Anti-Israel Activists at Drexel U. Want Administrators to Remove Jewish Student Groups From Campus

They’re just coming right out and saying it now. Amazing.

Campus Reform reports:

Drexel students demand administrators remove Jewish student groups from campusDrexel University anti-Israel campus occupiers demanded that administrators “terminate” its chapters of both Hillel and Chabad, two Jewish student organizations.The Drexel Palestine Coalition (DPC) set up the encampment on Saturday and made a wide-ranging list of demands to administrators, including demands to close a Starbucks, end printing services with Hewlett-Packard, end agreements with Israeli universities, and more.The group also demanded that Drexel administrators terminate the university’s Hillel chapter, which it describes as a “global zionist campus organization.”It also called on administrators to terminate Drexel Chabad, “due to welcoming an ex-IOF soldier.”The DPC also demanded that Drexel President John Fry “publicly and explicitly condemn the Israeli settler colonial project and ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine.”Included in the list is a demand for Drexel to divest from “partnerships with Israeli state institutions and non-Israeli entities that fund and uphold the system of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestinians.”The group also demanded that Fry receive a pay cut of 60%, with funds being redistributed into affordable housing, partnerships with Palestinian institutions, and rebuilding of Palestinian hospitals and universities.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel