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Anti-Israel Harvard Students Used Church For ‘People’s Commencement’ Without Disclosing Purpose In Advance

Anti-Israel Harvard Students Used Church For ‘People’s Commencement’ Without Disclosing Purpose In Advance

“We are dismayed that the church became the locus of a large student protest. We are angered that this overly political message took place in the sanctuary.”

Anti-Israel students at Harvard made a big show of walking out of their graduation ceremony this weekend, but they were just getting started. They then entered Harvard-Epworth Church where they imposed a ‘People’s Commencement’ on everyone else.

This was done as a reaction to the 13 student protesters who were blocked from graduating by the Harvard Corporation.

It’s truly sad to see what has become of this once great institution.

From the Harvard Crimson:

Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout

The leadership of Harvard-Epworth Church, the venue that held the “People’s Commencement” following the pro-Palestine walkout at Harvard’s graduation, said they were angered and dismayed that the church became the site of a large-scale protest, according to a Friday email sent to the church’s congregation.

Mitch Hay and Barb Lemmel, the pastors of the church, wrote in a joint email that they did not grant Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine permission to host the protest and were under the impression that they rented out the venue to a “small student group” to honor the 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating.

“The protest in the sanctuary was in no way approved by Harvard-Epworth,” Hay and Lemmel wrote.

“We are dismayed that the church became the locus of a large student protest. We are angered that this overly political message took place in the sanctuary. We are troubled that we were not present to provide in-person leadership, as we are currently in Italy on vacation,” they added.

During the pro-Palestine alternative graduation, HOOP organizer and Harvard Law School graduate Lea H. Kayali told attendees that the church was “generously offered” to organizers for the ceremony.

But Lemmel wrote in a Saturday statement to The Crimson that church leadership were not informed of the “People’s Commencement,” of any impending demonstrations, or of HOOP’s involvement.

Just look at this circus.

Here’s more:

Are the people who run Harvard embarrassed?

Do they have any idea how this looks to people?

Featured image via Twitter video.


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“t’s truly sad to see what has become of this once great institution.”

Nothing like projecting BS. Great institution my ass.

Teddy R might be the last great graduate in my book.

King’s College, now known as Columbia University might have been back in the late 1700’s.

Go Blow is right up with a S piled higher school.

Definitely a few Muslim dressed middle aged instigators there

And young, rich, very stupid people

“We are dismayed at the lack of awareness and respect for our sacred space.”

I have no concrete basis for this, but the words “reaping” and “sowing” come to mind. It would be interesting to know what had been preached in that church prior to this incident.

    nordic prince in reply to Gosport. | May 26, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    Woman preacher should give you a clue.

      DSHornet in reply to nordic prince. | May 27, 2024 at 5:35 am

      Some denominations have female pastors, some don’t. According to Norris below, it’s a UMC church, which explains this. Their doctrines allow them.

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to DSHornet. | May 27, 2024 at 6:51 am

        Used to buy UMC for range use when I lived in the States until I decided Winchester white box didn’t foul the bore as much. Your mileage may vary.

        nordic prince in reply to DSHornet. | May 27, 2024 at 10:14 am

        With the “Epworth” in the name, I figured it was probably Methodist. I know that in recent years the Methodists capitulated to female “pastors,” but having been raised Methodist I also knew that was never their historical position. Just because they now “allow” it doesn’t make it Biblical – hence my original comment.

          DSHornet in reply to nordic prince. | May 28, 2024 at 1:36 am

          Understood. The Bride and I are members of a Presbyterian church, PCA not PC(USA). PCA is quite conservative with doctrines that faithfully adhere to Scriptural principles. PC(USA) not so much. They strayed dramatically a long time ago, kind of like UMC. Hence PCA growing from PC(USA) much like Global Methodists branching off from UMC.

    henrybowman in reply to Gosport. | May 27, 2024 at 2:10 am

    My first thought as well.
    It’s a bitch when liberation theology comes home to liberate your own real estate.

destroycommunism | May 26, 2024 at 9:14 pm

the church ,,as history proves and the current pope shows,

are socialists

they collect the goods as capitalists and demand that the governments provide for the people via “social distributions” aka socialism

In case it is not clear, the Harvard-Epworth Church is a United Methodist church near Harvard Law School. It is not part of the university.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Norris. | May 27, 2024 at 9:25 am

    In case it’s not clear, Lemmel is a Chaplain at Harvard. So the Harvard-Epworth Church does have a connection to Harvard.

    And to quote from her page,

    I’m committed to social justice ministry, especially issues of racism, LGBTQIA+ equality, and climate change

    Pretty much says it all about her theology. Or lack thereof.

      She says she’s co-pastoring with her “partner.” I guess a “minister” shacking up with her partner and leading the church is okay with The Almighty. Funny – I hadn’t noticed any changes in Scripture that would allow this.

      Sheep and wolves.

Mitch and Barb are “dismayed”. “The world we are birthing” Liberation theology meets miseducation. Prospective employers should closely review the various videos of the various “world birthers” and “Justice warriors” befouling their schools. “Without justice there can be no peace” a prescription for life long rage and anger.