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Anti-Israel Activists at Drexel U. Want Administrators to Remove Jewish Student Groups From Campus

Anti-Israel Activists at Drexel U. Want Administrators to Remove Jewish Student Groups From Campus

“publicly and explicitly condemn the Israeli settler colonial project and ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine”

They’re just coming right out and saying it now. Amazing.

Campus Reform reports:

Drexel students demand administrators remove Jewish student groups from campus

Drexel University anti-Israel campus occupiers demanded that administrators “terminate” its chapters of both Hillel and Chabad, two Jewish student organizations.

The Drexel Palestine Coalition (DPC) set up the encampment on Saturday and made a wide-ranging list of demands to administrators, including demands to close a Starbucks, end printing services with Hewlett-Packard, end agreements with Israeli universities, and more.

The group also demanded that Drexel administrators terminate the university’s Hillel chapter, which it describes as a “global zionist campus organization.”

It also called on administrators to terminate Drexel Chabad, “due to welcoming an ex-IOF soldier.”

The DPC also demanded that Drexel President John Fry “publicly and explicitly condemn the Israeli settler colonial project and ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine.”

Included in the list is a demand for Drexel to divest from “partnerships with Israeli state institutions and non-Israeli entities that fund and uphold the system of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestinians.”

The group also demanded that Fry receive a pay cut of 60%, with funds being redistributed into affordable housing, partnerships with Palestinian institutions, and rebuilding of Palestinian hospitals and universities.


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retiredcantbefired | May 24, 2024 at 1:17 pm

They demanded the president take a pay cut?

Administrative cooperation doesn’t extend that far.

Wimps! Shame on them for forgetting to remove the rich, white colonialist Catholic nun, Katherine Drexel, from the name of the place & replace it with some native who only took people’s scalps & enslaved other Indians!?!

The Jewish student population at Drexel is just over 5%. I am fairly sure it is a private school that cost $42k a year for undergrad degrees. Drexel administrators have a few choices. If Philly has a catch and release DA’s office then agree to everything to get them to leave and then do nothing. If the DA will process arrests then admins should give them a deadline to vacate. If they are still there get twice as many cops and haul them off to jail on felony trespass.

henrybowman | May 24, 2024 at 4:17 pm

Have they reserved the train cars yet?

destroycommunism | May 24, 2024 at 4:40 pm

asians and je ws study hard and become excellent in their practices ( mostly speaking)

the others create violence for their rubber stamped degrees