A 13th Oregon County has Voted to Join the “Greater Idaho” Secession Movement

The last time I reported on the “Greater Idaho” movement, 12 counties in Oregon had voted to secede from the deep blue state to join their red neighbor, Idaho.

That was last summer.

Now, as the summer of 2024 begins, lucky 13 has just agreed to secede!

Another right-leaning county in eastern Oregon has voted to secede from the Democrat-run state and join neighboring Idaho, according to reports.Crook County residents passed the measure by a 53% majority Tuesday, making it the 13th county in the state to sign onto the movement known as “Greater Idaho,” NewsNation reported.“The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward,” said the Greater Idaho movement’s executive director Matt McCaw.“With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes.”

The vote is not legislatively binding, and passage of the measure simply means residents are in favor of informing Oregon and federal representatives that they support negotiations to join Idaho.

The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward,’ Greater Idaho Executive Director Matt McCaw said.’With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes.We call on the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President to sit down with us and discuss next steps towards changing governance for eastern Oregonians, as well as for the legislature to begin holding hearings on what a potential border change will look like.”For the last three years we’ve been going directly to voters and asking them what they want for their state government,’ President Mike McCarter added.’What they’re telling us through these votes is that they want their leaders to move the border.

As a Californian, I would like to offer this modest proposal:

There are plenty of reasons the good people of these 13 counties want to disassociate themselves with the “utopia” of the progressive portions . . . especially Portand. Some recent stories featuring that urban hellscape include:

But times may be changing in Oregon.

Uber-progressive Portland, Ore., just kicked its soft-on-crime, cop-hating district attorney to the curb: Manhattan, take note.On Wednesday, Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt lost to one of his own deputies, Nathan Vasquez — who ran entirely on a return to sanity.Schmidt, one of the many woke prosecutors boosted into office by George Soros and affiliated soft-on-crime groups, took over in August 2020 at the height of the George Floyd protests and immediately announced the vast majority of riot-related offenses wouldn’t get prosecuted.

So, even if secession plans stall, there may be some hope for the good citizens of those 13 Oregon counties.

Tags: Democrats, Idaho, Oregon