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VIDEO: Iran Police Attacking, Arresting Women Who Resist Hijab Law

VIDEO: Iran Police Attacking, Arresting Women Who Resist Hijab Law

Actual oppression of women.

The Iranian regime started a new phase implementing the mandatory hijab law:

“From today the police in Tehran, as in other provinces, will implement their measures against this sort of violation of the law regarding hijab,” the capital’s police chief Abbas Ali Mohammadian said on live television, according to Persian language news outlet Iran International.

“People who did not pay attention to previous police warnings will be specially warned in the city from today and legal action will be taken against them,” Mohammadian went on to say.

The crackdown is said to be based on a directive made by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during the Eid al-Fitr prayer sermon last week, when he called for a zero tolerance policy and what he called “religious norm-breaking.” “The hijab issue, which has now become an imposed challenge, did not exist before,” Khameni said in the sermon, in which he blamed hijab refusal on “the intervention of foreigners,”

The regime passed the hijab law last year, but “the approval process is still ongoing after some objections by the Guardians Council, including questions over how the law will be enforced.” reported that police arrested the wife and daughter of Ahmadreza Abedzadeh, the former Iranian national football team goalkeeper.

The IRGC claimed the police arrested the women for “creating tension and fighting with officers.”

Video shows the morality police attacking and arresting women who refuse to wear the hijab.


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Why the deafening silence from all the “intersectional” feminists when it come to basic human rights for iranian women?

There is a lot of small penis energy that emanates from Iran. Only a Pencil D would treat a woman like this. Gaza has a lot of the same energy.

I hope the Iranian people decide not to put up with this, and that they revolt. But I am more concerned about the Iranian attacks on Israel, and I consider any civil disruption in Iran only insofar as it weakens the Iranian attacks on Israel.

It’s just culture. Women’s liberation has been marching in place for a hundred years. Maverick feminist Emma Goldman on what her movement developed into: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.”

Instead of being a woman, women are aspiring to be second-rate men.

Read 4 or 5 pages of Choreographies (don’t bother about obscurities and wait for the gems) Derrida and Christine MacDonald.

I can’t stand all the western fake feminists and all the willing women who help the pigs arrest these women

IQ’s 75

Hope these oppressed women are not hoping for western feminists to speak out. They only care about the right to kill their unborn babies

On the plus side, hijabs might be good protection from flash burns caused by nuclear detonations.

Just sayin.

What’s the difference between not wearing a hijab in Iran and praying in front of an abortion clinic in the U.S.?

(It’s not a joke)

    Azathoth in reply to George S. | April 18, 2024 at 9:34 am

    The problem is that the people praying have their own hijabs they want women to wear.

    ‘Modest’ clothing turns quickly to morality police and dress code enforcement given the slightest chance.

    And the government has already been getting the populace accustomed to dressing as they demand with the rise of school uniforms.

    What an unholy alliance.

    But this is how the march through the institutions works –that subtle melding of right and left with something both the church and state want.

    Before long though……

The Iran resistance and the women fighting for freedom there are real heroes fighting against overwhelming odds, certain reprisal, and receiving zero support from the US, Europe or any international feminists groups. It’s truly sad to hear so called feminists say “oh it’s just their culture” and scoff at the Iranian women who just want to be free to walk down a street without being harassed by “morality police,” while these same feminists scream and organize protests against Donald Trump and the “war on women.” As far as I can tell Trump loves women and I mean really loves women. Whatever misogynist behavior we encounter in the US is nothing compared to what the women of Iran are going through, and to be fair the women in many middle eastern countries that allow honor killings, forced marriage, domestic violence and give women no right to drive, divorce, or go out without a male family member “supervising.” But what can be expected of Western elite thinkers these days they all seem to be longing for some sort of totalitarian regime to tell them what to do, how to think and what to say. If you are cheering on the Iranian government, while shouting down and swearing at an elderly Holocaust survivor, you truly have no moral compass.

    henrybowman in reply to schmuul. | April 18, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    They want a tyrant king to rule them, but one they get to choose. You can see it in all the political dynasties that exist on the Democrat side of the aisle.

    What the US needs is more S&M clubs… give these people something to fulfill their lives other than screwing up our politics.

destroycommunism | April 18, 2024 at 2:46 pm

omars district in 2030