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U. Wisconsin Anti-Israel Protesters Chant ‘Heil Hitler’ at Jewish Students

U. Wisconsin Anti-Israel Protesters Chant ‘Heil Hitler’ at Jewish Students

I was told this doesn’t happen.

University of Wisconsin-Madison police confirmed a bunch of anti-Israel protesters chanted ‘Heil Hitler’ at Jewish students.

The tents remain at UW-Madison, too. UW-Milwaukee told students it’s against the law to camp on school grounds. Their demands:

  • Disclose all financial assets and “divest accordingly,” including investments made by the UWM Foundation. The school said the foundation is a separate legal entity and that it cannot control its investments, which are in mutual funds. The foundation can’t divest from specific companies in those funds, it said.
  • Cut ties with weapons manufacturers and commit to no future deals with organizations that “profits from or supports the occupation of Palestine.” The school said it does not have investments in weapons manufacturers.
  • End study abroad trips to Israel and research partnerships with institutions in Israel. The school said it does not have any active study-abroad trips to Israel and that preventing faculty from engaging with Israeli institutions would infringe on academic freedom.
  • Release a statement condemning the “ongoing genocide of Palestinians by the apartheid state of Israel.” The school repeated its call for the release of hostages and for a ceasefire.



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Hostile environment lawsuits need to fly. Unfortunately, with a state school like this, that just costs the taxpayer, while the administration that allowed this to escalate to this point will go on whistling.

Getting close to the point of no return for the Biden WH and d/prog in Congress, State Legislature, Gov, other Statewide office holders and Academic leaders. Either they appease these spoiled brats and the way leftist weirdos who finance them or they support the views of the middle-class, blue collar taxpayers who are likely to draw the line on Nazi symbols and slogans.

destroycommunism | April 30, 2024 at 5:50 pm

so when will fjb label his blmplo buddies as a te rror org??!!

destroycommunism | April 30, 2024 at 5:52 pm

the pro freedom people should have responded to them…

whose your daddy?

thalesofmiletus | April 30, 2024 at 5:55 pm

Are these those Christian Nationalists? I was told they were dangerous.

    wagnert in atlanta in reply to thalesofmiletus. | May 1, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    No, these are Atheist Internationalists. Even the one who have never been out of the country, except for that fishing trip to Canada.

    They’re all really nice. You’ll find that out when they’re mostly peaceably protesting on your lawn.

Morning Sunshine | April 30, 2024 at 5:58 pm

WHY is this ok? seriously? At what point do the people who support the Palestinians in Gaza decide that their other supporters have crossed a line?

At what point do parents of these kids say this is not ok? Their grandparents? Do these kids have even HAVE a social framework outside their college bubble? Or have they been so disconnected from extended family and inter-generational contact that they have no one to tell them it is wrong.

And, I think, that is one of the saddest things I will think today: that a whole generation of our people have no IRL community to help guide them to right and moral decisions; just a mob that accepts them so they go to where they are accepted.

    destroycommunism in reply to Morning Sunshine. | April 30, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    the welfare state in america provide the basic groundworkings for the excuse makers to lead their fatherless homes and inner self hate/anger against the world

    america is just an easy target

    Why are you so surprised to find out that Communists have no standards and no morals?

    HamiltonNJ in reply to Morning Sunshine. | May 5, 2024 at 8:12 am

    These “protesters” see themselves as the victims, the ones without any power.
    Israel has all the power, therefore these loonies can do or say whatever they want to their “oppressors,” and nobody is allowed to stop them.
    The race baiters and BLM folks use the same tactic. The oppressed can lash out at their oppressors (white people) because they have all the power, and therefore aren’t allowed to fight back.

destroycommunism | April 30, 2024 at 6:12 pm

Our Oprah led world
thats what this is

UNC Chapel Hill arrested 36 protesters, half of them students, who broke past a barricade and lowered the American flag while raising a Palestinian flag. They are still in jail. Funny how half seem to be professional protesters…

    txvet2 in reply to Oracle. | April 30, 2024 at 8:33 pm

    Per the school admin, virtually none of the protesters at UT Austin are actually UT students.

    lc in reply to Oracle. | April 30, 2024 at 9:43 pm

    The Chancellor then came to help raise the American flag. They have also cleared the encampment. Kudos to him.

    schmuul in reply to Oracle. | May 1, 2024 at 8:27 am

    These are paid for “consultants” basically the same yahoos running those DEI seminars or moldy old “hippies” who know how to disrupt, be violent, and get away with it. They don’t care that they are hurting these kids future, after all these kids will likely be the next generation of paid for “consultants.”

If you think it’s bad now, wait until Joe Biden lets a million (or more) Gaza ‘refugees’ into the country. In every measurable way, this country will be unrecognizable in another decade.

Where is the audio? Play it far and wide. Until this behavior is saturated, let it continue. Nazis in America must be exposed.

Maybe Biden should revise his notion that white supremacy is the greatest threat to Democracy and that POC are. They’ve clearly embraced a Nazi style anti-Semitism. But what Biden means by Democracy really means a totalitarian agenda.

All that is needed now to complete this comedy is for a large contingent of pro-NAZI skinheads to show up on campus in a show of solidarity with the students. The FBI won’t know who to infiltrate and support!

As if we needed any clarification on who the Nazis are, the leftists have made this perfectly clear.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Ironclaw. | April 30, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    Yet, somehow, these very same students are convinced Trump is a fascist and they’re the anti-fascists.

    “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
    The Red Queen in Through the Looking Glass

I’d assume it’s saying Jews are the Nazis now, a perfectly Palestinian position.

If you’re fighting over who’s most oppressed, you can’t win, especially against a population that’s a lot stupider than you are.

It’s a little clever in tossing Jews’ Holocaust victim card back at them to hurt their feelings. I don’t know if they know that’s what they’re doing though, as they’re not noticing their own victim card.

The right argument would be about moral behavior vs immoral behavior, e.g. trade with Palestinians vs shooting it down and blowing it up. Not about victimhood superiority.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | May 1, 2024 at 8:37 am

    Pedantic and pointless as always. Go back to rape apologetics, eugenics, and middlebrow cultural references from your freshman syllabi.

Students get expelled for using the wrong pronoun nowadays, but this is acceptable to the woke progressive leftists??


The Gentle Grizzly | April 30, 2024 at 8:29 pm

This is a follow-on comment that covers what’s been said in other threads. It may be time for resurgence of the Jewish defense League. It is definitely time for return of Jewish men walking 2×2 like they used to do in the old neighborhoods at the turn of the previous century.

As for the students making demands, they need to be told that they’re the children here and that the people from whom they’re making the demands are the parents. Shut up and get back to school.

    “”Shut up and get back to school.””

    Too late for that. Time for “Go find a job”.

    Capitalist-Dad in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | May 1, 2024 at 9:10 am

    Their true colors are showing now. These moral lepers siding with Hamas terrorists are the modern equivalent of Nazi Brownshirts. All Hamas-lovers engaged in assault, intimidation, criminal vandalism, and criminal trespass should be expelled from the universities. The foreigners among them should have their visas revoked and be deported (we don’t need terrorist-lovers in our country).

Pretty soon REAL employers with REAL work to do in the REAL world will start disqualifying candidates with 4 year and post bach degrees.

Who am I kidding… they already do.

This illustrates why the sole dissent (Alito) in the Westboro Baptist Church case was likely correct: this is not protected speech or the expression of a viewpoint or opinion but rather the intentional infliction of mental distress. Snyder v. Phelps, 562 US 543 (2011). In the Westboro case, nuts from the Westboro Baptist Church picketed a military funeral with signs condemning homosexuality. It was a cruel, callous act. even though the deceased soldier, Matthew Snyder, was not gay.). The protestors turned what should have been a private time for grieving into a horrific event.

    Milhouse in reply to nisquire. | April 30, 2024 at 10:49 pm

    No, Alito was not correct then and would not be correct to say the same thing now. Inflicting mental distress simply by making someone hear a message they don’t like cannot be a crime. Freedom of speech would be meaningless if one could only convey messages that the audience liked.

Note that in a large majority of cases of such chants, displays of swastikas, etc., at protests, the intent is not to support nazis but exactly the opposite, to accuse the other side of being nazis. We’ve seen such displays at right-wing protests against Disney, against the Canadian government, against 0bamacare and various other Democrat offenses, and we’ve always insisted that that’s what they meant, and called Democrats idiots for pretending it meant the nazis are on our side.

I think it’s at least more likely than not that the same is true in this case; the people shouting “Heil Hitler” at Jews did not mean to convey support for Hitler but to accuse the Jews of supporting him. After all, this has been the perverse anti-zionist narrative for decades now, that the roles have reversed and Israel is the new Third Reich, that the Jews are treating the Nazis’ Arab allies the same way that the Nazis treated them.

So while these protesters are certainly objectively pro-nazi, and quite possibly also subjectively, this chant doesn’t prove it.

    Gosport in reply to Milhouse. | April 30, 2024 at 11:01 pm

    IMO it’s not a matter of them supporting Hitler per se. It’s demonstrating that they share his viewpoint concerning Jews.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Gosport. | April 30, 2024 at 11:25 pm

      Yes, they’re approving of Hitler’s attempt to eradicate the Jews, which would have preempted the situation in which the “Palestinians” now find themselves. They may not support Hitler himself, but they believe the Holocaust a was a disaster only because it wasn’t successful.

      Gosport in reply to Gosport. | May 1, 2024 at 6:21 pm

      Also count in the shock value of the chants and the fact that they are going for maximum publicity.

    Capitalist-Dad in reply to Milhouse. | May 1, 2024 at 9:19 am

    The moral lepers shouting “Heil Hitler,” and “There’s only one solution,” are educated adults and know, or should know, exactly what their chants imply: eradication of Jews in Israel and treating them as if they had yellow stars everywhere else. If they now claim to be ignorant and gullible, tough luck! Stupidity shouldn’t shield moral lepers from the consequences of advocating, often violently and illegally, for siding with vile Hamas terrorists.

    CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | May 1, 2024 at 12:08 pm

    Well that.seems like a fact question for a jury to decide. The folks shouting Nazi slogans and displaying Nazi symbols while directing their vitriol at Jews and in some.cases blocking their access to the classes and campus the tuition of Jewish and other students/faculty who ain’t part of the pro Hamas mob paid for can certainly make that argument at trial.

Parents that fund their child’s tuition at UW -Madison love their children as much as the Palestinians love theirs.

The vile and evil Dhimmi-crats, joined by their goose-stepping, Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist allies whose obnoxious and totalitarian pathologies and predations they’ve whitewashed, enabled and lauded, are without a doubt the new National Socialists.

Capitalist-Dad | May 1, 2024 at 8:53 am

Their true colors are showing now. These moral lepers siding with Hamas terrorists are the modern equivalent of Nazi Brownshirts. All Hamas-lovers engaged in assault, intimidation, criminal vandalism, and criminal trespass should be expelled from the universities. The foreigners among them should have their visas revoked and be deported (we don’t need terrorist-lovers in our country).

@LegalInsurrection – please stop calling them “Anti-Israel protesters.” This is a coordinated, well-financed anti-American uprising. The anti-Israel aspect of it is just a cover.

WildernessLawyer | May 5, 2024 at 6:44 am

Isn’t it strange that college and universities (and the federal department of Education suddenly go deaf when the left engages in “hate speech.” It’s almost as if they are only interested in suppressing speech they don’t agree with. Must be my imagination.