after weeks of pro-Palestinian protests ended with authorities forcing their way into a barricaded school building and arresting dozens of people, according to a source at the university and two members of student government.
The source at the university said the main commencement ceremony was slated to be canceled, but smaller events were still being planned.
After a meeting with top university leaders Friday, two members of student government said administrators indicated they are not sure they can hold a commencement ceremony on the main Morningside Heights campus in Manhattan because of security concerns.
It is unclear if final decisions have been made.
For these student protesters, shutting down or disrupting commencement ceremonies is an expression of power.
Any schools that cave to them are led by fools.
Featured image via Twitter video.
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An ongoing protest issue at many college campuses is the demand for schools to divest any investment in Israel, often referred to as BDS. BDS stands for boycott, disinvestment, and sanction Israel with one of its goals is to restore the Israel back to the 1967 pre war borders.
My question is, why these students continue to attend the same schools while protesting them?. Their enrollment in those schools, paying tuition, fees and money for other costs of attendance is confusing to me. They are in fact supporting the same group of people that they are protesting against. Are they taking scholarship money or reduced tuition from their enemy, are they basically prostituting themselves to the same colleges and universities for a reduced cost of attendance?
They don’t have to be enrolled at that particular school, why don’t they find schools that meet their criteria and enroll there? They can certainly protest against the schools they oppose while getting an education at what they would consider a more friendly school to their cause.
Probably because it’s not their money paying for these pointless degrees in Lesbian Dance Theory.
Some are Progressive “missionaries” much like the Soviet party youth sent to the farms to push collectivization. Look at Washington and Lee….. students enrolled and then began pushing for removal of not only “Lee” but Lee’s body.
Exactly! Like Muslims going to Catholic universities and making demands for prayer rooms and halal meals; or the woman who went to the Catholic college and demanded free birth control. Though there appears to be more danger with the islamists. They are anti-American and want conquest.
Actually some interesting companies that do support Israel, including Disney, got to read up on that one to believe it
“For over a year and a half, IHRC and InMinds have launched a new series of leaflets identifying companies for boycott because of their continued support for the apartheid state of Israel. Those who capitulate for whatever reason can only be dealt with from consumer/user boycott. This is an instant/overnight certain depreciation where it hurts – their pockets. The companies listed on IHRC and InMinds hit list have all been selected on the basis of their size and the level of support they have provided to Israel following the start of its genocidal bombardment of Gaza October 2022.
The truncated list contains 18 multinationals, most of them household brands, to make boycotting more practical. Top of the list is McDonalds, on a global scale. McDonalds has donated free meals to Israeli soldiers, introduced a 50% discount for military personnel and hired a team of lawyers to fight suggestions that they are distributing free meals to Palestinians in Gaza.McDonalds is joined by its arch rival Burger King which is also donating free meals to Israeli forces.
Also on the list are Coca Cola, its competitor Pepsico which between them own a range of other household fast food chains of Starbucks, Costa and Lays. Coca Cola not only maintains a manufacturing plant in a West Bank settlement but it is also donating supplies to the Israeli military.
Pepsico has also donated millions of dollars to unnamed Israeli organisations.
On the media front broadcaster Fox and production houses Disney and Paramount all make the list for donating to organisations that directly support Israeli forces.
Here’s the list :”
All these colleges and universities need to do is enforce the Code of Student Conduct that is already in place. They should have been doing so all along…. but you know, initially they were only disrupting Conservative events and administration and the Board of Directors approved of that wholeheartedly. Now things are getting even more out of hand than anticipated.
I really hope that bill-footing, loan co-signing parents start pulling their students from these institutions at record setting rates.
Demonstrations like this are not “pro Palestinian”. They are pro terrorist! Many actively promote terrorism.
ACAB, eh?
I propose ACES.
All Commies Eat Shit.
Many farm animals digestive systems are not very efficient, so farmers feed their shit to hogs. We should do the same with militant Muslims. Those who commit more serious crimes should be tried, then if guilty of a capital crime, become hog feed.
Gutfeld had the best idea recently. He finally asked!
Arrest them and put them in a cell where there is a continuous loop of the atrocities and sounds of October 7 playing.
Mixed in with MEMRI clips or the like.
Allow them to see what they are missing. Give them a chance to undupe and take the brown shirts off.
Meh, those videos will probably make them happy 🙄
Doubt it. They are not all incorrigible. And even the worst of them need a reality dose of the extent of the atrocities, over and over as they wait for justice.
“Allow them to see what they are missing. Give them a chance to undupe and take the brown shirts off.”
Not a jest at all. Many of these fools have no clue. That is why they are described as dupes. Groomed to hate by haters. Let them see what they enable. Surely others are past reproach, and they have been so for many years. Durban, 2001, and before.
A good point — we’re seeing tweets and videos about how a fair proportion of the students (as opposed to the outside agitators) really don’t know the issues. They’re just there.
If i had worked hard to complete a four year degree and these clowns showed up to disrupt graduation I would make sure at least one of them got unmasked and injured.
They got three warnings? How about no warnings and police drag out and arrest the survivors.
Where is the UMich football team when you need them?
A few days ago, I saw “ACAB” scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk by the UC Irvine encampment alongside, “F— cops”.
UC-Riverside gave in super quickly. To think that once upon a time I was faculty at UCI.
Quick fix is just hand out cattle prods to the security guards. Stand up and start shouting and you get a cattle prod to the ribs. I guarantee that they won’t be doing that again. FJB
let the leftists in their youth see what their beloved future looks like if they continue to support the yasser youth
When my dad was alive, we used to watch every Sunday night.
That was actually supposed to be a text to someone. But it was a fun time.
All Poison Ivy League universities and the wanna-be Poison Ivy League universities are lost causes. This is how they are going to be, except they will be getting worse over time. Their educations, college experiences, and ceremonies are now devoted to the modern Materialist Dialectic. The interesting part that is endemic to the Left, resolving disputes over the Dialectic with purges, is not that far away.
If you are a student of other than said Dialectic, you need to be elsewhere. They have the support of the government and the Left. If you ARE a student of said modern Materialist Dialectic, go there by all means; but don’t expect patriotic Americans to be willing to hire you.
Subotai Bahadur
Heck, Michigan became as lost as cali after the last election. The repub party is a bunch of loser rinos and they lost it all.
Jim Runestad
Michigan Democrats are terrified Biden will implode and drag them down. So today they bet the bank and went all out to codify election fraud into state statute with SB 603.
Today they smashed through this gigantic pile of election-fraud-enabling legislation today with Democrat only votes.
SB603 Repeals current law that gives authority to bipartisan county Boards of Canvassers to investigate fraud and other wrongdoing including ballot tampering during recounts.
With the passage of their (election-fraud-enabling) Bill, there will be no future route for requesting a recount if you believe there was fraud.
Under their corruption bill, candidates will be prohibited from requesting a recount if they suspect fraud and is designed to stop investigations of election fraud by the Board of Canvassers.
This disgusting bill will now permit clerks to recount ballots even if seals are broken on ballot containers and was essentially written by the Secretary of State who was reversed multiple times, by our Supreme Court for her illegal election decisions.
The bill changes the standard for a candidate or party to petition for a recount of election results from alleging there has been “mistake or fraud” in the process to now only permitting alleging there has been an “error.”
So even if the candidate or Party is absolutely convinced there was fraud, this cannot be alleged or investigated.
To boot, this Democrat’s bill makes it tougher to do a recount by doubling the recount petition fees and making it a felony for ‘interfering’ with a recount without any clear definition of what that means to open up more “LAWFARE.”
If passed as is, the language is changed to prohibit a recount, investigation or audit of the conduct of an election when fraud is alleged to only a determination of the number of votes cast for one candidate or another, or a ballot question.
Lastly, the bill says a recount could not assess the qualification of the voters participating in an election, or the manner in which ballots are applied for, or issued to voters.
Wow isn’t that a doozy. If illegals, or dead people, or those not registered in Mich. are voting, we cannot “assess the qualification of those voters or the manner in which those ballots were applied for and issued to these voters.”
Yep, the Democrats have completely thrown off the mask with this terrible bill attempting to win at any cost-our Republic… be damned.