Vanderbilt University Student Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protest Has Link to Biden White House

The Vanderbilt University anti-Israel protest story keeps coming up in new developments. One of the students who was expelled, has a tie to the Biden White House.

The College Fix reports:

Vanderbilt student arrested and expelled for role in anti-Israel sit-in has ties to White HouseDetails emerged this week regarding one of three Vanderbilt University students arrested for allegedly assaulting a security guard amid raucous anti-Israel protests inside an administration building late last month.All three students who were arrested have reportedly been expelled from the university.Moreover, one student protester was suspended and 22 students were put on probation, the Vanderbilt Hustler student newspaper reported, citing social media posts by the student activist groups, as campus officials have declined to state specifics, citing privacy laws.Florida native Jack Petocz is one of the three arrested and expelled. He has vehemently denied he touched a security guard, posting on X: “I did not touch a community service officer, nor am I anywhere near the individual in the video. I’d implore you to trust a student activist over rich, powerful, white men, but that’s your choice.”A security video published by the Tennessee university shows protesters forcibly entering Kirkland Hall, pushing past a security officer who tried to prevent them from entering.Petocz, a freshman, is a veteran activist, even at such a young age. He justified his actions, and blamed the school for its actions, in a stream on X. He said he believes the school was wrong to arrest and suspend students “for peacefully protesting the genocide in Palestine.”The 19-year-old is a semi-professional agitator, according to Red State, which described him as an instructive exemplar of “the various astroturf protests around the country.”

See below:

That’s the same student who posted this:

Tags: Antisemitism, Biden Administration, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, White House